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The monthly hourly medians of maximum electron density, NmF2, at two Pakistani ionospheric stations, Karachi and Islamabad, have been determined for solar minimum (1996) and solar maximum (2000) and compared with IRI predictions using the URSI coefficients. At night and pre-noon period the NmF2 values at both stations are almost equal during the 2 years. However, at post-noon the values at Karachi are considerably larger than those at Islamabad due to the equatorial or geomagnetic anomaly. Karachi (geomag. coord. 16.44°N, 139.08°E) lies near the region of the equatorial anomaly (+20 and −20 geomagnetic latitude), so most of the NmF2 values at Karachi are larger than those at Islamabad (geomag. coord. 24.46°N, 145.67°E). The maximum monthly values of NmF2 show a semi-annual variation at Karachi and Islamabad both during 1996 and 2000 as predicted by IRI.  相似文献   
The Athens Neutron Monitor Data Processing (ANMODAP) Center recorded an unusual Forbush decrease with a sharp enhancement of cosmic ray intensity right after the main phase of the Forbush decrease on 16 July 2005, followed by a second decrease within less than 12 h. This exceptional event is neither a ground level enhancement nor a geomagnetic effect in cosmic rays. It rather appears as the effect of a special structure of interplanetary disturbances originating from a group of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the 13–14 July 2005 period. The initiation of the CMEs was accompanied by type IV radio bursts and intense solar flares (SFs) on the west solar limb (AR 786); this group of energetic phenomena appears under the label of Solar Extreme Events of July 2005. We study the characteristics of these events using combined data from Earth (the ARTEMIS IV radioheliograph, the Athens Neutron Monitor (ANMODAP)), space (WIND/WAVES) and data archives. We propose an interpretation of the unusual Forbush profile in terms of a magnetic structure and a succession of interplanetary shocks interacting with the magnetosphere.  相似文献   
分析了2004年3月13日12:15到12:25UT期间TC-1和Cluster卫星簇的磁通门磁力计(FGM)和电子/电流试验仪(PEACE)的联合观测数据.在此期间,TC-1卫星位于日下点以南的磁层顶附近的磁鞘中,并在12:19UT左右观测到了一个典型的先正后负的磁鞘磁通量传输事件(FTE);而Cluster卫星簇位于北半球日侧高纬磁层项附近,并于12:23UT左右穿出磁层顶进入磁鞘,且在12:21 UT左右也观测到了一个典型的先正后负的磁层FTE.比较分析发现此两个FTE具有类似的磁场结构和等离子体特征,可能是同一个北向运动的FTE先后被TC-1和Cluster卫星观测到.利用Cluster 4颗卫星的多点同时观测数据,采用最小方向微分法和时空微分方法,推断Cluster卫星观测的这个FTE是尺度大小约为1.21Re的准二维结构,其运动方向为东北方向,与Cooling模型预测方向基本一致.利用Cooling模型的预测,推算了TC-1卫星在12:19UT观测的FTE的运动速度和尺度,进而得出随着通量管的极向运动,其速度和尺度均有所增加.  相似文献   
Vegetable cultivation plays a crucial role in dietary supplements and psychosocial benefits of the crew during manned space flight. Here we developed a ground-based prototype of horn-type sequential vegetable production facility, named Horn-type Producer (HTP), which was capable of simulating the microgravity effect and the continuous cultivation of leaf–vegetables on root modules. The growth chamber of the facility had a volume of 0.12 m3, characterized by a three-stage space expansion with plant growth. The planting surface of 0.154 m2 was comprised of six ring-shaped root modules with a fibrous ion-exchange resin substrate. Root modules were fastened to a central porous tube supplying water, and moved forward with plant growth. The total illuminated crop area of 0.567 m2 was provided by a combination of red and white light emitting diodes on the internal surfaces. In tests with a 24-h photoperiod, the productivity of the HTP at 0.3 kW for lettuce achieved 254.3 g eatable biomass per week. Long-term operation of the HTP did not alter vegetable nutrition composition to any great extent. Furthermore, the efficiency of the HTP, based on the Q-criterion, was 7 × 10−4 g2 m−3 J−1. These results show that the HTP exhibited high productivity, stable quality, and good efficiency in the process of planting lettuce, indicative of an interesting design for space vegetable production.  相似文献   
In this paper, using the Gauss-Rotation model (GR model), we analyse the UV C IV resonance lines in the spectra of 20 Oe-stars of different spectral subtypes, in order to detect the structure of C IV region. We study the presence and behavior of absorption clouds and analyse their characteristics. From this analysis we can calculate the values of a group of physical parameters, such as the apparent rotational and radial velocities, the random velocities of the thermal motions of the ions, the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM), the optical depth, as well as the absorbed energy and the column density of the independent regions of matter, which produce the main and the satellite clouds of the studied spectral lines. Finally, we present the relations between these physical parameters and the spectral subtypes of the studied stars and we give our results about the structure of the C IV region in their atmosphere.  相似文献   
Surface chemistry of airless bodies in the solar system can be derived from remote X-ray spectral measurements from an orbiting spacecraft. X-rays from planetary surfaces are excited primarily by solar X-rays. Several experiments in the past have used this technique of X-ray fluorescence for deriving abundances of the major rock forming elements. The Chandrayaan-2 orbiter carries an X-ray fluorescence experiment named CLASS that is designed based on results from its predecessor C1XS flown on Chandrayaan-1. We discuss the new aspects of lunar science that can be potentially achieved with CLASS.  相似文献   
We describe a new version of the Parameterized Regional Ionospheric Model (PARIM) which has been modified to include the longitudinal dependences. This model has been reconstructed using multidimensional Fourier series. To validate PARIM results, the South America maps of critical frequencies for the E (foE) and F (foF2) regions were compared with the values calculated by Sheffield Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model (SUPIM) and IRI representations. PARIM presents very good results, the general characteristics of both regions, mainly the presence of the equatorial ionization anomaly, were well reproduced for equinoctial conditions of solar minimum and maximum. The values of foF2 and hmF2 recorded over Jicamarca (12°S; 77°W; dip lat. 1°N; mag. declination 0.3°) and sites of the conjugate point equatorial experiment (COPEX) campaign Boa Vista (2.8°N; 60.7°W; dip lat. 11.4°; mag. declination −13.1°), Cachimbo (9.5°S; 54.8°W; dip lat. −1.8°; mag. declination −15.5°), and Campo Grande (20.4°S; 54.6°W; dip lat. −11.1°; mag. declination −14.0°) have been used in this work. foF2 calculated by PARIM show good agreement with the observations, except during morning over Boa Vista and midnight-morning over Campo Grande. Some discrepancies were also found for the F-region peak height (hmF2) near the geomagnetic equator during times of F3 layer occurrences. IRI has underestimated both foF2 and hmF2 over equatorial and low latitude sectors during evening-nighttimes, except for Jicamarca where foF2 values were overestimated.  相似文献   
Magnetic data from a newly commissioned Indian Antarctic station Bharati (corrected geomagnetic (CGM) coordinates 74.7°S, 97.2°E) and closely-spaced IMAGE chain observatories (∼100° magnetic meridian in Northern hemisphere) has been analyzed to study the climatology of substorms which were localized poleward of the standard auroral oval. We considered four austral summers (year 2007–2010) when data from Bharati was available. Several very high latitude substorms were observed in this duration when the solar activity remained unexpectedly low for a long time. Various features of very high latitude substorms, e.g., local time dependence, interplanetary state, hemispherical asymmetry and their nightside low latitude signatures are examined. Events studied here, suggested the following properties of substorms occurring at very high latitudes: (1) maximum occurrence was observed near magnetic midnight (21:00–02:00 MLT). (2) In contradiction to earlier reports, many substorms were observed even during negative IMF Bz condition. In addition, majority of substorms occurred during low or moderate solar wind streams. (3) Magnetic signatures were often pronounced in the winter hemisphere. (4) Even if widely used standard AE indices fail to monitor very high latitude substorms, their low latitude signatures are often evident.  相似文献   
Halophilic archaea are of interest to astrobiology due to their survival capabilities in desiccated and high salt environments. The detection of remnants of salty pools on Mars stimulated investigations into the response of haloarchaea to martian conditions. Natronorubrum sp. strain HG-1 is an extremely halophilic archaeon with unusual metabolic pathways, growing on acetate and stimulated by tetrathionate. We exposed Natronorubrum strain HG-1 to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, similar to levels currently prevalent on Mars. In addition, the effects of low temperature (4, −20, and −80 °C), desiccation, and exposure to a Mars soil analogue from the Atacama desert on the viability of Natronorubrum strain HG-1 cultures were investigated. The results show that Natronorubrum strain HG-1 cannot survive for more than several hours when exposed to UV radiation equivalent to that at the martian equator. Even when protected from UV radiation, viability is impaired by a combination of desiccation and low temperature. Desiccating Natronorubrum strain HG-1 cells when mixed with a Mars soil analogue impaired growth of the culture to below the detection limit. Overall, we conclude that Natronorubrum strain HG-1 cannot survive the environment currently present on Mars. Since other halophilic microorganisms were reported to survive simulated martian conditions, our results imply that survival capabilities are not necessarily shared between phylogenetically related species.  相似文献   
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