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Conclusion In this paper we have been concerned with the results of theoretical calculations of the interaction between a fast moving body and a tenuous plasma. Particular attention was paid to the case where the velocity of the body is much smaller than the velocity of neutral particles and ions, while the dimensions of the body are sufficiently large in comparison with the Debye radius. Such conditions are realized during the motion of artificial satellites or space rockets through the ionosphere, or through the interplanetary medium in the immediate neighborhood of the earth. Although this case has, on the whole, been investigated quite extensively, there are still a number of problems which require further analysis. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account the effect of the electric field on the motion of ions in the near zone at the rear of the body. Another important problem is that of magnetic disturbances. In the case of scattering of radio waves by the trail of the body, it would be interesting indeed to know the increase in the effective cross-section in the resonance region in which 0. A number of other research problems which arise in the analysis of phenomena in the neighborhood of a moving body have been noted in the Introduction.In the lower layers of the ionosphere it is important to allow for the fact that the dimensions of the body are comparable with the mean free path. Under these conditions there is the further interesting problem of the heating and additional ionization of the plasma, the disintegration of the surface, and the emission of waves. At large distances from the surface of the earth, the dimensions of the body may become comparable with the Debye radius, and the velocity of the body in the given region may become smaller than the thermal velocity of the particles. The character of the various disturbances introduced by the body under these conditions will also require a special investigation.Thus, the interaction of a moving body with plasma leads to special and exceptionally varied effects. Disturbances due to the body are very considerable, so that the physical state of the region surrounding the body is very different from the state of the undisturbed medium.The above results indicate that the phenomena in the neighborhood of satellites and space rockets in the ionosphere, or the interplanetary medium, must be taken into account, in the processing of experimental data when it is required to deduce information about the state of the undisturbed medium. This is particularly important in the analysis of the results of measurements obtained with various types of probes. Considerable errors may be introduced if these effects are not allowed for.Further extensive experimental and theoretical studies of the structure of the disturbed region in the neighborhood of moving bodies in plasma are clearly necessary. Such investigations will, in particular, lead to the development of the most effective methods of studying the properties of the media through which satellites and space rockets travel.Translated from the Russian: Ob effektah vyzyvaemyh iskusstvennym sputnikom bystro dviimsja v ionosfere ili meplanetnoj srede (Uspehi fizieskih nauk 79, 23–80) by Express Translation Service.  相似文献   
A technique of optimizing the electrode system of the differential recorder for the aircraft time-of-flight ion-marking airspeed and aircraft angle of attack sensor by the criterion of ion-marking recording error variance minimum is considered. The technique is based on analyzing the function of spatial distribution for the ion-marking and recorder electrode interaction field potential and determining a point for which this function reaches the maximum slope. The relations making it possible to synthesize the sensor electrode system by the complex criterion as a ratio of error variance to transformation channel response are obtained.  相似文献   
Scholer  M.  Treumann  R. A. 《Space Science Reviews》1997,80(1-2):341-367
This is a brief overview on what we know and do not know about the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) at the flanks of the magnetotail. On the basis of recent observations, simulations and theories we conclude that reconnection is the dominant process in generating the LLBL and its structure probably even under northward IMF conditions. Part of the LLBL always seems to be on open field lines. Possibly the LLBL possesses a double structure with its outer part open and inner part closed. Anomalous diffusive processes cannot sustain the LLBL but provide sufficient diffusivity for reconnection. Strong diffusion is only expected in narrow localized regions and can make the transition to superdiffusion. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) is favoured for northward IMF, producing vortices at the tail flanks. Its contribution to efficient mass transport still remains questionable. Coupling of the LLBL to the ionosphere can strongly affect the internal structure of the LLBL, causing turbulent eddies and detachments of plasma blobs as also field-aligned currents and electron heating. The structure and dynamics of the LLBL are affected by field-aligned electric potentials that decouple the LLBL from the ionosphere. Non-ideal coupling simulations suggest that the dusk flank is decoupled, favouring KHI, while the dawn flank is dominated by currents and turbulence.  相似文献   
The methodical grounds for helicopter operation with respect to the technical condition for the state of the art of aeronautical engineering are analyzed and generalized. The most essential engineering solutions on developing the systems for monitoring the helicopter operating conditions are considered. The promising lines for further development of these systems are designated.  相似文献   
The equilibrium between the rods and panels in the ribbed shells is considered based on the total system of structural mechanics equations as applied to a discrete model. Also shown is an approach to solving the problems that permits the stiffness matrix of shear panels to be obtained with regard for the equilibrium along the boundary with rods. The connection with the standard hybrid method of constructing stiffness matrices is indicated. The solutions for separate elements and examples illustrating the approach being proposed are presented.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of calculating nonstatitionary heat exchange between a heattransfer agent (water) and a gadolinium working element of the thermomagnetic engine with the use of ANSYS 13.0 certified software. Recommendations for designing the thermomagnetic engine working elements are given based on the analysis of calculation results.  相似文献   
An exact analytical solution of the thermoelasticity problem is presented for a multilayer shallow cylinder with physical properties of the medium that are constant in the limits of each layer. The effect of thermal shock of different intensity as well as the penetration depth of thermal disturbance on the distribution of radial and circumferential thermal stresses has been studied as applied to the one- and two-layer cylinder. It has been shown that the circumferential compressive stresses appear on the external surface of the cylinder under thermal shock while the tensile stresses appear on the internal surface.  相似文献   
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