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INTRODUCTIONIn recent years,the study of lateral jets hasaroused more interest of aerodynamicist all overthe world.On the one hand,the interacting flowfield caused by lateral jet includes complicatedshock wave patterns and has important values tostuding flow phenomena.It has been not veryclear to this day and it is very difficult for nume-rical simulation.On the other hand,lateral jethas important applications for the field of aero-nautics,astronautics and weapons:for example,lateral jet …  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONLarge- scale complex eigenvalue problemsarising in continuum physics and engineering ap-plications are important not only because theyyield fundamental knowledge on the systems be-ing studied,they also provide a challenging con-textforthe developmentof numerical and analyt-ical techniques in their solution.In this paper,we re- examine the well- known Orr- Sommerfeldproblem which governs the linear stability of par-allel shear flows.More specifically,we are con-cerned with the …  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONIn CFD there are two kinds ofboundary con-ditions,free surface or substance interface[1,2 ] .In order to accurately simulate these boundaries,we must deal with the following problems,thediscontinuity and the time evolution of theboundaries.In Eulerian grid system,boundaries movewith fluid. When calculating the convectionterm,the flow field will be time averaged for ev-ery a few time steps.Therefore the discontinuityof boundaries is lost with averaging process.VOF( volume of…  相似文献   
1  LORENZ TRANSFORMATIONEXISTED IN AERODYNAMICANALYSISIn earlier paper a relation between magnetand fluid is deduced.Naturally we can think thedeep meaning of it.And man asks:does theaerodynamic system also has the character ofmagnet field?To answer this question,relativityspace- time wave equation are analyzed.It de-scribes the same phenomena of the wave equationof compress fluid in normal space and time.It isamazement.In normal compressible fluid thenon- dimensional simp…  相似文献   
引言“气动逻辑”能以多种形式和用普通原理来实现。“气动逻辑”是通过使用压缩空气而不是电作为动力,为工厂和设备提供类似继电器或固体电子逻辑的顺序闭锁和控制功能。“逻辑”要涉及到器件预先规定的操作和将闭锁线路表示为“逻辑图”的绘图习惯和符号。1.历史和发展逻辑线路曾用传统的运动充气组件(通常是与空气压缩设备相连的短管阀)组成,但这样的组件有很多的缺点,如:  相似文献   
管道相连泄爆容器中粉尘爆炸的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用管道相连容器进行了工业规模的粉尘爆炸实验,目的是研究粮食粉尘在管道相连的加工和输送工业设备中发生粉尘爆炸时火焰和爆炸压力的传播过程及粉尘的Kst值对爆炸的影响.实验装置为一个气力输送系统,由两个不同体积的容器通过管道连接构成.采用粮食工业上具有代表性的两类粉尘进行了粉尘爆炸测试,爆炸从一个容器中通过管道传播到另一个容器中并引发了随后的二次爆炸,测试了不同位置的火焰和压力信号.实验结果表明:即使在起爆容器采取了泄爆措施,管道中没有粉尘喷入的情况下,粉尘爆炸火焰也可沿管道传播达30m并引发二次爆炸;随着粉尘爆炸指数的增大,初始爆炸的猛烈程度增强,火焰传播速度加快,二次爆炸的猛烈程度也随之增强.  相似文献   
The present paper investigates the impact of the velocity and density ratio on the turbulent mixing process in gas turbine blade film cooling.A cooling fluid is injected from an inclined pipe at α=30° into a turbulent boundary layer profile at a freestream Reynolds number of Re∞=400000.This jet-in-a-crossflow(JICF) problem is investigated using large-eddy simulations(LES).The governing equations comprise the Navier-Stokes equations plus additional transport equations for several species to simulate a non-reacting gas mixture.A variation of the density ratio is simulated by the heat-mass transfer analogy,i.e.,gases of different density are effused into an an air crossflow at a constant temperature.An efficient large-eddy simulation method for low subsonic flows based on an implicit dual time-stepping scheme combined with low Mach number preconditioning is applied.The numerical results and experimental velocity data measured using two-component particle-image velocimetry (PIV) are in excellent agreement.The results show the dynamics of the flow field in the vicinity of the jet hole,i.e.,the recirculation region and the inclination of the shear layers,to be mainly determined by the velocity ratio.However,evaluating the cooling efficiency downstream of the jet hole the mass flux ratio proves to be the dominant similarity parameter,i.e.,the density ratio between the fluids and the velocity ratio have to be considered.   相似文献   
The present paper describes an LES prediction of turbulent diffusion flame combustion in a simplified axi-symmetric combustor geometry.The calculations are carried out using a well-tested finite volume incompressible LES code which has been modified to handle variable density and reacting flows.The basic mixture fraction conserved scalar method is used with the chemical state relationships described by fast chemistry.The turbulence-chemistry interaction is modelled by a sub-grid PDF method and the PDF is assumed to follow a Beta-function shape.The LES predictions have been time-averaged over 3.5 flow-through times to generate the mean radial profiles of mixture fraction,product mass fraction,temperature,axial velocity and axial rms.The agreement of the LES predictions with the experimental data is good for all the above quantities at four different axial positions with largest differences at the first measurement plane.The LES method also provides information on the unsteady nature of turbulent diffusion combustion. For turbulent reacting flows with large density ratio,it was found necessary to use a relaxation method in order to remove unphysical high-frequency fluctuations and to maintain numerical stability.   相似文献   
近几年钢纤维混凝在建筑领域的应用研究不断深化。本文介绍了用钢纤维混凝土取代梁、柱中的部分箍筋,从而提高了剪刀墙和联系梁结构的整体性。并在相同延性时比普通砼有更高的极限强度。  相似文献   
用钢纤维增强砼覆面修复工业接板,比全厚度更换能减少停工时间,延长使用寿命,且施工技术简单,费用合理。文中介绍了用钢纤维砼修复工业楼板的施工过程和应注意的问题,可供专业人员参考借鉴。  相似文献   
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