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本文提出了求解平面翼型亚、跨声速绕流的一个新方法。引入流函数和Von Mises变换后,亚、跨声速绕机翼无旋流动的基本方程组被化为以流线纵坐标y为未知量的单个二阶偏微分方程-流线控制方程。并通过变换将物理平面上的无限域变为计算平面上有限的矩形域,而后在计算平面采用有限差分线松弛迭代法求解。作为算例,计算了对称翼型NACA0012-34和非对称翼型NACA4412的亚、跨声速有攻角绕流,所得数值结果  相似文献   
Temporal and Spatial Variation of the Ion Composition in the Ring Current   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A global view of the ring current ions is presented using data acquired by the instrument MICS onboard the CRRES satellite during solar maximum. The variations of differential intensities, energy spectra, radial profile of the energetic particles and the origin of the magnetic local time (MLT) asymmetry of the ring current have been investigated in detail. O+ ions are an important contributor to the storm time ring current. Its abundance in terms of number density increases with increasing geomagnetic activity as well as its energy density. However, a saturation value for the energy density of O+ ions has been found. The low-energy H+ ions show a dramatic intensification and a rapid decay. However, its density ratio during the storm maximum is almost constant. On the other hand, high-energy H+ ions first exhibit a flux decrease followed by a delayed increase. Its density ratio shows an anti-correlation with the storm intensity. Both the positions of the maximum flux of O+ and He+ depend on storm activity: they move to lower altitudes in the early stage of a storm and move back to higher L-values during the recovery phase. Whereas the position of H+ and He++ show almost no dependence on the Dst index. The energy density distributions in radial distance and magnetic local time show drastic differences for different ion species. It demonstrates that the ring current asymmetry mainly comes from oxygen and helium ions, but not from protons. The outward motion of O+ around local noon may have some implications for oxygen bursts in the magnetosheath during IMF Bz negative conditions as observed by GEOTAIL.  相似文献   
某涡喷发动机压气机气动失稳过程的非线性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对某涡喷发动机压气机的气动失稳过程进行了相关积分分析。对节流过程中压气机静压信号进行延时嵌入重构,发现失稳过程中重构相空间的吸引子结构发生了显著变化;应用相关积分值作为压气机内部流动状况变化的评价指标,发现节流过程中压气机第1级端部的流动最先发生不稳定,随后第2级先于第3,4级发生不稳定征兆;1,2级的失速类型为渐进型失速,3,4级为突变型失速;第3级叶根最先发生不稳定,且发展较快,最终导致全叶高失速;低通滤波可以提高相关积分方法检测失速征兆的时效性。分析表明,非线性的相关积分分析方法是进行压气机气动失稳过程研究的有效手段。   相似文献   
磁层顶磁场重联是太阳风向磁层输入能量的主要方式.重联如何触发一直是空间物理研究的难点,其机制仍然有待深入研究.由于卫星穿越磁层顶时,很难恰好穿越重联发生的区域,因此难以观测到重联的触发条件.本文利用THEMIS卫星观测,确立了反演磁层顶重联点的方法.当重联刚开始发生时,卫星能够观测到离子的能量色散特征,可利用其计算卫星到重联发生位置的距离.沿着磁力线模型追踪该距离即可反演出磁层顶发生重联的位置.与其他方法进行了对比分析,结果显示本文方法比其他方法具有更高的精度.  相似文献   
In the past two years, most of the works on magnetospheric physics were made by using the data of Double Star Program and Cluster missions. However some works were still conducted by computer simulation or using the data from other space missions and ground geomagnetic observations. This paper briefly review these previous works based on papers selected from the 28 publications from April 2008 to April 2010. The subjects covered various sub-branches of magnetospheric physics, including geomagnetic storm, magnetospheric substorm and etc.  相似文献   
立足于现有装备的基础上,大力发展经济,可靠,方便的紫外干扰技术,对我军而言不啻是一种我服的有效手段,在原子物理学理论指导下,本文详细地介绍了产生紫外线光谱重要的一环,原子材料紫外光谱的产生方法,文章的末尾还给出了实验的结果。  相似文献   
磁扰动和磁静时近地等离子体片中脉冲电场的分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Geotail卫星的电场数据被用于分析近地磁尾等离子体片中电场在磁扰动(Dst<-25nT)和磁静时(Dst>-25 nT的统计分布.结果表明,伴随着地向高速离子流,在X>-16Re以内区域出现强电场(高达 5-8 mV/m).磁扰动期间强电场的幅值较磁静时大,并且出现在更靠近地球的位置.较强和较靠近地球的强电场与磁扰动时更薄的等离子体片和更接近地球的等离子体片内边界相联系.观测结果意味着磁扰动期间的亚暴可能更有效地将高能粒子注射到环电流中.这对磁暴和亚暴的关系问题的解决有重要意义.  相似文献   
本文用MHD二维不可压模式, 对Kelvin-Helmholtz不稳定性激发的非线性波动进行数值模拟.指出:K-H波动有两个吸引子:(1)定常吸引子;(2)周期吸引子.在Alfvén马赫数MA>8时, 波动长时间发展渐近于定常态;在MA<8时, 波动渐近于周期吸引子.在磁层顶K-H波动中, 一般MA<8, 波动幅度呈周期变化形态, 即包络孤立子形态.本文还讨论了磁场-磁层顶K-H不稳定性中的作用, 指出:磁场可大大加强从磁鞘向磁层顶的动量输运.  相似文献   
本文讨论了磁层顶可压缩K-H不稳定波的若干特性,包括磁场扰动和密度扰动的位相关系,扰动磁场的偏振特性,时间增长率的午前午后非对称性,空间增长率及磁层脉动的地方时效应和K-H不稳定波对IMF的响应。分析表明,上述诸特性对于了解磁层边界区MHD波的起源和K-H不稳定性同地磁脉动的关系十分重要。  相似文献   
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