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在研究二进制、带符号的二进制(NAF,Non-Adjacent Form)等常见标量乘法算法的基础上,结合椭圆曲线基点的周期特性和预计算倍点序列方式,提出了一种新的标量乘法算法,并给出了新算法的详细步骤.点的周期性和系数决定了直接进行标量乘法运算还是转化为求其逆元,预计算倍点序列方式避免了椭圆曲线密码体制(ECC,Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem)加解密过程中大量的重复运算.为验证算法的正确性,采用密钥长度为192 bit椭圆曲线,给出了一个具体实例.实例结果和算法分析表明:与二进制和NAF算法相比,新算法虽占用了一些存储空间,但省去了倍点运算的时间开销,同时减少了点加的运算次数,极大地提高了标量乘法运算的效率.该算法的提出对完善ECC理论和加快ECC在实际中的应用具有重要意义.   相似文献   
利用神经元拓展正则极端学习机预测时间序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现对于时间序列预测数据的准确预测,提出一种神经元拓展正则极端学习机(NERELM,Neuron-Expanding Regularized Extreme Learning Machine),并研究了其在时间序列预测中的应用.NERELM根据结构风险最小化原理权衡经验风险与结构风险,以逐次拓展隐层神经元的方式自动确定最佳的网络结构,以避免传统神经网络训练过程中需人为确定网络结构的弊端.应用于时间序列的仿真结果表明:NERELM可有效实现对于RELM最佳网络结构的自动确定,具有预测精度高与计算速度快的优点.   相似文献   
针对空间环境中热控涂层性能退化的问题,提出一种模拟空间环境中利用测热法实现热控涂层太阳吸收率原位测试的辐射计设计方案.结合模拟空间环境的测试要求,进行辐射计的原理设计与理论研究;对辐射计进行结构热分析,建立辐射计测试过程中各项换热的计算式,从而得到辐射计的瞬态计算模型.恒温测试环境下利用辐射计对SR107热控涂层进行了测试.实验结果表明:辐射计测试的SR107热控涂层太阳吸收率值与该涂层的标定值之间的相对误差在2%以内,测试的不确定度为6.3%,实验结果验证了该测试方法的有效性.   相似文献   
To investigate the effects of low-dose carbon ion irradiation on reproductive system of mice, the testes of outbred Kunming strain mice were whole-body irradiated with 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 Gy, respectively. We measured DNA double-strand breaks (DNA DSBs) and oxidative stress parameters including malondialdehyde (MDA) content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and testis weight and sperm count at 12 h, 21 d and 35 d after irradiation in mouse testis. At 12 h postirradiation, a significant increase in DNA DSB level but no pronounced alterations in MDA content or SOD activity were observed in 0.5 and 1 Gy groups compared with the control group. At 21 d postirradiation, there was a significant reduction in sperm count and distinct enhancements of DSB level and MDA content in 0.5 and 1 Gy groups in comparison with control. At 35 d postirradiation, the levels of DNA DSBs and MDA, and SOD activity returned to the baseline except for the MDA content in 1 Gy (P < 0.05), while extreme falls of sperm count were still observed in 0.5 (P < 0.01) and 1 Gy (P < 0.01) groups. For the 0.05 or 0.1 Gy group, no differences were found in DNA DSB level and MDA content between control and at 12 h, 21 d and 35 d after irradiation, indicating that lower doses of carbon ion irradiation have no significant influence on spermatogenesis processes. In this study, male germ cells irradiated with over 0.5 Gy of carbon ions are difficult to repair completely marked by the sperm count. Furthermore, these data suggest that the deleterious effects may be chronic or delayed in reproductive system after whole-body exposure to acute high-dose carbon ions.  相似文献   
在室内环境中,无线信道中的非视距和多径传输等效应严重影响了到达时间(TOA)定位系统的测距值精度,从而导致较大的测量误差和定位误差。将测距值优化抽象为非线性规划问题,在实现视距/非视距(LOS/NLOS)场景识别的基础上,利用TOA测距误差模型和“目标-基站”间的几何约束为序列二阶非线性规划方法设置合理的初始值,建立了目标函数和约束条件,对定位测距值进行了有效校正。利用典型的TOA测距误差模型进行了仿真验证,利用具有TOA测距功能的无线定位节点在办公环境中进行了实测验证。结果表明,该方法优化后的测距值精度明显优于原始测距值和传统的测距值修正方法,从而验证了该方法的有效性。   相似文献   
Pulsar navigation is a promising navigation method for high-altitude orbit space tasks or deep space exploration. At present, an important reason for restricting the development of pulsar navigation is that navigation accuracy is not high due to the slow update of the measurements. In order to improve the accuracy of pulsar navigation, an asynchronous observation model which can improve the update rate of the measurements is proposed on the basis of satellite constellation which has a broad space for development because of its visibility and reliability. The simulation results show that the asynchronous observation model improves the positioning accuracy by 31.48% and velocity accuracy by 24.75% than that of the synchronous observation model. With the new Doppler effects compensation method in the asynchronous observation model proposed in this paper, the positioning accuracy is improved by 32.27%, and the velocity accuracy is improved by 34.07% than that of the traditional method. The simulation results show that without considering the clock error will result in a filtering divergence.  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel lander anchoring system based on sawing method for asteroid exploration. The system is composed of three robotic arms, three cutting discs, and a control system. The discs mounted at the end of the arms are able to penetrate into the rock surface of asteroids. After the discs cut into the rock surface, the self-locking function of the arms provides forces to fix the lander on the surface. Modeling, trajectory planning, simulations, mechanism design, and prototype fabrication of the anchoring system are discussed, respectively. The performances of the system are tested on different kinds of rocks, at different sawing angles, locations, and speeds. Results show that the system can cut 15?mm deep into granite rock in 180?s at sawing angle of 60°, with the average power of 58.41?W, and the “weight on bit” (WOB) of 8.637?N. The 7.8?kg anchoring system is capable of providing omni-directional anchoring forces, at least 225?N normal and 157?N tangent to the surface of the rock. The system has the advantages of low-weight, low energy consumption and balance forces, high anchoring efficiency and reliability, and could enable the lander to move and sample or assist astronauts and robots in walking and sampling on asteroids.  相似文献   
从离子连续性方程和动量方程出发,比较全面地考虑了太阳光电离、星光电离、地冕电离、星际背景电离和流星离子流等电离源,综合分析Es层的主要动力学过程和光化学过程,以风剪切理论为基础,研究中性成分碰撞、电场作用、金属离子作用和分子离子作用等机制对离子分布的影响,建立了一维时变电离层Es物理模型.对离子产生率、垂直方向的离子速度在高度和时间上的变化进行仿真和计算,得到了在电场及风剪切作用下的离子密度剖面24h内的变化规律.根据建立的模型,以昆明相干散射雷达观测的径向风结果作为模型输入参考,仿真并得到了电离层Es电子密度的时空分布,据此反演出电离层Es临界频率f0Es.与昆明站电离层测高仪同时间观测的情况进行对比,结果比较一致,验证了建立的Es层物理模型正确性.  相似文献   
介绍了冲击响应谱基本概念及其试验设备的分类与工作原理,参考现行冲击试验台检定规程提出了针对该设备的校准方法,设计了一种基于虚拟仪器技术的新型冲击响应谱试验设备校准装置,给出了典型冲击波形(半正弦、矩形、后峰锯齿)的冲击响应谱仿真计算结果并进行了验证,计算结果与理论结果完全一致,证明算法准确可靠,能够实现对冲击响应谱试验设备的校准。  相似文献   
Es层是存在于电离层中的电子密度非常高的偶发E层(Sporadic E),其电子密度可达常规E层的100倍.电离层Es能够反射原本穿透F层的VHF低频段(30~150MHz)无线电波,而且对HF高频段(10~30MHz)无线电波传播具有显著影响.运用垂测和斜测观测数据,研究HF频段Es层电波传播特征,得到了不同类型及不同高度Es层的衰减系数.根据f0Es的日变化规律,可得HF频段衰减系数的日变化规律,进而分析并得到Es层对短波传播的影响.不存在电离层Es时,通常无法通过电离层实现VHF超远距离通信.为了对VHF链路通过电离层Es的传播衰减进行定量分析,根据EBU多条链路的观测结果,拟合并建立了电离层Es衰减模型.将该模型、ITU模型和观测数据进行对比,发现本文建立的模型准确度更高.利用建立的模型,对电离层Es不同临频f0Es条件下接收信号场强和电压随传播距离的变化进行了计算,结果可为VHF链路设计及建立提供参考.  相似文献   
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