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步进频雷达发射窄带脉冲,利用多个脉冲合成宽带成像,对发射、接收分系统和信号处理平台的要求相对较低,是获得目标高分辨距离像的一种有效技术手段.从雷达系统设计和工程应用的角度出发,对目前国内外研究提出的具有代表性的几种步进频成像频域方法和时域方法进行了论述;介绍了不同处理方法在雷达波形和工作方式设计、合成宽带成像的性能、工程实现难度和适用任务场景等方面的优点和不足;探讨了各种方法工程应用的可能性.相对于其他方法,一种基于子脉冲去斜的步进频合成宽带方法在工程上更易于实施.  相似文献   
雷达威胁环境下的无人机三维航迹规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种雷达威胁环境下应用A*算法进行低空突防三维航迹规划的方法。首先对地形高程数据进行综合平滑处理,建立满足无人机机动性能要求的安全飞行曲面,并结合雷达威胁量化模型,计算出地形遮蔽雷达盲区的范围,最后在满足地形遮蔽雷达盲区的安全飞行曲面上运用A*算法规划出三维飞行航迹。仿真结果显示,该算法能简单、快速地获得三维最优航迹,易于工程实现。  相似文献   
根据空间目标探测与识别雷达的任务要求,通过对雷达搜索、扫描、探测、多目标处理能力、分辨率的技术分析与经济性比较,给出了空间目标探测与识别雷达工作频段与体制选择的参考性结论。  相似文献   
针对高超声速飞行器俯冲段精确打击任务需求,提出了一种能够同时满足落速与落角约束的轨迹规划方法。建立了两段式轨迹规划策略,第一段采用参数化控制剖面调节飞行速度,第二段采用传统偏置比例导引律实现落角控制。将控制剖面的参数设计分解为多参数优化与单参数搜索两个问题:通过离线求解可行初始位置范围最大的多参数优化问题,提高控制剖面对初始偏差的适应性;通过在线求解带罚函数的单参数搜索问题,得到落速偏差最小的俯冲轨迹。结合高超声速飞行器模型,对所提出的俯冲轨迹规划方法进行了仿真。结果表明,该方法能够得到满足落速与落角约束的俯冲轨迹,具有较好的求解效率,且对初始状态偏差具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
针对高重合度外啮合直齿圆柱齿轮副,对其齿根弯曲应力计算方法进行了研究.计算了高重合度齿轮的轮齿变形和刚度,对单个轮齿承受的载荷进行了研究,给出了高重合度齿轮齿间载荷分配率的定义和计算方法.以高重合度齿轮的双齿啮合界点作为计算载荷的加载点,给出了高重合度齿轮齿根过渡曲线30°切线位置危险截面的双齿啮合区界点的齿形系数和应力集中系数计算方法,获得了齿根危险截面弯曲应力的计算公式;采用CL 100齿轮试验机,设计了不同重合度的外啮合齿轮副,测量了其齿根的弯曲应力数值,试验结果表明:在高载荷下主动轮的齿根弯曲应力理论计算误差小于7.85%,从动轮的计算误差小于9.8%;低载荷下主动轮的齿根弯曲应力理论计算误差小于24.1%,从动轮的计算误差小于19%.   相似文献   
The aero-heating of the rudder shaft region of a hypersonic vehicle is very harsh, as the peak heat flux in this region can be even higher than that at the stagnation point. Therefore, studying the aero-heating of the rudder shaft is of great significance for designing the thermal protection system of the hypersonic vehicle. In the wind tunnel test of the aero-heating effect, we find that with the increase of the angle of attack of the lifting body model, the increasement of the heat flux of the rudder shaft is larger under laminar flow conditions than that under turbulent flow conditions. To understand this, we design a wind tunnel experiment to study the effect of laminar/turbulent hypersonic boundary layers on the heat flux of the rudder shaft under the same wind tunnel freestream conditions. The experiment is carried out in the ?2 m shock tunnel(FD-14 A) affiliated to the China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center(CARDC). The laminar boundary layer on the model is triggered to a turbulent one by using vortex generators, which are 2 mm-high diamonds. The aero-heating of the rudder shaft(with the rudder) and the protuberance(without the rudder) are studied in both hypersonic laminar and turbulent boundary layers under the same freestream condition. The nominal Mach numbers are 10 and 12, and the unit Reynolds numbers are2.4 × 10~6 m~(-1) and 2.1 × 10~6 m-1. The angle of attack of the model is 20°, and the deflection angle of the rudder and the protuberance is 10°. The heat flux on the model surface is measured by thin film heat flux sensors, and the heat flux distribution along the center line of the lifting body model suggests that forced transition is achieved in the upstream of the rudder. The test results of the rudder shaft and the protuberance show that the heat flux of the rudder shaft is lower in the turbulent flow than that in the laminar flow, but the heat flux of the protuberance is the other way around,i.e., lower in the laminar flow than in the turbulent flow. The wind tunnel test results is also validated by numerical simulations. Our analysis suggests that this phenomenon is due to the difference of boundary layer velocities caused by different thickness of boundary layer between laminar and turbulent flows, as well as the restricted flow within the rudder gap. When the turbulent boundary layer is more than three times thicker than that of the laminar boundary layer, the heat flux of the rudder shaft under the laminar flow condition is higher than that under the turbulent flow condition. Discovery of this phenomenon has great importance for guiding the design of the thermal protection system for the rudder shaft of hypersonic vehicles.  相似文献   
基于非定常面元/黏性涡粒子法的低雷诺数滑流气动干扰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对太阳能无人机螺旋桨滑流与机翼的气动干扰,考虑了低雷诺数流动下气体黏性和压缩性影响,并根据黎曼边界条件和涡量等效原则建立了能够快速计算分析螺旋桨-机翼气动干扰的非定常面元/黏性涡粒子的混合方法。首先使用有试验数据的风洞模型以及数值模拟技术对混合方法进行验证,在此基础上研究了不同安装位置与工况下螺旋桨与机翼的气动干扰。结果表明:螺旋桨对轴向气流的加速以及滑流诱导的上洗和下洗效应使机翼气动力呈现出增升增阻的现象,机翼升阻比有所下降。较大的弦向间距以及较高的垂直安装位置在减缓机翼升阻比下降的同时也使得螺旋桨拉力有所减小。对于多个螺旋桨的气动干扰,不同的桨叶旋转方向导致机翼气动力不同的变化规律,当旋转方向与机翼翼尖涡反向时,螺旋桨滑流能够抑制翼尖涡的强度,提高机翼气动效率。  相似文献   
In order to enhance the safety of the catapult launch of the carrier-based aircraft,the catapult launch multibody dynamic model is established aiming at the problem of off-center catapult launch. The whole catapult process including four stages which are buffering,tensioning,releasing and taxiing is taken into consideration and the body dynamics of the off-center catapult during each stage is analyzed. The catapult launch dynamic differences between the conditions only considering taxiing and that considering four stages are compared,and the effects of the different initial off-center distances considering four stages on the attitude,landing gear load and acceleration of the carrier-based aircraft during catapult launch are discussed. The results show that only considering taxiing may underestimate the dynamics of the carrier-based aircraft substantially. When taking four stages into consideration,the initial off-center distance has small influence on the aircraft dynamic characteristics during buffering and tensioning but has larger influence on that during releasing and taxiing. The increase of the off-center distance will cause the enhancement of the aircraft rolling and yawing,which may lead to the load difference between the left and right landing gears and the increase of the aircraft lateral acceleration. The establishment and simulation of the catapult launch multi-body dynamic model founded on buffering,tensioning,releasing and taxiing provide reference for the carrier-based aircraft design and analysis of the catapult launch dynamics.  相似文献   
研究天然气/空气在发动机进气道中的混合特征以及喷射压力、流速和喷嘴布置对混合效果的影响.采用抽吸式风洞进行实验研究.进气流量由矩形通道中的喉道(声速面)控制.采用纹影对天然气/空气流场进行光学显示,得到了不同喷射压力、喉道高度和喷嘴布置(单列6喷嘴和3列18喷嘴)条件下的流场纹影照片.结果表明对指定喷射压力、喷嘴布置压力工况,当喉道高度为7.1mm,节流阀角度小于64.87°,天然气/空气混合流场与节流阀开度无关;当喉道高度为16.4mm,节流阀角度小于51.38°,天然气/空气混合流场也与节流阀开度无关.喷射压力和喷孔数决定着天然气的流量.尽管支架会引起流动阻力,影响进气效率,但支架喷射的混合效果要比壁面喷射的效果好.天然气流量由喷射压力和喷孔数决定,未观察到天然气向支板上游的气流中扩散.  相似文献   
基于国际上成功着陆的火星探测任务和未来火星着陆探测技术的发展需求,阐述了火星进入段自主导航的必要性。首先总结了火星进入段自主导航技术的研究现状与发展趋势,随后分析了火星进入段自主导航的特点以及所面临的挑战,并概括了火星进入段自主导航所涉及的关键技术。最后对我国未来火星探测任务进入段的自主导航技术发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
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