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周润  张征宇  杨振华  黄叙辉 《航空学报》2019,40(10):122800-122800
风洞试验中模型迎角的精准测量是降低阻力系数误差的重要途径之一,为此,提出了基于单应性矩阵的模型迎角单目视频测量方法。该方法通过两个单应性矩阵,获取试验过程中相机实时位姿和标记点物方空间位置坐标,应用坐标旋转关系,完成试验模型的迎角测量。数值仿真试验结果表明:迎角测量误差与待测标记点到风洞壁板间的距离偏差近似为线性关系,因此,当标记点不满足共面条件时,可根据该特点进行测量误差修正。静态标定和风洞迎角测量试验结果表明:修正系统误差后,迎角实测数据的测量准度在0.01°以内,精度不超过0.012°。本文方法易于实施,工程实用价值强。  相似文献   
舰载机壁板剪切后屈曲承载能力预测与试验验证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘存  张磊  杨卫平 《航空学报》2019,40(4):622300-622300
舰载机着舰撞击对机翼盒段产生巨大的扭矩,蒙皮以剪切形式承受扭矩,这是机翼壁板的重要设计工况。为准确预测加筋壁板剪切后屈曲承载能力,采用MSC.NASTRAN软件MRIKS弧长法,将线性屈曲分析的一致模态缺陷位移作为扰动引入后屈曲分析。考虑材料和几何双重非线性,对整体加筋壁板剪切试验件的后屈曲破坏过程进行模拟、对承载能力进行预测。根据剪切试验结果,进行对比分析。结果表明:有限元模拟的加筋板初始屈曲发生在蒙皮上,长桁足够大的相对刚度使得长桁与蒙皮连接线上出现屈曲节点,随着载荷增大,加筋壁板整体"坍塌",与试验现象一致。有限元分析(FEA)得到的初始屈曲载荷与试验结果的误差为1.25%,预测的极限承载载荷与试验破坏载荷的误差为2.4%。表明引入缺陷后的MSC.NASTRAN弧长法非线性后屈曲计算能够准确预测加筋壁板剪切后屈曲承载能力,为加筋壁板剪切试验和强度设计提供了分析方法。  相似文献   
激光功率与底面状态对选区激光熔化球化的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冯一琦  谢国印  张璧  乔国文  高尚  白倩 《航空学报》2019,40(12):423089-423089
为研究激光功率与底面状态对选区激光熔化熔池流动的影响,基于离散单元法建立了选区激光熔化铺粉模型,采用粒径分布与实验相符的马氏体时效钢粉末分别铺展到平坦底面和增材底面上,将计算获得的粉末分布导入到基于有限体积法建立的选区激光熔化熔池计算流体力学模型中,研究激光功率和基板底面粗糙度对熔池流动和熔道表面形貌的影响。采用激光单道扫描实验验证铺粉模型和选区激光熔化模型。结果表明:随着激光功率的降低,单位长度的球化数量增加;由于增材底面使熔池润湿性变差,同时又对熔池流动行为产生扰动,使得增材粗糙底面上熔道的球化数量增加。选区激光熔化铺粉模拟及激光单道扫描模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好。本研究可为选区激光熔化工艺中工艺参数的选择提供理论指导。  相似文献   
以新型四相横向磁通永磁电机为研究对象,利用MATLAB/Simulink软件平台以及Simpower System工具箱,对闭环控制系统进行了研究。在传统双闭环调速控制基础上,为滞环电流控制环引入零电平,将滞环分为上滞环和下滞环。综合考虑开关频率与电流THD确定合适的滞环环宽,并根据偏差电流值与滞环环宽比较值得到逆变器控制信号。通过仿真得到各种工况下的电机运行数据,说明该控制方法能够对四相横向磁通永磁电机进行有效控制。  相似文献   
王凯东  张超 《航空动力学报》2019,46(6):33-37, 54
针对传统直接转矩控制(DTC)方法低速控制精度差、转矩脉动大、开关频率不稳定等问题,提出了一种基于二阶滑模控制的永磁电机DTC方法。该控制方法基于二阶滑模控制原理,将传统磁链控制器与转矩控制器以滑模控制器替代,对空间电压进行矢量调制,提高了开关频率的稳定性,获得了良好的动态稳定性,改善了电机输出性能。仿真与试验结果表明,该控制方法能够有效减小电流脉动与转矩脉动,同时提高了控制系统的抗干扰能力,实现了电机的快速动态响应,具有较强的鲁棒性能。  相似文献   
Manmade debris and natural meteoroids, travelling in the Low Earth Orbit at a speed of several kilometers per second, pose a severe safety concern to the spacecraft in service through the HyperVelocity Impact(HVI). To address this issue, an investigation of shock Acoustic Emission(AE) waves induced by HVI to a downscaled two-layer Whipple shielding structure is performed,to realize a quantitative damage evaluation. Firstly a hybrid numerical model integrating smoothparticle hydrodynamics and finite element is built to obtain the wave response. The projectiles, with various impact velocities and directions, are modelled to impact the shielding structure with different thicknesses. Then experimental validation is carried out with built-in miniaturized piezoelectric sensors to in situ sense the HVI-induced AE waves. A quantitative agreement is obtained between numerical and experimental results, demonstrating the correctness of the hybrid model and facilitating the explanation of obtained AE signals in experiment. Based on the understanding of HVI-induced wave components, assessment of the damage severity, i.e., whether the outer shielding layer is perforated or not, is performed using the energy ratio between the regions of ‘‘high frequency" and ‘‘low frequency" in the acquired AE signals. Lastly, the direct-arrival fundamentalsymmetric wave mode is isolated from each sensing signal to be input into an enhanced delay-andsum algorithm, which visualizes HVI spots accurately and instantaneously with different sensor network configuration. All these works demonstrate the potential of quantitative, in situ, and real time HVI monitoring using miniaturized piezoelectric sensor network.  相似文献   
The Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Generator(DSEG) is a promising candidate in aircraft generator application due to the simplicity, robustness and reliability. However, the field windings and the armature windings are strongly coupled, which makes the inductance characteristics non-linear and too complex to model. The complex model with low precision also leads to difficulties in modeling and analysis of the entire aircraft Electrical Power System(EPS). A behavior level modeling method based on modified inductance Support Vector Machine(SVM) is proposed. The Finite Element Analysis(FEA) inductance data are modified based on the experiment results to improve the precision. A functional level modeling method based on input–output characteristics SVM is also proposed. The two modeling methods are applied to a 9 kW DSEG prototype. The steady state and transient process precision of the proposed methods are proved by comparing with the experiment results. Meanwhile, the modeling time consumption, the application time consumption and the calculation resource demand are compared. The DSEG behavior and functional modeling methods provide precious results with high efficiency, which accelerates theoretical analysis and expands the application foreground of the DSEG in the aircraft EPS.  相似文献   
Lightweight design is important for the Thermal Protection System(TPS) of hypersonic vehicles in that it protects the inner structure from severe heating environment. However, due to the existence of uncertainties in material properties and geometry, it is imperative to incorporate uncertainty analysis into the design optimization to obtain reliable results. In this paper, a six sigma robust design optimization based on Successive Response Surface Method(SRSM) is established for the TPS to improve the reliability and robustness with considering the uncertainties. The uncertain parameters related to material properties and thicknesses of insulation layers are considered and characterized by random variables following normal distributions. By employing SRSM, the values of objective function and constraints are approximated by the response surfaces to reduce computational cost. The optimization is an iterative process with response surfaces updating to find the true optimal solution. The optimization of the nose cone of hypersonic vehicle cabin is provided as an example to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
超燃冲压发动机燃烧模态转换直连式实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为获得燃烧模态转换过程对超燃冲压发动机工作特性的影响,在直连式实验台上,通过液态煤油流量的线性变化,开展了飞行马赫数4.5条件下燃烧室不同工作模态的转换实验。通过对特征位置和参数的监测,实现了燃烧模态的实时判别,获得了燃烧模态转换过程对发动机性能的影响规律。实验结果表明,在燃烧模态转换过程中滞环现象明显,燃烧室压力和发动机推力性能存在突变。在燃油流量以相同的速率增加和减小过程中发生模态转换时刻的燃油当量比存在差异,分别为0.55和0.488,两个转换点燃烧室比推相差8.05%。在滞环区间内,对于同一当量比,会存在两个不同燃烧模态,对应不同的发动机推力性能。  相似文献   
模式识别中幂变换正态性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在基于模板匹配的模式识别中,当数据呈正态分布时得到的识别效果最优。幂变换是一种将非正态分布转换为正态分布的一种有效方法,文中对幂变换技术的正态性问题进行了相关的研究,并探讨了典型分布条件下的幂变换最佳取值问题,为幂变换的应用提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
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