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本文提出了运行状态“综合监测”的观点,并介绍了齿轮传动装置运行过程中的温度、噪声、振动、红外光谱、铁谱和表面轮廓等方面进行综合监测的初步研究结果。   相似文献   
在研究排除某型机减速器振动过大故障中发现齿轮的一种新型振动模态即摇型节径振动模态。本文研究了其振动特性并由此阐明了减速器振动过大的机理。提出了两种特殊的调频方法,可将在工作转速上、下边界内的两摇型节径模态共振移出边界以外。论证了阻尼衬筒和阻尼圈减振的有效性。经采用齿轮减振措施后,减速器振动降到很低水平。   相似文献   
邱瑾  薛景川 《航空学报》1995,16(2):66-69
在结构疲劳寿命服从双参数Weibul分布假设的基础上,通过结构细节疲劳额定值的概念给出了结构破坏危险率与使用寿命的关系式,并通过实例计算得出了破坏危险率-寿命曲线。  相似文献   
邱向军 《航空学报》1987,8(3):206-210
在早期的模态综合法中,引起计算误差的主要原因是由于截去了高阶模态。文献[1~4]从不同角度揭示,剩余柔度模态和附着模态可以有效地补偿这种截断误差。在此基础上,已派生出两类新的自由界面模态综合法。第一类方法的特点是将子结构位移用自由界面模态与剩余柔度模态来表示,第二类方法的特点是用自由界面模态与附着模态来表示子结构位移。本文将指出,这两类方法是等价的。其等价性表现在剩余柔度模态与附着模态可以相互替换而不影响模态综合的最终结果。本文将以文献[4]提出的方法为例来证明该等价性,并在文末给出一个数值算例。  相似文献   
针对考虑热效应的壁板颤振问题,利用von Karman大变形应变-位移关系、气动力活塞理论和准定常热应力理论建立了埋入压电材料的复合材料板颤振的气动弹性力学模型,使用Bogner-Fox-Schmit单元推导出壁板颤振的非线性有限元方程.将该动力学方程转换到状态空间模型,给出了基于这个非线性模型的最优控制.应用Runge-Kutta方法在时域内对一个四边简支的含压电材料的复合材料壁板颤振的控制进行了仿真,数值结果证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   
暴露在低地球轨道(LEO)上的太阳电池阵,会与大量具有极强氧化性的原子氧发生碰撞,导致太阳电池阵中对氧原子敏感的Ag互连材料受到剥蚀。文章依据原子氧剥蚀Ag材料的机理,选取了约400 km高度轨道上1年时间内原子氧的累积通量作为最高剂量,进行了原子氧剥蚀不同厚度Ag互连材料的地面模拟环境试验。试验表明:Ag在原子氧作用下在宏观上会经历"氧化—剥落"的循环剥蚀过程。根据反应方程简化推导了Ag互连片的剥蚀厚度公式,同时结合试验结果计算出了不同厚度Ag互连材料的厚度损失率。该研究成果可为LEO太阳电池阵原子氧防护设计提供技术支持。  相似文献   
总量控制与排污权交易的理论分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从总量控制与排污权交易的概念出发,论述了排污权交易的基本理论和市场机制模型,分析了总量控制与排污权交易的经济、环境和社会效益,阐述了排污权的初始分配方式及交易方式。  相似文献   
In order to reduce the development cycle of mechanical products and corresponding toolings, a large number of components are utilized in these structures. Accordingly, automatic location method for components is a key issue in the research on intelligent computer aided design (CAD) techniques. Integrated with the investigation into intelligent design techniques for aircraft manufacturing toolings, in-depth researches on this issue are conducted. Formalized automatic location principles, representative methods and implementation algorithms are proposed and established. First, several terms and their formalized representative methods including process condition, location base and location operator are defined. Second, computation modeling of components automatic location and methods of location transformation are proposed. Then, definition of base structure and some key algorithms for automatic location are introduced. These principles and algorithms are developed, applied and verified in research project “Jig Intelligent CAD (JigICAD) System”.  相似文献   
 Associating environmental stresses (ESs) with built-in test (BIT) output is an important means to help diagnose intermittent faults (IFs). Aiming at low efficiency in association of traditional time stress measurement device (TSMD), an association model is built. Thereafter, a novel approach is given to evaluate the integrated environmental stress (IES) level. Firstly, the selection principle and approach of main environmental stresses (MESs) and key characteristic parameters (KCPs) are presented based on fault mode, mechanism, and ESs analysis (FMMEA). Secondly, reference stress events (RSEs) are constructed by dividing IES into three stress levels according to its impact on faults; and then the association model between integrated environmental stress event (IESE) and BIT output is built. Thirdly, an interval grey association approach to evaluate IES level is proposed due to the interval number of IES value. Consequently, the association output can be obtained as well. Finally, a case study is presented to demonstrate the proposed approach. Results show the proposed model and approach are effective and feasible. This approach can be used to guide ESs measure, record, and association. It is well suited for on-line assistant diagnosis of faults, especially IFs.  相似文献   
Developing successful and optimal solutions to mitigating the hazards of severe space radiation in deep space long duration missions is critical for the success of deep-space explorations. A recent report (Tripathi et al., 2008) had explored the feasibility of using electrostatic shielding. Here, we continue to extend the electrostatic shielding strategy and examine a hybrid configuration that utilizes both electrostatic and magnetostatic fields. The main advantages of this system are shown to be: (i) a much better shielding and repulsion of incident ions from both solar particle events (SPE) and galactic cosmic rays (GCR), (ii) reductions in the power requirement for re-charging the electrostatic sub-system, and (iii) low requirements of the magnetic fields that are well below the thresholds set for health and safety for long-term exposures. Furthermore, our results show transmission levels reduced to levels as low as 30% for energies around 1000 MeV, and near total elimination of SPE radiation by these hybrid configurations. It is also shown that the power needed to replenish the electrostatic charges due to particle hits from the GCR and SPE radiation is minimal.  相似文献   
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