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长期以来,模块化设计一直是弹载测控设备主流的实现方法。然而,模块间的信息交互方式没有统一的标准,研制单位根据自身的技术特点、信号特征进行定义,其定义的方式直接影响或决定了弹载测控设备实现的难易程度。为研发一种高效的弹载测控设备内部互联技术,使得在弹载测控设备性能要求越来越复杂的当下,让模块的连接更简单更高效,通用化程度更高,本文从功能上及硬件上对弹载测控设备进行精细化架构划分,分成三大核心模块及功能扩展模块,并定义一种高效的模块级内总线接口形式及协议。总线包含一次供电、二次供电及内部交联信号的输入输出,信号的交互采用半双工总线形式,各模块均可在线访问总线,在线编辑总线。经设计与实验验证,采用该总线的设计方法使得弹载测控设备对外接口交互简单,在线生成遥测PCM (Pulse Code Modulation,脉冲编码调制)码流便捷高效,功能扩展模块可自由地叠加或减少,不增加总线接口的硬件负担,使得弹载测控设备通用化程度很高。  相似文献   
一种基于能量参数的非局部缺口疲劳寿命预测方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了考虑应力集中对构件疲劳寿命的影响,采用能量参数作为疲劳损伤评估参量,发展了一种基于能量的非局部缺口疲劳寿命预测方法,该方法通过相同寿命条件下缺口试样与光滑试样的疲劳损伤等效关系确定用于定义缺口试样非局部临界体积的能量参数门槛值,并建立了能量参数门槛值与疲劳寿命的关系,进而通过迭代程序便可进行缺口试样寿命预测。试验验证结果表明:缺口试样能量参数门槛值与疲劳寿命在双对数坐标系下呈线性关系;所发展的方法对缺口疲劳试验试样的寿命预测精度较高,预测寿命分散带在2倍以内。  相似文献   
进场动力补偿器对自动着舰系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对保持迎角恒定的动力补偿器(APC)能否兼顾保持舰载机进场空速的问题,结合H-dot指令自动着舰系统(ACLS)的工作特点,对舰载机自动着舰过程中最常见的3种指令响应情况进行了理论分析。基于H-dot指令ACLS的控制器基本构型,通过仿真研究了保持迎角恒定APC中各类指令信号对ACLS纵向控制性能的影响。仿真结果表明:不同APC指令信号对ACLS纵向控制的影响程度不同;只要稳态飞行时舰载机航迹角不变,保持迎角恒定的APC就能维持进场舰载机的空速恒定。  相似文献   
为了实现对航空发动机零件非渗碳区域的有效防护,需要进行局部镀铜工艺的优化。通过脉冲镀铜正交试验和镀层孔隙率极差分析,确定了脉冲镀铜的主要和次要影响参数,优化了脉冲镀铜工艺参数。优化工艺脉冲制备的铜镀层结合力良好,表面形貌、孔隙率、防渗效果均优于直流镀铜层,将镀铜厚度由50~70μm降低到20μm,节约镀铜成本,且提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
徐秉俊  何中一  袁野 《航空动力学报》2017,44(8):112-114, 119
2017版风电机组功率特性测试标准与2005版功率测试标准的一大改变在于风速的定义,前者规定应基于风轮等效风速评估风机的功率特性。分析了新版标准中的风轮等效风速的定义,提出了计算叶尖低处区域面积和叶尖高处区域面积的简化算法,验证了两种风轮等效风速计算方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
袁化成  陈文芳  刘君  华正旭 《推进技术》2017,38(8):1717-1725
为了探究前体典型几何参数对高超声速前体/进气道气动特性的影响,在相同的前体外压缩角度和几何长度下,对基于圆锥截线参数控制横向截面的高超声速前体流动特性开展了三维数值模拟分析。采用控制变量法研究了高超声速前体宽度比、形状参数、形状角度参数以及水平半宽控制曲线次数对高超声速前体/进气道气动性能的影响。结果显示:上述四个几何参数对前体横向压力梯度的构建均产生一定的影响,导致前体横向溢流,进而影响前体/进气道的气动性能。增大前体宽度比、形状参数、水平半宽控制线次数,减小形状角度参数,可减小前体展向压力梯度及横向溢流,提高前体/进气道流量捕获特性,在本文研究范围内,上述参数变化对应的前体/进气道流量系数分别增加了25.1%,13.7%,20.3%及12.2%。  相似文献   
高精度、高分辨率的重力及重力梯度基准图是决定潜艇水下辅助导航定位精度的关键因素。我国海洋重力测量目前的主要比例尺为1:1000000,在局部区域可达1:500000,测线间隔分布相对稀疏。传统的网格化插值技术在远离测点位置时容易产生虚假异常,或异常特征发生偏移。构建了全张量重力梯度数据的6个梯度分量的联合网格化方法,利用各个梯度分量与引力位在波数域中的关系重构了引力位,实现了重力和重力梯度数据的再计算,从而实现了网格处理。通过模型数据和实测数据,验证了该方法在插值异常分辨率和位置准确性上具有优势。  相似文献   
基于TDLAS的电弧风洞流场Cu组分监测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈卫  伍越  黄祯君  王磊  袁竭  胡江华  王茂刚  朱涛 《航空学报》2019,40(8):122841-122841
电弧风洞是进行防热材料和防热结构考核与研究的必要设备,也是高超声速地面试验能力的重要组成部分,但电弧加热器的电极烧蚀会导致较为严重的流场污染,影响试验准确性。利用可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱技术(TDLAS),通过对20 MW级片式电弧加热器内部流场中Cu原子809.25 nm跃迁谱线进行实时测量,研究了电弧风洞流场中Cu污染情况和电极烧蚀情况。在获得Cu原子该谱线低能态数密度基础上,估算了运行功率分别在7.3、8.7、10.0和11.7 MW时流场中Cu组分(原子态和离子态)总数密度平均为10.6×1013、11.2×1013、11.7×1013和16.4×1013 cm-3,同时得到平均电极烧蚀率约为1.65×10-5 g/C。试验还发现,TDLAS信号在高温流场建立阶段起伏变化明显,并且在功率跃变时也会出现突然增强而后迅速回落的现象,表明电弧抖动会使电极烧蚀严重加剧。  相似文献   
Lamb Wave(LW) simulation under time-varying conditions is an effective and low cost way to study the problem of the low reliability of the structural health monitoring methods based on the LW and Piezoelectric Transducer(PT). In this paper, a multiphysics simulation method of the LW propagation with the PTs under load condition is proposed. With this method, two key mechanisms of the load influence on the LW propagation are considered and coupled with each other. The first mechanism is the acoustoelastic effect which is the main reason of the LW velocity change. The second key mechanism is the load influence on piezoelectric materials, which results in a change of the amplitude. Based on the computational platform of the COMSOL Multiphysics, a multiphysics simulation model of the LW propagation with the PTs under load condition is established. The simulation model includes two physical phenomena. The first one is called solid mechanics, which is used to simulate the acoustoelastic effect being combined with the hyperelastic material properties of the structure in which the LW propagates. The second one is called electromechanical coupling, which considers the simulation of the piezoelectric effect of the PTs for the LW excitation and sensing. To simulate the load influence on piezoelectric materials, a non-linear numerical model of the relationship between the load and the piezoelectric coefficient d31 is established based on an experiment of the load influence on the LW. The simulation results under uniaxial tensile load condition are obtained and are compared with the data obtained from the experiment. It shows that the variations of the phase velocity and amplitude of the LW obtained from the simulation model match the experimental results well.  相似文献   
Milling the free-end of cylindrical parts, which are vertically fixed on the machine table,often suffers from large chatter vibrations. This kind of phenomenon is harmful to the cutting process. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop means to suppress these undesirable chatters.This paper proposes a new idea for designing a tunable mass damper(TMD) to reduce vibrations in milling of cylindrical parts. Frequency response function(FRF) of the milling system is derived to comprehensively reveal the influence of both the dynamic response of the machine tools and the TMD. Critical axial depth of cut, which is usually used to characterize the process stability, is formulated by considering the FRFs of both the milling system itself and the TMD. Maximization of critical axial depth of cut is taken as objective function, while kernel dynamic parameters of TMD,which are involved in the derived expression of critical axial depth of cut, are extracted as designable variables. Optimization procedure is carried out to adjust the parameters of TMD by using sequential quadratic programming algorithm. A series of experiments with a designed passive TMD validate that the design has a good performance in reducing vibrations and improving stability of milling process.  相似文献   
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