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分析了等曲率和变曲率2类飞机侧壁部件的几何特点以及对柔性装配调姿的功能需求,设计了一种新型的面向大型飞机侧壁部件数字化装配的柔性工装机构;该机构基于精密三坐标定位器对侧壁部件进行装配调姿,可等效为6自由度并联机构,通过4条支撑臂对侧壁部件进行夹持;定位器呈前后2排、前低后高布局,能够实现对侧壁部件空间6自由度位姿调整;对工装机构进行了位姿反解,根据侧壁部件的初始位姿和目标位姿反向求解出各支撑臂的关节变量,并利用计算机仿真模型进行了验证,证明了反解算法的正确性,为侧壁部件调姿运动的精确控制奠定了基础. 相似文献
This paper gives performance results for transversal-filter equalization of quadriphase phase-shift-keyed (QPSK) signals with two-component multipath and demodulator phase error. An analytical expression for optimum, minimum mean-square-error tap weights in terms of the multipath and signal parameters is given. Probability of error results for no equalization and equalization with adaptive decision-feedback tap-weight adjustment are compared. The results show that significant improvement can be obtained with relatively simple equalizer structures. 相似文献
精密跟瞄Hexapod平台研制及其振动控制 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
为了实现星载光学设备的精密跟瞄,以自行研制的宏/微双重驱动复合作动器为主动元件,设计了合理的平台构型,选择并装配了铰链等关键部件,组装完成了具有振动主动控制和大幅跟瞄能力的Hexapod平台原理样机。利用牛顿-欧拉法建立了Hexapod平台线性动力学模型。采用改进的自适应振动消减器(ADC)方法进行了平台主动隔振的控制仿真与实验研究。由仿真结果可知,当Hexapod平台底部受到方向不同的双频正弦微振动干扰时,控制可以隔离干扰向平台上平面的传播;在实验中,平台上平面处于水平位置及转动一定角度时,底部微扰动引起的各杆振幅均下降了90%左右。结果表明了所研制的Hexapod平台用于主动隔振的可行性、建模的有效性以及改进的ADC方法的合理性。 相似文献
一种基于正弦图的工业CT系统转台旋转中心自动确定方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
构建一个工业CT成像系统,转台旋转中心的确定是非常关键的步骤,其定位误差会引起CT图像上的伪影。本文在详细分析了现存旋转中心确定方法不足的基础上,提出了一种新方法,该方法利用隐含在正弦图中的对称投影信息,并根据经过旋转中心的射线束在两个对称投影视角下透过的物体路径相同这一规律来定位旋转中心。相对现有算法,该方法适用于射线源与旋转中心的连线不严格垂直于探测器的情形,无需使用模体,亦无需知晓任何几何参数,实时且基本不受随机噪声影响。实验数据验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
应用Monte-Carlo法和遗传算法的联合仿真求解Lambert转移中途修正的全局概率最优策略.首先推广限制性三体问题中求解周期性特解的微分修正算法构造出考虑J2项摄动下的Lambert转移轨道并以此作为参考轨迹,则中途修正策略仅需针对导航误差、初始偏差修正的控制偏差等进行补偿.应用微分修正算法导出的单值矩阵,设计出3类线性和非线性中途修正策略,以适应不同的精度需要.随后应用Monte-Carlo和遗传算法的联合仿真,可以得到实现代价函数(落点误差最小)在概率意义下的最优解.与直接利用优化算法寻优需要已知各种误差量不同,得到的最优修正策略更具有普适性. 相似文献
Systems that depend upon the application of new technologies inevitably face three major challenges during development: performance, schedule and budget. Technology research and development (R&D) programs are typically advocated based on argument that these investments will substantially reduce the uncertainty in all three of these dimensions of project management. However, if early R&D is implemented poorly, then the new system developments that plan to employ the resulting advanced technologies will suffer from cost overruns, schedule delays and the steady erosion of initial performance objectives. It is often critical for senior management to be able to determine which of these two paths is more likely—and to respond accordingly. The challenge for system and technology managers is to be able to make clear, well-documented assessments of technology readiness and risks, and to do so at key points in the life cycle of the program.Several approaches have been used to evaluate technology maturity and risk in order to better anticipate later system development risks. The “technology readiness levels” (TRLs), developed by NASA, are one discipline-independent, programmatic figure of merit (FOM) that allows more effective assessment of, and communication regarding the maturity of new technologies. Another broadly used management tool is of the “risk matrix”, which depends upon a graphical representation of uncertainty and consequences. However, for the most part these various methodologies have had no explicit interrelationship.This paper will examine past uses of current methods to improve R&D outcomes and will highlight some of the limitations that can arise. In this context, a new concept for the integration of the TRL methodology, and the concept of the “risk matrix” will be described. The paper will conclude with observations concerning prospective future directions for the important new concept of integrated “technology readiness and risk assessments”. 相似文献