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Tenma, the second X-ray astronomy satellite of Japan launched in February 1983, is outlined. The main instrument of Tenma is a large-area gas scintillation proportional counter array. Some of the highlights of the results thus far obtained are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Magnetic reconnection is one of the most important, dynamic phenomena in the magnetotail in terms of magnetic field line configuration change and energy release. It is believed to occur in the distant magnetotail mainly during southward interplanetary magnetic field periods and in the near-Earth magnetotail in association with substorms. In the present paper, we discuss several important issues concerning magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail associated with substorms, such as reconnection signatures, location, timing, spatial scale, and behavior, from the macroscopic, observational point of view.  相似文献   
利用MMS观测数据,对磁层顶通量绳内离子惯性尺度(di)的结构进行分析研究.结果发现,许多不同尺度(约1di至数十di)的通量绳内都存在具有di尺度的电流 j m,其方向在磁层顶局地坐标系的-M方向,即与磁层顶查普曼-费拉罗电流同向,由电子在+M方向的运动( v em)携带.这些电流结构具有以下特征:磁鞘与磁层成分混合,磁场为开放形态;离子去磁化,电子与磁场冻结;N方向(即垂直于磁层顶电流片方向)的电场 E n显著增大,幅度达到约20mV·m-1,并伴有明显的尖峰状起伏,该增强和尖峰状起伏的电场对应于霍尔电场.分析表明,电流、电子与离子运动的偏离以及霍尔电场之间遵从广义欧姆定律,三者密切关联.进一步对磁层顶磁重联的探测数据进行分析发现,在很多重联区内也存在与通量绳内相似的结构,其尺度约为di量级,其中霍尔电场 E N、电流 j M和电子速度 v eM均与通量绳内对应物理量的方向相同且幅度相近.基于上述观测事实,采用经典FTE通量绳模型,对通量绳内电流、电子运动和霍尔电场的起源进行了初步探讨,认为其来源于磁层顶无碰撞磁重联区内的相应结构,并且后者在离子尺度通量绳的形成过程中起到重要作用.  相似文献   
The problem of bearings-only target localization is to estimate the location of a fixed target from a sequence of noisy bearing measurements. Although, in theory, this process is observable even without an observer maneuver, estimation performance (i.e., accuracy, stability and convergence rate) can be greatly enhanced by properly exploiting observer motion to increase observability. This work addresses the optimization of observer trajectories for bearings-only fixed-target localization. The approach presented herein is based on maximizing the determinant of the Fisher information matrix (FIM), subject to state constraints imposed on the observer trajectory (e.g., by the target defense system). Direct optimal control numerical schemes, including the recently introduced differential inclusion (DI) method, are used to solve the resulting optimal control problem. Computer simulations, utilizing the familiar Stansfield and maximum likelihood (ML) estimators, demonstrate the enhancement to target position estimability using the optimal observer trajectories  相似文献   
Howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) meteorites, thought to be derived from 4 Vesta, provide the best sampling available for any differentiated asteroid. However, deviations in oxygen isotopic composition from a common mass-fractionation line suggest that a few eucrite-like meteorites are from other bodies, or that Vesta was not completely homogenized during differentiation. The petrology and geochemistry of HEDs provide insights into igneous processes that produced a crust composed of basalts, gabbros, and ultramafic cumulate rocks. Although most HED magmas were fractionated, it is unresolved whether some eucrites may have been primary melts. The geochemistry of HEDs indicates that bulk Vesta is depleted in volatile elements and is relatively reduced, but has chondritic refractory element abundances. The compositions of HEDs may favor a magma ocean model, but inconsistencies remain. Geochronology indicates that Vesta accreted and differentiated within the first several million years of solar system history, that magmatism continued over a span of ??10 Myr, and that its thermal history extended for perhaps 100 Myr. The protracted cooling history is probably responsible for thermal metamorphism of most HEDs. Impact chronology indicates that Vesta experienced many significant collisions, including during the late heavy bombardment. The age of the huge south pole crater is controversial, but it probably ejected Vestoids and many HEDs. Continued impacts produced a regolith composed of eucrite and diogenite fragments containing only minor exotic materials. HED meteorites serve as ground truth for orbital spectroscopic and chemical analyses by the Dawn spacecraft, and their properties are critical for instrument calibration and interpretation of Vesta??s geologic history.  相似文献   
Shear flow instabilities are an important aspect of hydrodynamic studies. The present review article discusses the role of an ambient magnetic field which both modifies the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and may introduce new types of magnetohydrodynamic waves and instabilities. A brief overview of magnetospheric pulsations is presented with an emphasis on the long-period resonant Alfv??n waves associated with the high speed solar wind. The spatio-temporal evolution of magnetically modified shear flow instabilities in various space plasma structures is addressed. A distinction between convective and absolute instabilities is necessary for proper understanding of theory and correct interpretation of the observations. Finally, it is shown how incompressible Alfv??nic disturbances may become unstable in a compressible flow in the absence of any shear. An application to coronal loops is presented.  相似文献   
面向新一代移动通信和物联网等领域对高精度、低成本授时的需求,针对典型的实时动态授时服务只能单区域覆盖的问题,提出了一种基于北斗的多区域实时动态精密授时服务系统.该系统由标准时间、时间基准站、高精度时间频率实时传递链路、数据中心和时间用户等部分组成,可实现标准时间实时动态授时服务的全国多区域覆盖.依托中国科学院国家授时中...  相似文献   
From analysis of the photometric ellipticity effect in seven well-understood detached close binary systems, empirical values of the exponent of gravity-darkening have been practically deduced for eleven main-sequence components of spectral types A, F and G which should cover the range of structural change (from radiative to convective) in stellar atmospheres. The result indicate that values of the exponent diminish gradually with decreasing effective temperatures from 1.0 for radiative atmospheres with T > 8500 K to = 0.2 0.3 for convective atmospheres with T < 6500 K, in spite of some uncertainty in the reflection correction process.  相似文献   
Application of the degeneration sensitive, cupric-silver staining method to brain sections of male Sprague-Dawley rats irradiated 4 days before sacrifice with 155 Mev protons, 2-8 Gy at 1 Gy/min (N=6) or 22-l0lGy at 20 Gy/min (N=16) or with 18.6 Mev electrons, 32-67 Gy at 20 Gy/min (N=20), doses which elicit behavioral changes (accelerod or conditioned taste aversion), resulted in a display of degeneration of astrocyte-like cell profiles which were not uniformly distributed. Plots of 'degeneration scores' (counts of profiles in 29 areas) vs. dose for the proton and electron irradiations displayed a linear dose response for protons in the range of 2-8 Gy. In the 20-100 Gy range, for both electrons and protons the points were distributed in a broad band suggesting a saturation curve. The dose range in which these astrocyte-like profiles becomes maximal corresponds well with the dose range for the X-ray eradication of a subtype of astrocytes, 'beta astrocytes'.  相似文献   
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