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The human exploration of space is one of the great voyages of discovery in human history. For over forty years space exploration, human have gotten more profound knowledge about outer space and life phenomena, ranging from understanding and recognizing space to adapting and utilizing space. With these development, space medicine that aimed at studying effect of space environment on human health and ensuring the safety, health and effective working of human in space exploration, will become increasingly improved and matured.The contents of research will develop from the early phenomena observation of the effect of space environment on human physiology and biochemistry, and the effect definition, to the study of the mechanism of changes of cell, molecule, and gene, from the passive adaptation for space environment to taking the initiative countermeasures, in order to ensure the safety, health and effective working of astronauts during space flight.Space practices in the past forty years have confirmed that a variety of physiological and pathological changes have been found for organism exposed to space flight. These changes include cardiovascular dysfunction, bone loss,muscle atrophy, decline of immune function, endocrine function disorder and space motion sickness. In recent years, more attention has been focused on the study of the mechanism of these changes, especially the effects of space environment on cell, molecule and its gene expression. With the demand of China's manned space engineering task and continuous development, a series of studies on medical problem caused by space environment have been carried out.  相似文献   
低阶卡尔曼滤波器在低成本SIAHRS中的实现研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在导航系统的工程应用中 ,高阶滤波器将给导航计算机带来沉重的计算负担 ,也会带来较大的模型误差 ,从而影响系统的滤波精度和性能。文章介绍了低成本捷联惯性航姿系统 (SIAHRS)中低阶卡尔曼滤波器的设计和实现 ,针对航姿系统提出了一种低阶滤波器结构 ,结合磁传感器对航姿系统的航向角进行了组合修正 ;并且以实际研制的低成本航姿系统为例 ,讨论了航姿系统的组成 ,将低阶滤波器应用于该航姿系统。实践结果表明 ,这种低阶滤波器能完全保证低成本捷联航姿系统的姿态精度 ,是一种具有实际应用价值的滤波器 ,有广泛的应用前景  相似文献   
双星定位系统改进方案与仿真研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
文章在考虑将系统改进到被动无源的单向测距模式时 ,提出在现有双星系统基础上增加伪卫星伪距观测量的两种改进方案 ,并对两种方案中的伪卫星进行最佳配置 ;通过两种双星系统的改进方案与原系统的对比分析 ,证明双星定位系统中增加伪卫星的方法可以改善系统的性能和定位精度。  相似文献   
叙述微波晶体管功率参数的意义及其测量的必要性、重要性,给出了输出功率和用率增益的测试原理框图、测试结果举例和误差分析。  相似文献   
为提高天基低轨预警系统在导弹跟踪任务中的效率,建立了天基低轨预警系统初始任务规划模型.该模型包含跟踪精度、任务完成率和资源松弛度等优化指标,考虑导弹跟踪中目标信息的不确定性,定义并构建了跟踪原子任务的不确定度和动态优先级.在此基础上,提出采用离散粒子群(DPSO,Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization)-模拟退火(SA,Simulated Annealing)混合优化算法求解初始任务规划模型,提高了算法收敛速度、精度以及全局搜索能力.仿真算例验证了模型的优点以及DPSO-SA混合优化算法的有效性.  相似文献   
Based on the orbital resonance model, we study the two-dimensional phase plane structure of the motion of space debris orbiting the geosynchronous ring under the combined effects of the tesseral harmonics J22, J31 and J33 of the Earth’s gravitational field. We present the main characteristic parameters of the two-dimensional phase plane structure. We also analyze the stability of the two-dimensional phase plane structure with numerical method. Our main findings indicate that the combined effects of the tesseral harmonics J22, J31 and J33 fully determine the two-dimensional phase plane structure of the space debris, and it remains robust under the effect of the Earth’s actual gravitational field, the luni-solar perturbations and the solar radiation pressure with the normal area-to-mass ratios.  相似文献   
合成双射流逆向吹吸控制对翼型流动特性影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究合成双射流(Dual?Synthetic?Jets,DSJ)技术对飞行器航向姿态的控制能力,采用数值模拟的方法,研究了反向DSJ对小攻角、大攻角下翼型绕流流场的控制机理及气动控制特性,并通过飞行试验验证了其航向姿态控制能力.结果表明:小攻角下,反向DSJ会使阻力增大,升力略有减小,俯仰力矩基本不变;大攻角下,反向DSJ会使升力、阻力及低头力矩增大.小攻角下施加控制后,激励器出口前由于射流的阻挡作用形成高压区,伴随着流向逆压梯度的增加,分别在两个出口后形成准定常低压回流区,致使前后压差阻力增大,但压力包络面积基本不变,故升力变化不大;大攻角下施加控制后,除了会在射流出口前、后分别形成高压区、低压区外,还会使背风面流动提前分离,扩大分离区域面积,同时也会减小分离区内的压力值,扩大压力包络,增大阻力的同时,也会提升升力.飞行试验结果表明,反向DSJ具有对飞行器巡航时航向姿态的控制能力,可实现的最大偏航角速度为9.01°/s.  相似文献   
基于热解过程的变热物性碳/酚醛能量扩散数值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究碳/酚醛材料内部能量传递以及体积烧蚀过程,基于热解动力学模型,提出了碳/酚醛复合材料热物性随温度和时间的变化模型。通过热解过程中材料本身不断发生变化的密度来反推酚醛树脂、炭纤维、树脂碳以及材料孔隙的体积比,以此来推断材料的瞬态物性参数。在该前提下,常用的碳/酚醛三层模型中的分层结构可在程序内部通过对密度的判定来获取,实现了传热烧蚀的耦合计算。研究结果表明,在受热初期,热解层厚度及材料质量损失速率迅速增高;随着时间的推进,能量逐渐向材料内部进入,并在进入过程中同样由于热解吸热、气体逸出以及对外界热辐射在逐渐衰减,使得能量渗透速度减缓;仿真结果与氮气氛围下的激光烧蚀试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   
对局域控制网络(CAN)协议在“清华一号”微小卫星平台上的应用作了描述。提出了微小卫星对平台公共总线的要求,介绍了CAN网络的特点,阐述了CAN协议的帧结构,并在此基础上提出了针对卫星子系统数据通讯所作的改进协议。还给出了微小卫星星载计算机子系统的CAN节点硬件设计结构和软件控制流程。  相似文献   
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