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VLF电波渗透到卫星高度电离层传播的全波计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑斜向地磁场的影响将电离层设为多层水平分层各向异性有耗介质, 利用传播矩阵法求解全波方程, 进而研究分析VLF频段电离层反射系数随电波频率的变化, 电离层中两种特征极化波的折射和极化特性, 两特征波的电磁场水平分量以及坡印廷能流密度随传播高度的变化. 数值计算结果表明, 地—电离层波导中的垂直极化波比平行极化波易渗透进入电离层; 电离层中两种特征极化波可分为左旋和右旋圆极化波, 左旋分支由于D层强吸收作用表现为速衰减模, 而右旋分支表现为可传播模, 在传播过程中电磁波的能量主要存储在磁场中; 电波频率越低, 其在电离层中的传播损耗越小. 由数值模拟结果发现, 卫星监测VLF频段的低频部分及更低频段的水平磁场变化对于发现地震电离层电磁前兆异常可能更为有效.  相似文献   
航空发动机拆换率平滑方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合发动机视情维修策略的特点,建立起基于发动机剩余在翼时间预测方法的以飞机为对象的发动机群总保障成本的混合整数非线性规划模型,并提出了一种启发式拆换率平滑方法——SSPT算法,并以CF6型发动机的使用数据为例与其它三种算法进行分析比较.研究结果表明应用SSPT算法制定维修调度计划,能够使总保障成本最低、保障率最高、平均拆换率下降,并得到较好的拆换率平滑效果.   相似文献   
星载有效载荷在轨探测时需要在多种模式之间不断进行切换, 以便获得探测器 的最优工作状态. 每种模式切换时需要对有效载荷28个电子学前端电路、中子 采集与处理电路、触发单元电路、高压供电机箱及载荷数管进行多种工作状态 参数的配置. 为有效开展有效载荷探测工作, 提高有效载荷探测模式转换的灵 活性及降低模式切换时参数配置的复杂度, 对星载有效载荷在轨自主探测管理 技术进行研究, 并对探测器有效载荷的工作模式进行分析, 给出由地面规划 专家和星上自主探测执行机构相结合的基于事件驱动的有效载荷自主探测方案 设计和软件实现情况, 同时对自主探测中的可靠性措施进行了分析, 实现探测 器全天候、全时段、灵巧探测的功能, 并减少了对地面遥控注入的依赖.  相似文献   
空间碎片的碰撞预警与规避能有效避免碰撞事件的发生.碰撞概率是碰撞预警的主要判据,也是航天器规避机动决策的主要依据.由于计算碰撞概率的各相关参数带有误差,导致计算得到的碰撞概率值并不准确,难以做出规避机动决策,因此评估碰撞概率值的可信程度是亟需解决的问题.本文给出了一种碰撞概率置信度的计算方法,利用各影响参数的标准差,通过误差传递的方法计算碰撞概率的标准差,结合单边Chebyshev不等式,给出碰撞概率值大于10-4阈值时的置信度,并结合实际案例进行了分析.  相似文献   
The Earth is buffered from the ferocious onslaught of the solar wind by a thin layer of matter known as the atmosphere and geospace. This layer absorbs energy from irradiance and outburst from the Sun, as well as from disasters, transient phenomena and anthropogenic emissions originated from Earth. Through complicated physics, the absorbed energy changes the atmospheric and geospace state and sometimes gets re-released to power extreme events such as space weather. Taking place globally, these complicated processes cannot be understood unless they are studied globally. The Chinese scientists have proposed the International Meridian Circle Program (IMCP) to meet this demand. By operating nearly 1000 instruments encompassing all latitudes along with the 120°E-60°W longitudes, IMCP aims, for the first time, to construct comprehensive 3D data representation of the atmosphere and geospace on a global scale and empower interdisciplinary research to tackle key questions related to Earth's environment and climate change.  相似文献   
The CSES (China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) is the electromagnetism satellite of China's Zhangheng mission which is planned to launch a series of microsatellites within next 10 years in order to monitor the electromagnetic environment, gravitational field. The CSES 01 probe (also called ZH-1) was launched successfully on 2 February 2018, from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre (China) and is expected to operate for 5 years in orbit. The second probe CSES 02 is going to be launched in 2022. The scientific objectives of CSES are to detect the electromagnetic field and waves, plasma and particles, for studying the seismic-associated disturbances. To meet the requirements of scientific objective, the satellite is designed to be in a sun-synchronous orbit with a high inclination of 97.4° at an altitude around 507 km. CSES carries nine scientific payloads including Search-coil magnetometer, Electric Field Detector, High precision Magnetometer, GNSS occultation Receiver, Plasma Analyzer, Langmuir Probe, two Energetic Particle Detectors (including an Italian one), and Tri-Band Transmitter. Up to now, CSES has been operating in orbit for 2 years with stable and reliable performance. By using all kinds of data acquired by CSES, we have undertaken a series of scientific researches in the field of global geomagnetic field re-building, the ionospheric variation environment, waves, and particle precipitations under disturbed space weather and earthquake activities, the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling mechanism research and so on.  相似文献   
对在轨航天器撞击解体问题进行了研究, 基于NASA 标准解体模型, 给出了在轨航天器撞击解体算法, 重点分析了解体计算时应该满足的几个约束条件. 编写了该算法的通用仿真计算程序, 并通过与P-78 卫星解体事件的实测数据比较验证了算法和程序的正确性. 研究结果对预测分析在轨撞击事件的毁伤特性具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   
A dnovel isturbance decoupled filter (DDF) design scheme is presented. Firstly, the system with unknown input is translated into an equivalent system without unknown imputs by a simple algebraic transformation. Then, a new DDF design scheme, which is very simple, is proposed via innovations theorem. At last, the application of DDF to Maneuvering Targets Tracking is simulated and the simulation results show that DDF is suitable for high maneuvering cases.  相似文献   
针对某型飞机前起落架,在ADAMS/A ircraft软件环境下建立对应的虚拟样机模型。通过编制仿真控制文件,采用直接在起落架上加载当量升力而非折算当量质量的方法,研究了升力作用对缓冲器性能的影响,更加真实地实现了对起落架有仿升落震试验的模拟。最后,通过对比分析进一步验证了该种升力加载方法的有效性和可靠性,为型号研制中起落架缓冲系统的下一阶段的详细设计工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Rotary ultrasonic drilling(RUD) has become an effective approach for machining advanced composites which are widely using in the field of aeronautics. The cutting kinematics and the corresponding material removal mechanisms are distinct in different drilling areas during RUD. However, these fundamentals have not been fully considered in the existing studies. In this research, two distinct forms of interaction induced by ultrasonic vibration were considered as impact-separation and vibratory lapp...  相似文献   
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