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To obtain high-quality aviation forgings of titanium alloys, b forging is an essential processing step which must be considered throughout a production process. In this work, the effect of b forging on the crystal orientation and morphology of lamellar a was experimentally investigated in a two-phase titanium alloy. Strong dynamic recovery during b working resulted in the formation of low-angle grain boundary(LAGBb) inside b grains. The lamellar a can penetrate through the LAGBb, leading to similar intra a LAGBs on subgrain boundaries. Deformation banding occurs at high strain rates, and both diffusive and sharp boundaries of deformation bands can be observed.A continuous change of the b orientation in diffusive boundaries results in the formation of fine and disordered a lamellae without intra-lamellar boundary to hold the Burgers orientation relationship(OR). On sharp boundaries, it is prone to producing continuous grain boundary a(aGB) with a highly similar orientation along the boundaries. Meanwhile, there may exist several lower-angle boundaries within the grain boundary a for a smoother orientation change on the b grain boundary.  相似文献   
The 2016 Mw 6.0 Italy earthquake is successfully recorded by the near-field 10?Hz GPS and 200?Hz Strong Motion (SM) stations, providing valuable data for this study. A comprehensive study of this earthquake is carried out based on GPS data, which contains coseismic deformations analysis, noise analysis, seismic wave picking, and magnitude determination. The noise of most GPS-derived displacement waveforms can be described as a combination of white noise, flicker noise, and random walk noise after the earthquake occurrence, and the spectral indices vary significantly for most stations, implying that the seismic signals have affected the noise characteristic of GPS-derived displacement waveforms. S-transform is employed to assess the GPS capability to detect the seismic arrival time. The SM station AMT and the GPS station AMAT are in good agreement in seismic wave picking, and the difference is only 1.2?s in the north component, suggesting that the outcome of seismic wave picking using GPS data is reliable. Then, a classic empirical formula is employed to determine the moment magnitude. A robust moment magnitude (Mw 5.90) can be estimated by the nine GPS stations with about 23.9?s. If four GPS stations near the epicenter is chosen to determine the magnitude, it only take 13.0?s to retrieve a reliable preliminary (Mw 5.82) magnitude, which is 5.4?s ahead of nine stations. In addition, Cross Wavelet Transform (XWT) is adopted to measuring the correlation and phase relationship between GPS and SM records. The result of XWT analysis indicates 10?Hz GPS is capable of capturing reliable and accurate coseismic dynamic deformations, as evidenced by the XWT-based semblance being close to 1 between GPS and SM records. The above results confirm the capability of 10?Hz GPS to capture coseismic dynamic deformations, detect seismic arrival time, and determine earthquake magnitude. Moreover, rapid magnitude determination based on 10?Hz GPS data can be regarded as an important supplement to Earthquake Early Warning (EEW).  相似文献   
嵌入式环境和实时操作系统目前广泛应用于航空领域。本文在介绍嵌入式系统的基础上,重点对实时多任务环境下大容量数据记录的实现方式进行了研究和利用,最后展望了电子盘实时多任务系统中记录大容量数据的前景。  相似文献   
在飞机大型构件测量领域,针对测量设备自动化转站时存在移动机器人无法准确到达站位的问题,提出了采用基于人工地标的移动机器人定位与调整技术实现转站时的精确定位。其次,设计了一种人工地标,给出使用激光跟踪仪的地标标定工装以及标定方法,通过该方法可得到地标在全局坐标系下的坐标。同时,介绍了地标的编码与位姿的解算方法,以及移动机器人位姿调整策略。最后,试验表明,人工地标测量的位置和角度误差均较小,移动机器人通过人工地标的定位与调整后的精度可以满足自动化转站的精度要求。  相似文献   
某空间相机镜头在光学设计时,因透过率、吸收率等原因,为了满足光学系统要求,经过各方面平衡后,其中有一片透镜比正常径厚比设计的偏薄些。在镜头总体结构设计时,单独对该镜片及与之相配的结构件进行了有限元分析和实验检测,发现不同的结构形式对镜片面形影响不同。为了解决这一问题,在实验中进行了探讨,以保证整个相机系统满足空间相机的实用要求。  相似文献   
针对叶片截面型线测量点云数据与理论点云数据的配准问题,研究了将ICP算法应用于叶型点云数据配准的方法。首先概述了叶型测量数据与理论数据的匹配问题;然后阐述了基于ICP算法的叶型点云数据配准方法,并在MATLAB平台进行了配准实现;最后给出了配准实例,并将配准结果与点云处理软件CloudCompare的匹配结果进行了对比,验证了该方法的准确性。  相似文献   
湿热环境下复合材料层合板本构模型研究及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近年来复合材料被广泛地应用于航空航天等工程领域。在实际的使用中,复合材料在不同的湿热环境下其力学性能会发生显著变化,针对这一问题,国内外已有大量的试验研究,而对湿热环境下复合材料的本构模型理论的研究则较少。在经典层合板理论基础上引入湿热膨胀系数的概念,通过定义一个无量纲的温度,建立材料弹性常数与湿热参数之间的函数关系,推导出复合材料单层板在湿热力耦合作用下的本构关系,同时加入三维Hashin失效判定准则对层合板的损伤演化及失效模式进行模拟。结果表明:该模型较好地预测了复合材料层合板在不同湿热环境下的弹性响应,为分析实际工程中复合材料结构模型在湿热环境下的力学行为提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
徐翔  崔冉冉 《航空动力学报》2019,46(8):37-40, 46
电压源型逆变器由于死区效应,导致输出发生非标准化、畸变化,影响感应电机的控制精确度,特别是无速度传感器矢量控制,同时造成电网侧能量的流失。为了减小死区效应产生的影响,列出误差计算公式,求得总延时时间。另外,对定子电阻进行自适应辨识,增加所求延时时间精确度的同时可以运用到电机矢量控制中。经过补偿误差电压,提高了控制性能,降低了对控制系统的影响。结果表明所提补偿策略对电流波形、总谐波失真具有改善作用。  相似文献   
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