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非线性高阶谐波和尾波波速变化均能够反映水泥材料内部微结构的应力变化。利用高阶谐波和尾波干涉实验测量系统,对引入高温作用后的3类不同粒径共6块水泥试样进行单轴加载的损伤演化实验,并与无高温作用的完整试样的实验结果进行对比。结果表明,从初始状态到25%抗压强度的过程中,高温作用后的试样的谐波幅值和尾波波速变化出现明显增强的现象(谐波幅值最大增幅约20%),而无高温作用的完整试样的谐波幅值和尾波波速变化较为平稳(谐波幅值最大增幅约5%);在达到65%抗压强度的过程中,高温作用后的试样的谐波幅值和尾波波速变化急剧增大(谐波幅值最大增幅约100%),且粒径较大的试样的增幅高于粒径较小的试样,而无高温作用的完整试样的谐波幅值和尾波波速变化的增幅较小(谐波幅值最大增幅约10%);当抗压强度超过75%以后,高温作用后的试样的谐波幅值和尾波波速变化急剧衰减(谐波幅值最大衰减幅度约140%),而无高温作用的完整试样的谐波幅值和尾波波速的最大衰减幅值在40%以内。基于以上观测结果对高温作用后水泥制品损伤演化的物理机制以及这两类监测方法的适用性进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Z-pin技术是一种有效的复合材料层间增强方法,本文对苯并恶嗪树脂的Z-pin拉挤工艺进行了深入研究。以差热扫描量热仪(Differentialscanningcalorimeter,DSC)分析苯并恶嗪固化特性为基础,结合外观检查和Z-pin短梁剪切试验研究得到合适的拉挤模具温度。设计了Z-pin拔脱试验并利用该试验研究了后烘道温度对Z-pin与层合板结合强度的影响,获得了后烘道的最优温度。最后分析了Z-pi的显微照片并对Z-pin质量进行整体评价。结果表明,苯并恶嗪树脂加热至70°C时,其粘度可满足拉挤需要,工艺适用期约为4h;随着模具温度的升高至140°C,Z-pin的短梁剪切强度逐渐提高,并且截面形状圆度更佳;随着后烘道温度降低,Z-pin与层合板的结合强度提高,但当温度低于200°C时,Z-pin内部出现了气泡,后烘道温度的最佳温度为200°C。  相似文献   
A method for predicting effective thermal conductivities(ETCs) of three-dimensional five-directional(3D5D) braided composites is presented. The effective thermal conductivity prediction method contains a digital image processing technology. Multiple scanning electron microscopy(SEM)images of composites are analyzed to obtain actual microstructural features. These actual microstructural features of 3D5D braided composites are introduced into representative volume element(RVE) modeling. Apart from applying actual microstructural features,compression effects between yarns are considered in the modeling of RVE,making the RVE more realistic. Therefore,the ETC prediction method establishes a representative unit cell model that better reflects the true microstructural characteristics of the 3D5D braided composites. The ETCs are predicted with the finite element method. Then thermal conductivity measurements are carried out for a 3D5D braided composite sample.By comparing the predicted ETC with the measured thermal conductivity, the whole process of the ETC prediction method is proved to be effective and accurate,where a relative error of only 2.9 % is obtained.Furthermore,the effects of microstructural features are investigated,indicating that increasing interior braiding angles and fiber fill factor can lead to higher transverse ETCs. Longitudinal ETCs decrease with increasing interior braiding angles,but increase with increasing fiber fill factor. Finally,the influence of variations of microstructure parameters observed in digital image processing are investigated. To explore the influence of variations in microstructural features on variations in predicted ETCs,the actual probability distributions of microstructural features obtained from the 3D5D braided composite sample are introduced into the ETC investigation. The results show that,compared with the interior braiding angle,variations in the fiber fill factor exhibit more significant effects on variations in ETCs.  相似文献   
从高动态星敏感器动态性能需求出发,分析了电子倍增型电荷耦合器件(EMCCD,electron multiplying CCD)噪声来源,推导恒星探测中EMCCD的信噪比公式.针对EMCCD总体参数设计优化问题,提出了EMCCD中电子倍增电压和致冷温度的设计方法,并应用该方法进行高动态星敏感器中EMCCD总体参数设计及仿真.仿真结果表明,角速度为10(°)/s时姿态测量精度优于30″.提出的EMCCD参数确定方法可以为高动态星敏感器设计提供参考.  相似文献   
The integer ambiguity resolution (AR) of carrier phase is significant for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) precise positioning. However, in kinematic case, single-epoch AR methods based on alone GNSS are usually not reliable due to the instable pseudorange accuracy. Moreover, the computation of classical AR method Least Squares Ambiguity Decorrelation Adjustment (LAMBDA) is large. Thus, the inertial measurement unit (IMU) is introduced, a new inertial-aided AR method that directly rounds the float ambiguity of BeiDou triple-frequency combined observations, which is characterized by long wavelength, low carrier-phase noise and ionospheric delay, is proposed. The mathematical model of the new method is derived first. Then the impacts of the carrier-phase noise, ionospheric delay and inertial navigation system (INS) position error on the AR success ratio of combined observation are analyzed through probabilistic approach. Based on above investigation, the combinations (0, ?1, 1), (1, 4, ?5) and (4, ?2, ?3) are selected to resolve the original ambiguity. A vehicular integrated navigation test is performed to demonstrate the proposed method. The results show that the average AR success ratios of the three selected combinations, whose float ambiguity errors are 0.041, 0.146, 0.279 cycle respectively, are above 97.25% without regard to low-elevation C05. With respect to positioning accuracy based on our AR method when compared with IE software, the east, north, up error RMS of position are 0.042, 0.024, 0.069 m, respectively. In terms of the AR recover after the BeiDou signals outage, as long as 62 s BeiDou signal complete outage, all the ambiguities of all satellites could be re-fixed immediately. Besides, during the 90 s signals partial outage, the AR is not influenced by the position error, since the float ambiguity errors are all below half-cycle. The research of this contribution demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed new method, which indicates it is applicable to kinematic positioning, even in BDS degraded and denied environments.  相似文献   
Al—Li—Cu—Mg—Zr合金的断裂形态和断裂韧性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用单边缺口三点弯曲试样测定了Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金的断裂韧性。还测量了拉伸性能和硬度。着重分析了裂纹形态和断口形貌。讨论了裂纹偏斜和分叉对裂纹尖端的屏蔽作用,分别计算了本征的和非本征的断裂韧性值。  相似文献   
在日趋发达的商品经济社会,证券投资在各类经济活动中有着重要的地位.如何从几种证券中选择最优投资组合,这就是证券投资组合分析的内容.主要介绍从建立数学模型,选用非线性分析的数值计算方法,到在微机上实现的过程和最终的分析结果.  相似文献   
刘劲  韩雪侠  宁晓琳  陈晓  康志伟 《航空学报》2020,41(8):623486-623486
面向X射线脉冲星周期估计的压缩感知(CS)中测量矩阵尺寸大,进而导致计算量大。针对这一问题,提出了一种基于经验模态分解-压缩感知(EMD-CS)的脉冲星周期超快速估计方法。将不同畸变度的脉冲轮廓进行EMD分解,得到一系列固有模态函数(IMF)。由于IMF包含了不同时间尺度的局部特征信号,脉冲轮廓畸变度这一微弱局部特征可体现在某些IMF中。采用迭代剔除法剔除冗余的IMF,剩下的IMF构成了测量矩阵。由于IMF的数量较少,采样率大幅减少。利用EMD-CS可实现X射线脉冲星周期超快速估计。通过计算复杂度分析结果可知,采样率与计算量呈正比关系。仿真结果中表明,EMD-CS的采样率为0.25%,仅为FFT-CS的1/29,因而计算量更小。  相似文献   
在全极化逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)体制下,二维相干极化几何绕射(CP-GTD)模型能够精确描述雷达目标高频电磁极化散射特性。针对CP-GTD模型,提出了一种基于空域滤波的二维全极化散射中心参数快速提取方法。该方法利用空域滤波将二维全极化散射中心参数提取问题分解为多个一维全极化散射中心提取问题,进而利用一维旋转不变技术(1D-ESPRIT)分步对全极化散射中心各维参数进行联合估计,最后利用最小二乘方法获得相干极化散射矩阵的估计。此外,采用这样的分步估计过程,可以实现二维参数的自动配对。复杂度分析和仿真实验表明:该方法不仅能够显著降低运算量,并且还能获得较好的估计精度,可以有效地用于目标全极化散射中心提取。  相似文献   
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