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单屏温度传感器普遍应用于航空航天领域中的气流温度测量,本文对单屏温度传感器的内部流场进行了数值模拟研究,获得了单屏温度传感器内部的速度分布、温度分布以及压力分布等参数,为该型传感器的结构设计和使用提供了理论支持。  相似文献   
鸭式导弹的横滚特性制约了鸭式导弹性能提升,其原因在于:固定尾翼鸭式导弹不能实现横滚控制。研究表明:对固定尾翼鸭式布局导弹,当鸭舵做副翼偏转进行滚转控制时,导弹上会产生数值很大的反向诱导滚转力矩,使鸭舵难以进行滚转控制。造成这一结果的原因很多,采用数值模拟方法研究鸭式布局导弹舵翼面间距对其横向特性的影响。  相似文献   
FY-3A卫星与NOOA系列卫星高能带电粒子实测结果的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FY-3A卫星是运行于830 km高度的太阳同步轨道气象卫星,其搭载的空间环境监测器可观测3~300 MeV的高能质子和0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子.FY-3A卫星在轨工作期间,太阳活动处于由谷年向峰年过渡期,空间环境非常平静,探测结果显示3~300 MeV的高能质子分布主要集中在南大西洋辐射带异常区,0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子分布区域除南大西洋异常区外,还分布在南北两极高纬区域.FY-3A与NOAA卫星测量结果反映出带电粒子强度及分布区域随投掷角变化的空间各向异性特征.本文在充分考虑了带电粒子时间、空间分布差异以及比对探测器之间自身设计差异的前提下,经过归一化处理后,首次对两颗卫星同期探测结果进行相关性分析,验证了两颗卫星相同时空条件下高能带电粒子通量分布的一致性;说明FY-3A空间环境监测器不仅具备空间带电粒子辐射监测能力,且探测结果有效可靠,可用作辐射带环境数据源的组成部分,为发展新的模型,深入研究辐射带高能粒子的分布、起源和传输等提供新的观测依据.  相似文献   
In order to address the current aircraft noise problem, the knowledge of impedance of acoustic liners subjected to high-intensity sound and grazing flow is of crucial importance to the design of high-efficiency acoustic nacelles. To this end, the present study is twofold. Firstly, the StraightForward impedance eduction Method (SFM) is evaluated by the strategy that the impedance of a liner specimen is firstly experimentally educed on a flow duct using the SFM, and then its accuracy is checked by comparing the numerical prediction with the measured wall sound pressure of the flow duct. Secondly, the effects of grazing flow and high-intensity sound on the impedance behavior of two single-layer liners are investigated based on comparisons between educed impedance and predictions by three impedance models. The performance of the SFM is validated by showing that the educed impedance leads to excellent agreement between the simulation and the measured wall sound pressure for different grazing flow Mach numbers and Sound Pressure Levels (SPLs) and over a frequency range from 3000?Hz down to 500?Hz. The grazing flow effect generally has the tendency that the acoustic resistance exhibits a slight decrease before it increases linearly with an increase in Mach, predicted successfully by the sound-vortex interaction theoretical model and the Kooi semi-empirical impedance model. However, the Goodrich semi-empirical impedance model gives only a simple linear relation of acoustic resistance starting from Mach zero. Additionally, when the SPL increases from 110 to 140?dB in the present investigation, the acoustic resistance exhibits a significant increase at all frequencies in the absence of flow; however, the resistance decreases slightly under a grazing flow of Mach 0.117. It indicates that the SPL effect can be greatly inhibited when flow is present, and the grazing flow effect can be reduced partly as well at a relatively high SPL.  相似文献   
High-cost equipment is often reused after maintenance, and whether the information before the maintenance can be used for the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) prediction after the maintenance is directly determined by the consistency of the degradation pattern before and after the maintenance. Aiming at this problem, an RUL prediction method based on the consistency test of a Wiener process is proposed. Firstly, the parameters of the Wiener process estimated by Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) are proved to be biased, and a modified unbiased estimation method is proposed and verified by derivation and simulations. Then, the h statistic is constructed according to the reciprocal of the variation coefficient of the Wiener process, and the sampling distribution is derived. Meanwhile, a universal method for the consistency test is proposed based on the sampling distribution theorem, which is verified by simulation data and classical crack degradation data. Finally, based on the consistency test of the degradation model, a weighted fusion RUL prediction method is presented for the fuel pump of an airplane, and the validity of the presented method is verified by accurate computation results of real data, which provides a theoretical and practical guidance for engineers to predict the RUL of equipment after maintenance.  相似文献   
基于LSTAR的机载燃油泵多阶段退化建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载燃油泵的性能退化呈现出平稳—加速—平稳的非线性、多阶段模式,针对现有退化模型难以准确描述其全寿命周期性能退化的问题,以逻辑平滑转换自回归(LSTAR)模型为工具,对机载燃油泵出口压力传感器信号进行建模。首先,对转换后的压力传感器信号建立自回归(AR)模型,通过非线性检验说明建立LSTAR模型的必要性;然后,应用非线性最小二乘法完成参数估计;最后,在AIC准则最小及拟合优度最大的原则下,选择转换变量,通过残差进行模型的适应性检验与正态性检验。结果表明:基于LSTAR模型的拟合精度明显优于线性自回归模型。本文提出的方法成功解决了机载燃油泵性能退化的多阶段准确建模问题,为机载燃油泵的预测与健康管理(PHM)奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
黄琳  荆武兴 《宇航学报》2010,31(12):2730-2740
随着射频系统工作频率的不断提高,介质天线因不受导体损耗影响而备受关注。基于高介电常数介质波导在其高次模截止区的漏波辐射以及陶瓷三维打印技术,提出了一种宽带圆极化双环介质天线。相比于同样是工作于行波模式的金属宽带圆极化环天线,该介质天线的漏波辐射更易产生。探究了介质波导的辐射机理,并详细展示了该介质天线的设计过程:先将漏波辐射的直介质波导弯曲成单环以实现圆极化,再把单环结构拓展为双环,从而展宽天线的工作带宽。通过对比单环与双环介质天线可以发现,双环结构的轴比带宽大约是单环的3倍,且两天线在工作频段内均具有良好的右旋圆极化特性。为了验证该天线设计的有效性,利用陶瓷光固化工艺(一种三维打印技术)制作了天线实物,其实测轴比带宽为3.94~5.1GHz,最大增益为8.6dBic。  相似文献   
 系统地研究了如何对临近空间飞行器进行有效实时跟踪的问题,并提出了一种基于约束总体最小二乘与自适应交互式多模型(CTLS-AIMM)滤波相结合的实时跟踪滤波算法。首先考虑到临近空间飞行器的特点,选择使用红外预警卫星系统探测目标飞行器,并使用约束总体最小二乘算法(CTLS)对目标进行粗定位;然后在粗定位信息基础上,使用自适应交互式多模型滤波算法(AIMM)对目标飞行器进行实时跟踪。在AIMM中,根据临近空间飞行器机动特性,合理选择目标模型集,并使用迭代最小二乘算法对模型参数进行自适应调整。通过仿真,验证了该跟踪滤波算法的可行性。  相似文献   
非预混燃烧是动力设备和推进系统中常见的燃烧组织形式。为了理解非预混火焰的动力学特性、预测和控制其振荡燃烧现象,有必要获得其火焰传递函数。本文通过实验测量对分布式非预混火焰的传递函数进行了研究,实验对象为甲烷空气同心射流火焰。实验中使用双麦克风技术测量燃烧室出口速度脉动,作为传递函数的输入量;使用CH基自发荧光测量燃烧过程的放热率脉动,作为传递函数的输出量。搭建了卡塞格林光学测量系统,以提升放热率测量的空间分辨率,实现单点测量,进而得到一维分布式火焰传递函数。结果表明,在频域内,实验中测得的传递函数的幅值沿火焰轴向存在两个峰值,在幅值的峰谷处相位角有180°翻转,这是热斑以对流速度向下游传播,跨越火焰面时所造成的。  相似文献   
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