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A method to calculate the resonance current in high-frequency series-resonant DC-DC converters is presented that includes the effect of the reverse-bias capacitance of output rectifiers and that of the primary inductance of the output transformer. A computer program developed as a tool to determine the amplitude of the resonance current for any given input and output conditions is also discussed. The results of the computer calculations agree well with experimental measurements  相似文献   
Preliminary error budgets for the pointing knowledge, control, and stability of the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) spacecraft are constructed using the specifications of commercial off-the-shelf attitude determination sensors, attitude control actuators, and other spacecraft capabilities that have been demonstrated in past missions. Results obtained indicate that we can meet all the presently known spacecraft pointing requirements. A large number of derived requirements are generated from this study. Examples are specifications on attitude determination sensors, attitude control actuators, minimum settling time after a rest-to-rest spacecraft slew. Preliminary error budgets constructed in this study must be updated to reflect the changing spacecraft design and requirements  相似文献   
Modeling of a complete spacecraft power processing system is presented, using the Boeing EASYS software. Component models are developed, and several system models including a solar array switching system, a partially shunted solar system, and cosmic background explorer (COBE) system are simulated. The modes of operation of the power system, such as shunt mode, battery-charge mode, and battery-discharge mode, are simulated for a complete orbit cycle  相似文献   
涡襟翼振动对三角翼涡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 <正> 1.引言 许多实验表明,用主动干扰的方式是控制分离的一个有效方法,而且可以把分离区从一死水区(或紊乱的区域)变成一个有序流动区域。二维流动实验还表明非定常机动可以较大地改变流动结构。三维流态显示表明强迫振动对集中涡的形成过程等有显著影响,并影响涡和物面之间的距离。目前对三维非定常流动特性,以及非定常干扰对机翼绕流中涡破裂等的作用尚未充分了解。 影响集中涡破裂的关键因素是沿涡轴方向的压力梯度。涡环量对破裂的影响是双向的,涡强过大易使涡破裂;涡强过小时涡结构松散,也易于破裂,甚至迅速耗散掉。从二维结果看,非定常强迫扰动可使涡的结构更紧凑、清晰,而且扰动可以改  相似文献   
本文中利用三角翼前缘涡襟翼的强制振动来推迟涡破裂。流场显示实验结果表明,在有强制扰动时,集中涡显示出两种不同形式的破裂,可分成六种不同的破裂形态。非定常集中涡的一个破裂过程涉及几种破裂形态之间的转换。涡襟翼振动产生的非定常效应对涡破裂的影响与三角翼后掠角有密切的关系,随后掠角增大非定常效应的影响变小。就实验迎角范围而言(α<35°),对50°后掠角三角翼,涡襟翼振动可显著推迟涡破裂;但对70°后掠角三角翼,振动却能促进涡的破裂。涡襟翼振动改变了集中涡的性态,使集中涡趋向于和前缘平行。振动对涡破裂的作用部分地与这种效应有关。  相似文献   
The charged particle spectrum for nuclei from protons to neon, (charge Z=10) was observed during the cruise phase and orbit around Mars by the MARIE charged particle spectrometer on the Odyssey spacecraft. The cruise data were taken between April 23, 2001 and mid-August 2001. The Mars orbit data were taken March 5, 2002 through May 2002 and are scheduled to continue until August 2004. Charge peaks are clearly separated for charges up to Z=10. Especially prominent are the carbon and oxygen peaks, with boron and nitrogen also clearly visible. Although heavy ions are much less abundant than protons in the cosmic ray environment, it is important to determine their abundances because their ionization energy losses (proportional to Z2) are far more dangerous to humans and to instruments. Thus the higher charged nuclei make a significant contribution to dose and dose equivalent received in space. Results of the charged particle spectrum measurements will be reported.  相似文献   
发动机燃气喷流红外辐射场的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在高温流动中热辐射与流场是耦合的,但在发动机燃气喷流流场的温度范围内可以在流场计算中忽略热辐射的影响,于是流场与辐射场的模型方程可解耦.为此提出了模拟飞行器绕流流场红外辐射的解耦模型以及相应的算法.该算法首先采用总变差减小TVD(Total Variation Diminishing)格式对流场进行模拟,再引入有限体积概念,应用所取得的流场参数,在同一组网格上计算流场中的红外辐射特征.以轴对称喷管内N2,O2,CO2,H2O,CO,HCl,H2等7组分高度欠膨胀冻结流与均匀绕流干扰流场为算例进行了验证性的模拟计算,并与已有试验和计算数据进行了对比,表明该算法是可靠的,可在较大幅度地降低计算量的情况下给出满足工程需要的结果.  相似文献   
快速大时间步长熵条件格式的分辨率研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了高分辨率快速大时间步长熵条件格式的构造方法.用激波管问题对一族熵条件格式进行研究.在精度、步长、限制器方面进行了详细的数值实验,研究了同样计算量下各种格式的表现品质.从理论上保证了大时间步长格式的无振荡性质,从具体的数值实验分析中确定了大时间步长格式的分辨率问题.   相似文献   
以喷管上壁折转角、下壁长度、舵面长度及其折转角为设计变量,结合遗传算法和特征线法对高超声速飞行器尾喷管进行了优化设计,并对设计变量进行了参数研究.结果表明,所采用的优化设计方法计算效率高且比较准确,特别适合于高超声速飞行器尾喷管的优化设计;所采用的4个设计参数均能有效地影响尾喷管的气动性能,其中喷管上壁折转角和舵面折转角分别对喷管的升力和推力的影响相对明显,对其进行均衡选择方能得到最优的结果.   相似文献   
This chapter provides an overview of current efforts in the theory and modeling of CMEs. Five key areas are discussed: (1) CME initiation; (2) CME evolution and propagation; (3) the structure of interplanetary CMEs derived from flux rope modeling; (4) CME shock formation in the inner corona; and (5) particle acceleration and transport at CME driven shocks. In the section on CME initiation three contemporary models are highlighted. Two of these focus on how energy stored in the coronal magnetic field can be released violently to drive CMEs. The third model assumes that CMEs can be directly driven by currents from below the photosphere. CMEs evolve considerably as they expand from the magnetically dominated lower corona into the advectively dominated solar wind. The section on evolution and propagation presents two approaches to the problem. One is primarily analytical and focuses on the key physical processes involved. The other is primarily numerical and illustrates the complexity of possible interactions between the CME and the ambient medium. The section on flux rope fitting reviews the accuracy and reliability of various methods. The section on shock formation considers the effect of the rapid decrease in the magnetic field and plasma density with height. Finally, in the section on particle acceleration and transport, some recent developments in the theory of diffusive particle acceleration at CME shocks are discussed. These include efforts to combine self-consistently the process of particle acceleration in the vicinity of the shock with the subsequent escape and transport of particles to distant regions.  相似文献   
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