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从电子产品在型号项目中环境应力筛选的应用现状出发,介绍了环境应力筛选的概念,分析了当前型号研制中环境应力筛选的开展情况和存在的问题,同时通过探究温度变化速率和温度范围对温度循环筛选度的影响、多型号多种条件整合分析以及HASS技术的发展应用,提出了电子产品开展环境应力筛选的三种改进方案,可以有效提高环境应力筛选的效率,具...  相似文献   
采用电化学阳极氧化技术在含NH4F的乙二醇电解液中对TiAl合金进行阳极氧化处理。研究阳极氧化对TiAl合金高温氧化行为和力学性能的影响。结果表明:由于“卤素效应”,阳极氧化处理的TiAl合金经高温氧化后表面形成致密、连续的Al2O3氧化膜,有效阻止了氧的内扩散,进而显著提高合金的抗高温氧化性能。经1000℃氧化100 h后,阳极氧化试样增重由未经阳极氧化处理试样的85.86 mg/cm2降至0.67 mg/cm2。另一方面,阳极氧化TiAl合金表面硬度和弹性模量随高温氧化时间延长呈先降低后升高的趋势。阳极氧化TiAl合金在高温服役后,合金的摩擦系数较未经阳极氧化处理试样上升,但表面耐磨性先降低后升高。这是由于TiAl合金经阳极氧化后,表面形成了一层富铝含氟氧化膜,由于氧化膜中F元素在高温氧化过程中与Ti、Al结合形成卤化物,卤化物蒸气选择性扩散在原始氧化膜处形成致密的Al2O3保护膜。阳极氧化对TiAl合金力学性能的影响主要是由于氧化膜中Al2O3的含量变化所致。  相似文献   
To investigate the influence of real leading-edge manufacturing error on aerodynamic performance of high subsonic compressor blades, a family of leading-edge manufacturing error data were obtained from measured compressor cascades. Considering the limited samples, the leading-edge angle and leading-edge radius distribution forms were evaluated by Shapiro-Wilk test and quantile–quantile plot. Their statistical characteristics provided can be introduced to later related researches. The parameterization design method B-spline and Bezier are adopted to create geometry models with manufacturing error based on leading-edge angle and leading-edge radius. The influence of real manufacturing error is quantified and analyzed by self-developed non-intrusive polynomial chaos and Sobol’ indices. The mechanism of leading-edge manufacturing error on aerodynamic performance is discussed. The results show that the total pressure loss coefficient is sensitive to the leading-edge manufacturing error compared with the static pressure ratio, especially at high incidence. Specifically, manufacturing error of the leading edge will influence the local flow acceleration and subsequently cause fluctuation of the downstream flow. The aerodynamic performance is sensitive to the manufacturing error of leading-edge radius at the design and negative incidences, while it is sensitive to the manufacturing error of leading-edge angle under the operation conditions with high incidences.  相似文献   
Forward Variable Area Bypass Injector (FVABI) is one of key components which contributes to modulate the cycle parameters of Variable Cycle Engine (VCE) under various operation conditions. The modeling method of zero-dimensional FVABI was reviewed and its deficiency was analyzed based on FVABI flow characteristic. In order to improve the accuracy of VCE performance simulation, the high-fidelity modeling method of FVABI was developed based on its working characteristics. Then it was coupled with the zero-dimensional VCE model and the multi-level VCE model was built. The results indicate that the geometric and aerodynamic parameters can affect the interaction between the two airflows and the zero-dimensional FVABI model is too simple to predict the component performance accurately, especially when the FVABI inner bypass is chocked. Based on the performance curves for single bypass mode and the regression model of multi-scale support vector regression for double bypass mode, the high-fidelity model can predict FVABI performance accurately and rapidly. The integration of high-fidelity FVABI model into zero-dimensional VCE model can be done by adjusting iterative variables and balance equations. The multi-level model has good convergence and it can predict VCE performance when the FVABI inner bypass is chocked.  相似文献   
Delamination represents one of the most severe failure modes in composite laminates, especially when they are subjected to uniaxial compression loads. The evaluation of the delamination damage has always been an essential issue of composite laminates for durability and damage tolerance in engineering practice. Focusing on the most typical and representative elliptical delamination issue, an analytical model simultaneously considering the conservative buckling process and non-conservative delamination propagation process is implemented. Various computational cases considering different delamination depths, directions, aspect ratios, and areas are established, and the predicted results based on the analytical model are carefully compared. Effects of these geometrical delamination parameters on the buckling, delamination propagation, and failure behaviors of composite laminates are thoroughly analyzed, and innovative evaluation principles of the delamination damage have been concluded. It is found that the delamination area is the key factor that truly affecting the failure behaviors of delaminated composites, and the local / global buckling and failure loads show clear linearity with the delamination area, whilst the delamination depth and direction only have slight effects.  相似文献   
李景奎  汪英  王博民 《航空学报》2021,42(3):623945-623945
扰流板冗余系统提升了新能源电动飞机的可靠性。采用GO法建立电动飞机扰流板系统可靠性模型,设计SIMULINK仿真界面,针对操作符11给出一种新的运算模块。针对扰流板冗余系统设计一种矩化操作符,给出运算流程,有效减少传统GO法在冗余系统建模工作量,利用故障树分析法对结果进行验证。结果表明,本文提出的方法切实可行,为新能源电动飞机扰流板系统可靠性分析提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
张宏博  郑联语  王艺玮 《航空学报》2021,42(9):424180-424180
盒式连接可重构型架的稳定性对飞机部件的装配质量有着重要影响。为了解决当前稳定性评估方法在实施成本及有效性上的不足,从型架模块化特征出发提出基于模块服役状态的盒式连接可重构型架稳定性评估方法。首先,分析了盒式连接可重构型架服役过程,指出该过程是由作业期与空置期交替组合而成,并给出了服役稳定性及服役稳定度定义;然后,构建了基于型架关键测量特性的服役状态评价模型,实现了盒式连接可重构型架服役状态退化过程的描述及利用实测数据的空置期服役状态评估;同时,针对作业期内难以甚至无法获取测量数据的问题,提出基于多源稳定性影响因素分析并利用稳定性熵来表征服役状态退化程度的策略;最终融合空置期与作业期的评估结果构建了型架稳定性综合评价模型,相比传统的定检方法能够更简捷、有效地完成某一时间段内型架服役稳定性评估。最后,以某型垂尾盒式连接可重构装配型架后梁定位器模块为实验对象,验证了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   
张凯  王凯迪  杨曦  李少毅  王晓田 《航空学报》2021,42(2):324223-324223
复杂空战背景下针对人工干扰的博弈是红外空空导弹精确探测制导技术发展面临的瓶颈和核心技术。针对人工干扰对空中红外目标产生的遮蔽、黏连、相似等干扰现象,以及目标机动和相对运动造成的形状、尺度、辐射特性剧烈变化等实际问题,提出一种基于信息特征提取的深度卷积神经网络DNET空中红外图像目标抗干扰识别算法。首先,DNET网络对大尺度特征图像采用密集连接模块,在前部通道保存每一层的网络输出,在网络末端引入特征注意力机制,获得每个特征通道的信息特征识别权重。然后,加入多尺度密集连接模块,并与多尺度特征融合检测结合,提高对大尺度变化情况下的目标特征提取能力。实验结果表明,在伴随红外诱饵干扰的实时检测条件下,红外目标由点目标变化为成像目标,直至充满视场的整个过程中,本文抗干扰识别算法的识别精确度、召回率及识别速度分别达到99.36%、96.95%、132 fps,具备识别精确度和召回率高、识别速度快等优点,并具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
王安东  卞贵学  张勇  陈跃良  张柱柱  张杨广 《航空学报》2021,42(5):524260-524260
为探索航空用碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)的老化机理及实验室加速老化环境与真实服役环境间的相关性,以飞机常用的G814/3233复合材料为研究对象,以海洋环境为服役背景开展了实验室加速老化试验和随舰自然暴露试验,观测了老化前后CFRP试件的力学性能、微观结构、组织成分等;改进了传统的大样本统计方法,提出了确定自然老化方程的小子样方法,有效扩大了数据样本;提出了以纵横剪切强度保持率为基准的当量折算系数计算方法并开展了验证试验。结果表明:在加速老化1个月后,G814/3233复合材料的表面树脂及碳纤维/树脂界面遭到破坏,剩余强度、纵横剪切强度、玻璃化转变温度分别下降6.93%、7.30%、0.87%,室温条件下的储能模量升高约5 GPa;获得了该型CFRP在南海环境下的老化机理和纵横剪切强度中值曲线;确定了自然老化环境与加速老化环境之间的当量折算系数为7.25;所建立的实验室加速老化方法对自然老化方具有较好的加速性和重现性。  相似文献   
殷海鹏  王立新  乐挺  刘海良  张喆  尤俊彬 《航空学报》2021,42(6):124364-124364
为研究舵面破损对电传控制飞机轴间运动耦合飞行品质的影响,选取了能够反映飞机多轴运动耦合特性的飞行品质评定任务,建立了舵面破损飞机的飞行动力学模型,选取了适用于表征飞机轴间运动耦合程度的特征参数,形成了基于任务的角速率指令式电传控制飞机轴间运动耦合飞行品质的评定方法。采用该方法对具有不同舵面破损程度的算例飞机开展了飞行品质评估试验,得到了能够量化舵面破损对角速率指令式电传控制飞机飞行品质影响的特征参数取值规律。研究结果对于舵面破损情形下飞机飞行安全与作战效能评估等均有一定的理论参考价值。  相似文献   
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