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双激盘理论及其在轴流式弯掠动叶栅气动计算中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟芳源  王建民  蔡娜  李中 《航空动力学报》1994,9(4):394-398,444
轴流式弯掠动叶栅对主气流作用有一个不容忽视的径向分力。为此本文提出“双激盘理论”及相应的一套计算方法, 其中包括阻力系数及出口气流角值沿径分布的修正, 用来进行低速低负荷轴流式弯掠(即必须计及叶片径向分力影响的)风扇的设计和性能估计。用一个弯掠动叶和一个非弯掠动叶的风扇进行验证性试验, 结果表明:计算与实测值吻合甚好。   相似文献   
强度自适应智能复合材料结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出在复合材料中埋入形状记忆合金丝、光纤阵列组成的强度自适应复合材料结构与系统。提出能够改变结构应力分布的形状记忆合金丝的布置方案;检测复合材料损伤及大应变位置的光纤阵列和神经网络;以及控制激励形状记忆合金丝动作的系统和实验方案。  相似文献   
人工神经网络在CAPP系统开发工具中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董家骧  汪叔淳  唐晓青 《航空学报》1994,15(10):1212-1218
探讨了基于神经网络理论在CAPP系统开发工具的应用;建立了工艺过程设计系统的ANN模型;详细讨论了工艺过程设计系统的推理机制,并给出了用集成BP网络选择加工方法及通过改进Hopfield网络确定工艺路线的过程。  相似文献   
对充满静止不可压缩粘性流体的圆柱形,当柱壁沿垂直于柱轴方向作小振幅简谐振荡时的内部流动进行了实验研究,发现柱壁振荡在圆柱域内也诱导形成旋涡形态的定常整流流动。流动图谱随不同的振荡参数组合呈现四涡形态、双涡形态以及足印状双涡和蝶状四涡的过渡形态,并初步给出了不同整流图谱随数变化的演化规律。  相似文献   
Streamer evaporation is the consequence of heating in ideal MHD models because plasma is weakly contained by the magnetic field. Heating causes inflation, opening of field lines, and release of solar wind. It was discovered in simulations and, due to the absence of loss mechanisms, the ultimate end point is the complete evaporation of the streamer. Of course streamers do not behave in this way because of losses by thermal conduction and radiation. Heating is also expected to depend on ambient conditions. We use a global MHD model with thermal conduction to examine the effect of changing the heating scale height. We also extend an analytic model of streamers developed by Pneuman (1968) to show that steady streamers are unable to contain plasma for temperatures near the cusp greater than ∼ 2 × 106 K. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Among the few known adaptive filtering algorithms which have an embedded (integrated) constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance feature, the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test algorithm has been found to be robust in non-Gaussian clutter. This paper examines the detection performance of the GLR algorithm in nonhomogeneous/nonstationary clutter environments which lead to nonidentical distribution of secondary (training) data. For two common types of nonhomogeneity, i.e., the so-called “signal contamination” and “clutter edge”, the asymptotic detection performance is derived and compared with simulations. These asymptotic results are relatively simple to use and they predict the GLR performance in nonhomogeneous environments quite well. The GLR performance loss due to the nonhomogeneity is also evaluated. It is found that the “generalized angle” between the desired and contaminating signal plays an important role in the study of the effects of signal contamination. It is also found that the performance degradation due to the clutter edge depends largely on the width of the clutter spectrum and target-clutter Doppler separation  相似文献   
实现交互式三维参数化造型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参数化设计方法是当今计算机辅助设计领域的一个热点课题,交互式三维参数化造型可以在原有模型的基础上,快速而方便地生成新的设计方案,大大提高了设计效率。本文所讨论的是通过引入特征的约束关系,利用现有的实体几何造型系统来实现交互式的三维参数化造型的方法。  相似文献   
数控机床铣螺纹用盘形铣刀的近似造型及误差计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在数控铣床上加工螺纹,需要设计盘形铣刀,本文求导了铣刀宽度计算公式,分析了产生误差的原因,并提出了改进措施。  相似文献   
正交各向异性材料粘塑性损伤统一本构关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用损伤力学与粘塑性理论相结合的方法,将正交个性异性材料的粘塑性统一本构模型[1]进行了修正和推广,建立了在蠕变与疲劳载荷交互作用下正交各向异性材料的粘塑性损伤统一本构模型。用该模型预测了DD3 单晶合金的蠕变和疲劳特性以及蠕变和疲劳损伤,预测了在循环载荷作用下材料的蠕变与疲劳交互作用损伤及其寿命。同时将计算结果和试验结果进行了比较  相似文献   
某Ⅰ级涡轮盘低循环疲劳寿命试验研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
为了确定某Ⅰ级涡轮盘的技术寿命,根据该盘的标准循环载荷谱,对该盘进行了应力分析,确定在标准循环时该盘中心孔与径向销孔相交处为考核部位。为模拟标准循环时该盘在其考核部位的应力谱,专门设计了该Ⅰ级涡轮盘的试验转子及试验参数,在轮盘低循环疲劳试验器上,对该Ⅰ级涡轮盘的一个旧盘进行了高温低循环疲劳试验。试验结果表明:该旧盘低循环疲劳试验至第6047 次循环时,有5 个销孔考核部位出现了裂纹。断口分析表明:该旧盘剩余的试验低循环疲劳失效寿命为6047 周  相似文献   
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