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利用三维绘图软件Pro/Engineer生成WCB钢阀体的三维实体模型,运用铸造模拟软件Z-Cast对阀体进行流场和温度场的数值模拟,预测缩孔、缩松等缺陷产生的部位,并分析形成原因。通过Z-Cast软件对冒口、冷铁尺寸进行改进,优化工艺。模拟计算结果表明:改进工艺实现了顺序凝固,消除了缩孔、缩松缺陷,保证了铸件质量。  相似文献   
模糊滑模迭代学习控制算法在液压系统中应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
普通比例(P, Proportion)和比例微分(PD, Proportion and Differential)迭 代学习控制(ILC, Iterative Learning Control)算法在液压位置伺服系统中收敛速度比较 慢,很难在实际中应用.为了提高ILC算法的收敛速度,将滑模控制算法引入ILC,提出模糊 滑模迭代学习控制(FSMILC, Fuzzy Sliding Mode Iterative Learning Control)算法,利 用滑模控制响应快的优点来加速ILC的收敛速度,利用模糊控制来减小滑模控制所引起的抖 动问题.FSMILC算法的实质是以系统的滑模函数作为模糊控制器的输入,以模糊控制器的输 出作为ILC的控制增量.通过仿真可以看出,FSMILC算法能够实现系统快速收敛,相对于P型 和PD型具有明显优势.   相似文献   
社会个体或群体都在与外界环境的互动中生存和发展,个体或群体的思想解放受到一定客观条件、传统势力、主体素质以及一定社会发展状况的制约,对这些制约因素的深入分析是进一步解放思想的前提条件。  相似文献   
分析了曲面交线加工中刀具的偏置类型,提出了新的交线加工刀位轨迹生成算法。该算法利用曲面跟踪求交算法计算两曲面交线,并根据交线处曲面局部微分几何性质推算刀具的初始位置,然后采用牛顿迭代算法精确刀位。该算法的优点是能够精确控制刀具与曲面的加工误差,可处理单支点、双支点偏置情况下球头刀、平底刀、圆角刀的交线域加工,算法稳定、统一。  相似文献   
朱恩  王蔚楠 《飞行力学》1998,16(1):60-64
对电传操纵系统驾驶员诱发振荡(PIO)的现象进行了分析,指出了舵回路速率饱和是造成PIO的主要原因,并有针对对给出了一种非常规的用于解决饱和非线性问题的程序控制方法。这种方法主要是通过舵回路反馈的状态信息来改变驾驶杆输入信号的放大系数,从而达到有效抑制PIO的目的,同时用Hurwitz稳定判据进行了机理分析,最后给出了仿真验证结果,证明该方法是简单而有效的。  相似文献   
Deployable high-frequency mesh reflector antennas for future communications and obser- vations are required to obtain high gain and high directivity. In order to support these new missions, reflectors with high surface accuracy are widely required. The form-finding analysis of deployable mesh reflector antennas becomes more vital which aims to determine the initial surface profile formed by the equilibrium prestress distribution in cables to satisfy the surface accuracy requirement. In this paper, two form-finding methods for mesh reflector antennas, both of which include two steps, are pro- posed. The first step is to investigate the prestress design only for the cable net structure as the circum- ferential nodes connected to the supporting truss are assumed fixed. The second step is to optimize the prestress distribution of the boundary cables connected directly to the supporting truss considering the elastic deformation of the antenna structure. Some numerical examples are carried out and the simulation results demonstrate the proposed form-finding methods can warrant the deformed antenna reflector surface matches the one by design and the cable tension forces fall in a specified range.  相似文献   
降压熄火过程复合推进剂燃速的测试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王峻晔  桑秉诚 《航空动力学报》1990,5(2):173-175,191
激光光斑法是激光阴影技术的实际应用,它是文献[1]中激光燃速仪法的发展,但本质有很大差别。激光器发出的激光束照在燃烧的药条上,随药条燃烧,燃面下移逐渐增多的过激光量由一光电池接收并转换为电压信号。如果在激光束上加一整形片,使这种转换具线性关系,并且适当选择和调整放大和记录元件,使在要求的测试精度范围内,每个环节信号转换都具有线性关系。因而,组成一个线性系统。   相似文献   
The non-linear behavior of continuous fiber reinforced C/SiC ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) under tensile loading is modeled by three-dimensional representative volume element (RVE) models of the composite. The theoretical background of the multi-scale approach solved by the finite element method (FEM) is recalled first- ly. Then the geometric characters of three kinds of damage mechanisms, i.e. micro matrix cracks, fiber/matrix interface debonding and fiber fracture, are studied. Three kinds of RVE are proposed to model the microstructure of C/SiC with above damage mechanisms respectively. The matrix cracking is modeled by critical matrix strain en- ergy (CMSE) principle while a maximum shear stress criterion is used for modeling fiber/matrix interface debond- ing. The behavior of fiber fracture is modeled by the famous Weibull statistic theory. A numerical example of con- tinuous fiber reinforced C/SiC composite under tensile loading is performed. The results show that the stress/ strain curve predicted by the developed model agrees with experimental data.  相似文献   
根据航空发动机环形燃烧室测试数据 ,采用时间序列自回归分析方法建立了燃烧室噪声声压时间信号仿真模型ARMA(6 ,5 ) ,并利用Green函数对仿真误差进行了控制 ,使控制后的系统误差方差明显降低。  相似文献   
惯性式低频振动传感器畸变波形恢复问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水电机组振动是表征水电机组运行稳定性的主要指标之一。然而,水电机组转频太低,适合于使用测量低频振动信号的惯性式低频振动传感器。由于传感器本身频率特性,造成其输出波形的低频段必然产生较大的畸变。为了获得实测低频振动信号的真实波形,对振动传感器输出的畸变波形恢复问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
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