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为了指导火花放电式合成射流激励器在超声速流动控制中的应用,数值模拟研究了火花放电合成射流与超声速来流的相互干扰特性。研究表明火花放电式合成射流在超声速流场中产生强烈扰动,产生较强的激波结构;随着射流的喷出,激励器上游分离区和流场中激波呈先增强后减弱的趋势,激波由弓形激波逐渐弱化为斜激波,并且随着放电能量的增加射流与主流的动量通量比不断增大,射流的干扰和控制能力显著增强。由于超声速流的较大惯性及其对腔内气体的引射作用,激励器的腔体回填速率大幅下降、回填时间明显增长,使得激励器的工作频率受到很大限制。  相似文献   
针对飞机在飞行中遭遇过冷水滴撞击并结冰现象,建立了适合于发动机带动力情况下结冰过程水滴收集率计算的三维数值方法和计算程序。其基本思路为:采用多块技术与SIMPLE方法计算空气流场,以流场分布的计算结果为基础,求解水滴相的控制方程,进而获得物体表面的水滴收集率。空气相控制方程和水滴相控制方程均写成典型输运方程的形式,采用一致的有限体积法离散求解,方便了计算程序的编制。对某型运输机巡航构型有/无动力条件的水滴收集率进行了比较计算,获得了不同直径水滴在飞机表面的撞击特征以及水滴收集率在飞机机翼、平尾、垂尾和发动机进气道唇口上的分布规律。研究表明:(1)发动机是否带动力对机翼、平尾、垂尾的水滴收集率基本无影响;(2)飞机带动力主要影响发动机进气道唇口处的水滴收集率,带动力后唇口的收集率比无动力情况高,水滴撞击范围增大,在进行防除冰研究和设计时需引起重视。  相似文献   
Thermal vacuum test is widely used for the ground validation of spacecraft thermal control system. However, the conduction and convection can be simulated in normal ground pressure environment completely. By the employment of pumped fluid loops’ thermal control technology on spacecraft, conduction and convection become the main heat transfer behavior between radiator and inside cabin. As long as the heat transfer behavior between radiator and outer space can be equivalently simulated in normal pressure, the thermal vacuum test can be substituted by the normal ground pressure thermal test. In this paper, an equivalent normal pressure thermal test method for the spacecraft single-phase fluid loop radiator is proposed. The heat radiation between radiator and outer space has been equivalently simulated by combination of a group of refrigerators and thermal electrical cooler(TEC) array. By adjusting the heat rejection of each device, the relationship between heat flux and surface temperature of the radiator can be maintained. To verify this method,a validating system has been built up and the experiments have been carried out. The results indicate that the proposed equivalent ground thermal test method can simulate the heat rejection performance of radiator correctly and the temperature error between in-orbit theory value and experiment result of the radiator is less than 0.5 C, except for the equipment startup period. This provides a potential method for the thermal test of space systems especially for extra-large spacecraft which employs single-phase fluid loop radiator as thermal control approach.  相似文献   
C/E复合材料网格缠绕结构三维建模与模具设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对圆柱螺旋线和圆锥螺旋线参数方程的推导,实现了网格结构及模具的三维建模。三维模型的建立,可实现结构空间协调,缩短设计周期,节省研制经费,提高生产效率。在此基础上提出了可行的金属模具设计方案,找到了切实可行的模具加工方法,并在工程中加以应用,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   
以Ti粉、Si粉和C粉为原料,利用高能球磨及热压工艺合成了TiC/Ti5Si3陶瓷复合材料。研究了工艺条件尤其是热压温度对合成产物相组成及微观结构的影响,并结合DSC、XRD和SEM对反应合成机理进行探讨。结果表明:通过优化合成工艺,高能球磨12 h,热压温度1 400℃时,烧结6 h得到了高纯度的TiC/Ti5Si3陶瓷复合材料;合成过程为:反应开始时发生Ti+C■TiC,反应ΔG=-167.72 kJ/mol。2 h时发生5TiC+8Si■Ti5Si3+5SiC,反应ΔG=-62.12 kJ/mol,当6 h时发生3SiC+8Ti■Ti5Si3+3TiC,反应ΔG=-697.8 kJ/mol。显微结构表明:TiC/Ti5Si3复合材料的合成过程伴随Si熔融,该材料以TiC-Si-Ti5Si3形式相结合,其中Si为黏结剂。  相似文献   
对BTi-62421S高温钛合金进行了高温超塑性拉伸实验,通过研究超塑条件下的力学性能、金相组织及拉伸断口形貌,确定了该合金高温拉伸条件下的断裂机制及超塑成形最佳变形工艺参数,在此基础上进行了BTi-62421S钛合金框架零件的超塑性成形实验。结果表明:BTi-62421S钛合金在920℃,应变速率10-3/s时具有最佳超塑性能,伸长率达到448.5%;该合金拉伸断裂机制以韧性断裂为主,但在不同变形参数下伴随着不同程度的脆性断裂;在超塑条件下可以成形出满足使用要求的航天用钛合金框架零件。  相似文献   
为降低纤维缠绕过程中纱筒退绕的纤维磨损,研制了低损伤退绕跟随系统。通过分析纱筒卷绕特点及退绕运动过程,提出了角度替代的控制思想和导纱器自适应跟随控制策略;通过计算机控制伺服电机驱动导纱器运动,可实现对任意卷绕线型的自动跟随。实际应用表明:该方法可行,研制的系统跟随效果理想,有效消除了纤维的摩擦损伤,提高了缠绕复合材料制品的质量。  相似文献   
This paper calculated load carrying of isogrid and orthogrid of carbon epoxy composite trellis wound
structure (C/ E CTWS) using non linear finite element method. Based on the analysis, test cases were designed and
tests of axial compression were carried. Analysis result and test result fit well. In order to be used in the project, this
kind of structure cut out repairing was calculated. The method presented in this paper has been proved and can be used
to solve complicated engineering problems. According to calculations and experimental results combined with applica
tion, a principle of choosing wound structure is obtained and principle could be applied to engineering.
介绍了自动微装配技术在机载传感器装调中应用的整体思路及应用方案,通过对微小型零件夹持、精密定位、显微视觉和在线测量等先进装调中关键技术的研究,开发了光纤陀螺、高精度加速度计等产品成套自动装配的技术装备,解决了目前精度不高、装调一致性差、手工作业和产能不足等问题,从而整体提升了机载产品制造技术的水平.  相似文献   
王玲 《航空发动机》2010,36(3):61-62
介绍了经济增加值(EVA)相关理论,重点探讨了央企所属研究所EVA的增长途径。  相似文献   
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