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While adopting an elevation-over-azimuth architecture by an inter-satellite linkage antenna of a user satellite, a zenith pass problem always occurs when the antenna is tracing the tracking and data relay satellite (TDRS). This paper deals with this problem by way of, firstly, introducing movement laws of the inter-satellite linkage to predict the movement of the user satellite antenna followed by analyzing the potential pass moment and the actual one of the zenith pass in detail. A number of specific orbit altitudes for the user satellite that can remove the blindness zone are obtained. Finally, on the base of the predicted results from the movement laws of the inter-satellite linkage, the zenith pass tracing strategies for the user satellite antenna are designed under the program guidance using a trajectory preprocessor. Simulations have confirmed the reasonability and feasibility of the strategies in dealing with the zenith pass problem.  相似文献   
为实时监测航天器返回舱烧蚀层厚度,文章基于超声导波在双层板结构中的传播特性研究发现导波波速与烧蚀层厚度相关,故提出依据导波波速变化对结构烧蚀层厚度损失进行表征的方法,以及根据导波频散曲线和厚度敏感曲线选择适当的监测模态和频率的方法,可以实现烧蚀层厚度的高效率、高精度实时在线监测。有限元仿真和实验结果均验证了该烧蚀层厚度监测方法的有效性。  相似文献   
航天器磁性测量误差因素及精度评估与航天器结构尺寸、磁矩量级、内部磁性分布特征,以及所用的磁测试方法和测试设备等有密切关系。近场分析法是航天器磁偶极矩测定中经典有效的测试方法。文章就该法在航天器磁测试中的系统误差、随机误差因素及精度评估逐一进行详细论述和深入剖析;针对中大尺度航天器正置态磁测试中垂向磁矩测试结果存在的误差,提出提高测试精度和改进误差评估的有效方法和措施;给出航天器磁测试有效性综合评估的基本条件和评判标准,得到不同尺度航天器磁测试误差的预估参考范围。文章所述航天器磁测试误差因素及精度评估技术对于提高航天器磁测试精度、有效控制航天器磁性具有指导意义。  相似文献   
为考查应用新型磁强计——金刚石氮空穴(nitrogen-vacancy, NV)色心系综磁强计进行电路诊断的可行性和可靠性,从金刚石NV色心系综磁强计的基本原理出发,搭建了一套光纤耦合金刚石NV色心系综磁强计测试实验系统,将探头紧贴于电路导线外壳,通过测量磁强计处磁场信号的变化实现对电路的诊断。实验结果表明,金刚石NV色心系综磁强计对电路异常引起的磁场变化响应明显,对电流的分辨率优于50 mA;当探头和导线距离发生变化时,观测信号曲线呈现明显的台阶,空间分辨率优于0.4 mm。本系统采用更加简洁的方案实现了10 μT量级磁场分辨率的性能指标,能够诊断出电路的电流变化并进行精确定位,可广泛应用电路无损检测及可靠性评估。  相似文献   
着眼于提升临近空间可重复使用航天器的能源利用效率,文章探究环形CW型原表面回热器通道流动换热与熵产特性。以其换热单元体为研究对象,采用k-ε湍流模型和周期性边界条件,通过分析回热器流道出口截面的速度和温度参数分布,讨论了冷热侧进口参数(雷诺数、温度)对回热器流动特性与换热性能的影响。结果表明,增大雷诺数会使冷热侧出口截面温度降低、速度提升,形成中心涡,使流道侧壁摩擦阻力及压力损失增大,导致回热器换热性能下降。熵产分析验证了此结论:随雷诺数增大,换热单元总熵产率增大。雷诺数不变时,改变冷热侧进口温度,结合面优度系数和总熵产率的综合变化,得到回热器的最佳工作温度为燃气进口温度874.8 K、空气进口温度485.6 K。  相似文献   
为有效实施对航天员的空间辐射防护,采用计算机断层扫描数据(CT)建立了精细化男性体素模型;基于Geant4建立蒙特卡罗程序计算空间站轨道辐射经过舱壁(5 g·cm-2等效铝屏蔽)后在体模中的辐射剂量;分析了不同辐射粒子在体素模型组织或器官中的吸收剂量、当量剂量和有效剂量。计算结果表明:航天员体内吸收剂量大约80%来源于地球辐射带(ERB)质子;大约14%来源于银河宇宙线(GCR)质子;α粒子的剂量贡献占比约为5%;其余重离子的剂量贡献占比在1%左右。另外,航天员吸收的当量剂量和有效剂量50%左右来自于ERB质子,另50%左右来自于GCR粒子。计算结果将有助于评估航天员在空间站舱内的潜在辐射风险并提供辐射防护参考。  相似文献   
Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (S-VLBI) is an aperture synthesis technique utilizing an array of radio telescopes including ground telescopes and space orbiting telescopes. It can achieve much higher spatial resolution than that from the ground-only VLBI. In this paper, a new concept of twin spacecraft S-VLBI has been proposed, which utilizes the space-space baselines formed by two satellites to obtain larger and uniform uv coverage without atmospheric influence and hence achieve high quality images with higher angular resolution. The orbit selections of the two satellites are investigated. The imaging performance and actual launch conditions are all taken into account in orbit designing of the twin spacecraft S-VLBI. Three schemes of orbit design using traditional elliptical orbits and circular orbits are presented. These design results can be used for different scientific goals. Furthermore, these designing ideas can provide useful references for the future Chinese millimeter-wave S-VLBI mission.  相似文献   
混合气体(可凝蒸气与不可凝气体)相对于纯可凝蒸气,其流动冷凝过程更为复杂,冷凝效率受不可凝气体的浓度及冷凝温度影响.为对空间任务蒸发冷凝实验平台排放的废气FC72进行清理回收,针对所研制的FC72气液分离与收集器,在地面环境下对不同浓度的混合气体在不同冷凝温度下进行了流动冷凝效率实验.结果表明,对于FC72与氮气的混合气体,当冷凝器温度一定时,随着FC72浓度的增加,该气液分离与收集器的冷凝效率提高.在冷凝器温度约为-10℃,FC72浓度高于70%时,流动冷凝效率达到80%以上;当冷凝器温度降低至约-13℃,FC72浓度高于30%时,流动冷凝效率达到70%以上;当冷凝器温度降至约-15℃,FC72浓度高于20%时,流动冷凝速率均达到60%以上.  相似文献   
亚、跨、超声速下空腔流场特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在FL-21跨、超声速风洞中对空腔流场特性进行了较为深入的实验研究.空腔的长深比L/D为7、8、9、12、15,试验马赫数M范围为0.6、0.9、1.2、1.5、1.8,试验雷诺数Re为1.23~2.26×107.研究表明:空腔流场特性主要由空腔长深比L/D和来流马赫数所决定,这两个参数的变化均能引起空腔的流场类型发生变化.另外,边界层厚度涠钥涨坏撞康难沽Ψ植家灿凶畔灾挠跋?随着边界层厚度与空腔深度之比?D的减小,空腔的流场类型有向闭式穴流动转变的趋势.  相似文献   

Space satellite observations in an electron phase-space hole (electron hole) have shown that bipolar structures are discovered at the parallel cut of parallel electric field, while unipolar structures spring from the parallel cut of perpendicular electric field. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations have demonstrated that the electron bi-stream instability induces several electron holes during its nonlinear evolution. However, how the unipolar structure of the parallel cut of the perpendicular electric field formed in these electron holes is still an unsolved problem, especially in a strongly magnetized plasma (Ωe > ωpe, where Ωe is defined as electron gyrofrequency and ωpe is defined as plasma frequency, respectively). In this paper, with two-dimensional (2D) electrostatic PIC simulations, the evolution of the electron two-stream instability with a finite width in strongly magnetized plasma is investigated. Initially, those conditions lead to monochromatic electrostatic waves, and these waves coalesce with each other during their nonlinear evolution. At last, a solitary electrostatic structure is formed. In such an electron hole, a bipolar structure is formed in the parallel cut of parallel electric field, while a unipolar structure presents in the parallel cut of perpendicular electric field.

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