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在飞机显示器的水平导航区域上需要为飞行员实时显示最新的航线信息,航线中的每个航路点均有不同的转弯方式,目前国内正在研发的飞机采用旁切转弯和飞越转弯两种方式,若错过了预计的转弯起始点,则需要重新进行航线解算,这被定义为超调转弯,给出三类转弯航线的解算方法。  相似文献   
本文采用ABAQUS建立了有限元分析模型,分析了40°、50°、60°3种铆模角度和1.5mm、1.8mm两种铆模深度对铆钉成形的影响规律。通过试验分析表明,铆模锥度及深度对铆钉镦头的成形影响显著,适当增大铆模锥角同时增大铆模深度至1.8mm有利于消除铆钉镦头的卷边,提高铆接质量。  相似文献   
Cavitation caused by insufficient suction is a major factor that influences the life of aircraft pumps. Currently, pressurizing the tank can solve the cavitation problem under steady large-flow conditions. However, this method is not always effective under transient conditions (from zero flow to full flow in a very short time). Moreover, to apply and design other measures, such as a boost impeller, the suction dynamics during the transient period must be investigated. In this paper, a novel approach based on the pressure wave propagation theory is proposed for predicting the inlet pressure of an aircraft pump under transient conditions. First, a dynamic model of a typical aircraft pump is established in the form of differential equations. Then, the transient flow model of the inlet line is described using momentum and continuity equations, and the governing equations are discretized by the method of characteristics and the finite difference method. The simulated results are in good agreement with the results from verification tests. Further simulation analysis indicates that the wave velocity and transient time may influence the inlet and reservoir pressure as well as the size of the inlet line. Finally, solutions for upgrading the inlet pressure are discussed. These solutions provide guidelines for designing inlet installations.  相似文献   
介绍了300 MVA脉冲发电机组的滑差装置。对机组采取滑差方式的起动过程进行了分析和等效建模。根据机组实际起动过程电气波形,利用非线性规划模型,建立了滑差装置液体电阻等效仿真模型,并代入机组参数对起动过程进行仿真,仿真结果和实际波形吻合,验证了模型的正确性。在此基础上,为了使机组的转速达到额定转速,提出在滑差装置液体电阻低位时并入两级固体金属电阻后短接的方案,给出了两级固体金属电阻的阻值等理论参数,并通过仿真验证了方案的可行性。建立的仿真模型可以作为研究不同参数、不同控制策略下的机组起动过程动态特性的重要工具。  相似文献   
In aerodynamic optimization, global optimization methods such as genetic algorithms are preferred in many cases because of their advantage on reaching global optimum. However, for complex problems in which large number of design variables are needed, the computational cost becomes prohibitive, and thus original global optimization strategies are required. To address this need, data dimensionality reduction method is combined with global optimization methods, thus forming a new global optimization system, aiming to improve the efficiency of conventional global optimization. The new optimization system involves applying Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) in dimensionality reduction of design space while maintaining the generality of original design space. Besides, an acceleration approach for samples calculation in surrogate modeling is applied to reduce the computational time while providing sufficient accuracy. The optimizations of a transonic airfoil RAE2822 and the transonic wing ONERA M6 are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed new optimization system. In both cases, we manage to reduce the number of design variables from 20 to 10 and from 42 to 20 respectively. The new design optimization system converges faster and it takes 1/3 of the total time of traditional optimization to converge to a better design, thus significantly reducing the overall optimization time and improving the efficiency of conventional global design optimization method.  相似文献   
俄罗斯民族是一个伟大的民族。地理位置与历史的造就使她具有了东西方文化的双重性及感性化的民族个性。这种文化特点对其民族产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
选取国内常用的两种树脂与环氧酸酐浸渍树脂作对比测试。通过对树脂常规性能及浸渍模拟线圈电性能测试,得出结论:1号树脂具有较好的储存稳定性,电性能与环氧酸酐相当,可作为环氧酸酐的替代品。  相似文献   
分析了交流伺服系统的基本原理和电气性能特点。介绍了交流伺服系统主要性能评价指标和测试方法。据此,根据GB/T 16439—2009《交流伺服系统通用技术条件》中交流伺服系统试验测试的要求和特点,设计和搭建了用于交流伺服系统测试用的平台,并且介绍了在该平台实现交流伺服系统性能试验的方法。测试系统的设计实现为类似试验站的研制提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
在由材料的单调拉伸强度极限和断面收缩率确定总应变寿命方程中疲劳强度系数和疲劳延性系数的基础上,考查了利用材料在两个不同应力幅下的疲劳试验数据和单调拉伸延伸率来确定总应变寿命方程中疲劳强度指数和疲劳延性指数的一种方法,给出了只需较少的疲劳试验数据和单调拉伸力学性能参数即可确定材料的总应变寿命方程中全部4个参数的分析流程,并利用航空发动机中常用的钛合金和镍基合金材料的疲劳试验数据对该方法进行了验证,结果表明该方法所确定的总应变寿命方程对所考查的材料大多数情形的疲劳寿命预测结果较为理想,基本在3倍分散带以内.   相似文献   
为了实现新一代发动机的噪声源识别技术,对于测试所得到的民用飞机发动机的整体噪声数据,通过部件噪声分解方法,将其分解到各个部件,并且认识当代民用飞机发动机噪声源的基本特征.开发出利用发动机整机噪声数据的噪声源识别系统,采用反卷积法将波束成型法的结果作为中间声源,从中获取所需要的声源信息,使得最终的结果更加准确.通过获取的发动机整机噪声数据,验证传声器阵列技术的可行性,并且证明了系统的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   
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