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C/SiC复合材料螺钉是在高超声速飞行器上应用越来越广泛的一类重要紧固件,但其拉伸性能存在较大散差,分布规律尚不明确,给材料选用和结构设计带来了很大困难。本文采用电子万能试验机对M8、M10、M12三种规格的平头C/SiC复合材料螺钉进行力学性能试验,并分析了拉伸强度的分布规律。在此基础上应用双参数Weibull模型对统计数据进行拟合,并对拟合结果进行了柯尔莫哥洛夫检验。结果表明:C/SiC复合材料螺钉的拉伸性能分布满足双参数Weibull模型,其特征强度β为212 MPa,形状参数α为9. 45,可以据此进行复合材料许用强度设计。  相似文献   
为提高航空类发动机叶片的自动化磨抛精度,减小复杂曲面叶片加工轨迹控制误差,采用基于六维力传感器的机器人力/位混合控制策略,实现机器人磨抛轨迹的在线修正。搭建以Staubli机器人和ATI六维力传感器为核心部件的叶片磨抛验证平台,通过C++开发上位机,采集磨抛过程中六维力传感器信息并进行Kalman滤波。通过示教确定机器人运动轨迹,对机器人运动轨迹与力传感器信息进行采集分析,确定基于力/位混合控制可以实现机器人运动轨迹的在线修正,为复杂曲面的叶片磨抛轨迹控制提供一种解决方案。  相似文献   
对二维复值金兹堡朗道(Ginzburg-Landau,GL)方程提出一个基于时间分裂的高阶紧致交替方向隐式有限差分格式。本文通过时间分裂法将GL方程分裂成一个非线性子问题及两个线性子问题,对非线性子问题以及其中一个线性子问题均通过精确积分进行计算,并对另一线性子问题构造紧致交替方向隐式差分格式进行数值计算。实际计算中,在每一时间步,利用追赶法求解一族常系数三对角线性代数方程组,从而使得算法既具有较高精度又拥有较快的计算速度。数值实验表明该算法在时间和空间方向分别具有二阶和四阶精度,并模拟了方程的一些动力学行为。  相似文献   
针对在永磁同步电机(Permanent magnet synchronous motor,PMSM)中安装传感器带来的高成本、体积增大、可靠性降低和易受环境干扰等问题,提出采用迭代容积卡尔曼滤波(Iterative cubature Kalman filter,ICKF)算法来估计电机转速和转子位置,并将其应用于永磁同步电机无传感器控制。首先,建立了PMSM在α-β坐标系下的离散数学模型。其次,在Matlab/Simulink环境下分别建立了基于容积卡尔曼滤波(Cubature Kalman filter,CKF)和ICKF的PMSM转速、电流双闭环的无传感器矢量控制系统仿真模型,并进行了给定转速和加负载两种工况的仿真验证。最后,基于TMS320F28335芯片搭建了硬件实验验证平台。仿真分析与实验结果均表明,迭代容积卡尔曼滤波算法应用于永磁同步电机无传感器控制中抗负载变化干扰性好、电机运行稳定、电机转速和转子位置估计精度高,可满足对电机精确控制要求较高的应用场合,具有重要参考价值和推广意义。  相似文献   
With the worsening of energy crisis and environmental pollution,electric vehicles with four in?wheel motors have been paid more and more attention. The main research subject is how to reasonably distribute the driving torque of each wheel. Considering the longitudinal motion,lateral motion,yaw movement and rotation of the four wheels,the tire model and the seven DOF dynamic model of the vehicle are established in this paper. Then,the torque distribution method is proposed based on road adhesion margin,which can be divided into anti ? slip control layer and torque distribution layer. The anti?slip control layer is built based on sliding mode variable structure control,whose main function is to avoid the excessive slip of wheels caused by road conditions. The torque distribution layer is responsible for selecting the torque distribution method based on road adhesion margin. The simulation results show that the proposed torque distribution method can ensure the vehicle quickly adapt to current road adhesion conditions,and improve the handling stability and dynamic performance of the vehicle in the driving process.  相似文献   
The pneumatic muscle actuator(PMA) has many advantages,such as good flexibility,high power/weight ratio,but its nonlinearity makes it difficult to build a static mathematical model with high precision. A new method is proposed to establish the model of PMA. The concept of hybrid elastic modulus which is related to the static characteristic of PMA is put forward,and the energy conservation law is used to achieve the expression of the hybrid elastic modulus,which can be fitted out based on experimental data,and the model of PMA can be derived from this expression. At the same time,a 3-DOF parallel mechanism(a new bionic shoulder joint)driven by five PMAs is designed. This bionic shoulder joint adopts the structure of two antagonistic PMAs actualizing a rotation control and three PMAs controlling another two rotations to get better rotation characteristics. The kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the mechanism are analyzed and a new static model of PMA is used to control it.Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this new static model.  相似文献   
An active design method of tooth profiles for cycloid gears based on their meshing efficiency is proposed.This method takes the meshing efficiency as one of the design variables to determine the tooth profiles. The calculation method for the meshing efficiency of planetary transmission is analyzed and the equation of the meshing efficiency is deduced. Relationships between the meshing efficiency,the radius of the pin wheel and the eccentric distance are revealed. The design constraint quations and the strength constraint quations are deduced. On the basis of this,a design procedure is laid out. Some examples using different input parameters are conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach. A dynamic simulation of the rigid-flexible coupling of cycloid gears is also presented. The results show that the proposed design method is more flexible to control the tooth profiles by changing the input values of the transmission efficiency.  相似文献   
超高速机械动密封需满足CZ-5运载火箭伺服系统中涡轮泵可靠性及寿命指标要求。离子注入作为重要的金属材料表面改性技术,对有效改善机械密封副旋转环表面摩擦磨损特性至关重要。在对密封动环表面离子注入可行性研究的基础上,提出了对其密封副配对摩擦磨损特性进行综合验证的试验方案。通过选取常用典型石墨与旋转金属环配副进行干磨条件下的试验测试,改变线速度、端面比压,使用摩擦磨损试验机对比分析了配对摩擦副的摩擦磨损特性,系统研究了载荷和转速对密封副配对摩擦系数的影响规律,揭示其密封摩擦学特性。通过机械密封在温度应力下的工作可靠性分析以及密封副整机稳态工作性能验证,为超高速涡轮泵的寿命与可靠性试验验证提供了一个合理的、高效费比的技术途径。  相似文献   
超高速干气密封扰流效应及抑扰机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王衍  胡琼  肖业祥  黄国庆  朱妍慧  葛云路 《航空学报》2019,40(10):123072-123072
干气密封在高速时优异的动压性能使其应用范围从传统的压缩机、离心机等中高速设备逐渐扩大到航空发动机、(微型)燃气轮机等超高速设备中。基于实际超高速工况特点,对转速范围为10 000~120 000 r/min时的干气密封性能进行了系统性仿真计算,结果发现:在一定几何参数和工况参数下,类似于气浮轴承的微振动现象,干气密封会出现疑似受气体压力波动流影响的开启力、泄漏量与转速非正相关变化的扰流现象,尤其在高压、大膜厚、小槽深时的扰流效应愈加显著;在转速持续增大过程中,干气密封微尺度流场会出现二次拐点现象,且一次拐点发生转速与设计参数有关,而二次拐点发生转速基本约为90 000 r/min。同时结合导流织构的设计思路,进一步研究了超高速下干气密封槽底导流织构的驱动导流效应,结果表明:加设导流织构后,承载效果明显提高,拐点发生工况延后且压力波动区域被压缩。表明导流织构具有良好的抑制扰流、维持开启力与转速持续正相关的作用,在此基础上,进一步阐释了导流织构的抑扰机制,以期为突破干气密封在超高速工况下的应用壁垒提供新思路。  相似文献   
李乾  董超  齐中阳  王延奎 《航空学报》2019,40(4):122448-122448
针对尖侧缘机身布局在大迎角下存在的正俯仰力矩(抬头力矩)问题,通过风洞试验,首先研究了俯仰力矩的迎角分区特性及流动演化规律:线性增长区(迎角为0°~15°),俯仰力矩线性增加,全机从附着流到形成进气道前缘涡和机翼涡;非线性增长区(迎角为17.5°~32.5°),俯仰力矩非线性增加,机头涡出现,机头涡和进气道前缘涡逐渐增强,机翼涡增强后破裂;衰减区(迎角为35°~65°),俯仰力矩逐渐减小,机头涡增强后破裂,进气道前缘涡破裂发展,机翼涡完全破裂。其次,发现了机身前体是产生正俯仰力矩的主要来源,机头涡是导致大迎角下正俯仰力矩的主控流动。当迎角为40°时,前体各截面正俯仰力矩在进气道前缘处达到最大,主要是由于该处机头涡诱导产生了较强的法向力。最后,提出了大迎角机身扰流板控制技术,产生了较好的控制效果。当迎角为40°时,扰流板可使正俯仰力矩减少62%,其原因是扰流板降低了机头涡涡量及其诱导产生的法向力,减少了机身前体对正俯仰力矩的贡献。该控制技术的缺点是扰流板会带来一些升力损失和附加阻力。基于尖侧缘机身参考宽度的雷诺数为2.59×105。  相似文献   
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