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World-ocean distribution of the crossover altimetry data from Geosat, TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) and the ERS 1 missions have provided strong independent evidence that NASA's/CSR's JGM 2 geopotential model (70 × 70 in spherical harmonics) yields accurate radial ephemerides for these satellites. In testing the sea height crossover differences found from altimetry and JGM 2 orbits for these satellites, we have used the sea height differences themselves (of ascending minus descending passes averaged at each location over many exact repeat cycles) and the Lumped Latitude Coefficients (LLC) derived from them. For Geosat we find the geopotential-induced LLC errors (exclusive of non-gravitational and initial state discrepancies) mostly below 6 cm, for TOPEX the corresponding errors are usually below 2 cm, and for ERS 1 (35-day cycle) they are generally below 5 cm. In addition, we have found that these observations agree well overall with predictions of accuracy derived from the JGM 2 variance-covariance matrix; the corresponding projected LLC errors for Geosat, T/P, and ERS 1 are usually between 1 and 4 cm, 1 – 2 cm, and 1 – 4 cm, respectively (they depend on the filtering of long-periodic perturbations and on the order of the LLC). This agreement is especially impressive for ERS 1 since no data of any kind from this mission was used in forming JGM 2.

The observed crossover differences for Geosat, T/P and ERS 1 are 8, 3, and 11 cm (rms), respectively. These observations also agree well with prediction of accuracy derived from the JGM 2 variance-covariance matrix; the corresponding projected crossover errors for Geosat and T/P are 8 cm and 2.3 cm, respectively. The precision of our mean difference observations is about 3 cm for Geosat (approx. 24,000 observations), 1.5 cm for T/P (approx. 6,000 observations) and 5 cm for ERS 1 (approx. 44,000 observations). Thus, these “global” independent data should provide a valuable new source for improving geopotential models. Our results show the need for further correction of the low order JGM 2 geopotential as well as certain resonant orders for all 3 satellites.  相似文献   

An absorption feature at 3.4 micrometers has been observed in various lines-of-sight through the diffuse interstellar medium. Its position and width lead to an identification with the C-H stretching mode of solid organic material. A possible mechanism for the production of organic solids in the interstellar medium is UV photoprocessing of icy mantles which accrete on dust grains in dense clouds. Furthermore, thermally induced reactions involving formaldehyde molecules in the mantles could be an important source of organics. Laboratory simulation of these processes shows that a large variety of oxygen- and nitrogen-rich species may be produced. It is shown that the occurrence of periodic transient heating events plays an important role in the production of organic material in the ice mantles. Finally, it is pointed out how future missions like the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) as well as analysis of comet material by Rosetta may be able to clarify the nature and evolution of interstellar organics.  相似文献   
It is current DoD policy to use commercial off-the-shelf software whenever it meets DoD requirements. The application of this policy to modeling and simulation has resulted in the concept of “The Joint Modeling and Simulation System (J-MASS) Marketplace.” J-MASS is designed as an Open Systems Architecture with the capability for the Simulation Support Environment (SSE) to be expanded by the addition of site specific software. In the “J-MASS Marketplace” industry will build commercial tools to work with J-MASS and individual organizations will license what they need for their particular site. The J-MASS SSE is a framework or backplane into which everything else plugs. A J-MASS product release would have the core capabilities, but the unique needs of various organizations would be satisfied by industry. This paper addresses how the J-MASS Marketplace could work and how compliance can be defined. It will outline opportunities for industry in both building software for the Marketplace and in defining the Marketplace concept  相似文献   
This paper discusses the advantages of incorporating active sidesticks into a modern aircraft cockpit. Active sidestick controllers for manual pilot inputs in pitch and roll are examined for commercial transport aircraft. Options and requirements for sidesticks are reviewed. The recommendation of an active sidestick controller is developed providing both cross-cockpit coupling and autopilot backdrive capability. These characteristics provide pilot cues identical to traditional cable-linked column/yoke configurations  相似文献   
A major technology barrier to the application of pulse compression for the meteorological functions required by a next generation ATC radar is range/time sidelobes which mask and corrupt observations of weak phenomena occurring near areas of strong extended meteorological scatterers. Techniques for suppressing range sidelobes are well known but without prior knowledge of the scattering medium's velocity distribution their performance degrades rapidly in the presence of Doppler. Recent investigations have presented a “doppler tolerant” range sidelobe suppression technique. The thrust of the work described herein is the extension of previous simulations to actual transmitted dispersed/coded waveforms using the S-band surveillance radar located at Rome Laboratory Surveillance Facility. The objectives of the experiment are: 1) to extend the verification of the simulation of the Doppler tolerant technique; and 2) to demonstrate that the radar transmitter, waveform generator, and receiver imperfections do not significantly degrade resolution, performance or reliability of meteorological spectral moment estimates  相似文献   
US Army helicopters that will allow single-crewmember operability in tactical environments require a high degree of automation. A tightly integrated flight control and navigation system has been studied. An architecture is discussed which meets anticipated flight control and navigation requirements, at an acceptable weight, using techniques of functional and physical integration. The architecture maximizes the sharing of sensor and computational resources in a flight critical environment and uses modular equipment packaging, dual fault-tolerant tetrad ring-laser-gyro inertial measurement units, and triplex self-checking processor pair-based flight critical processing channels  相似文献   
The development of pulse compression radar at Sperry is related on the basis of the author's personal recollections. He discusses the first experiments, concept improvements, demonstration of the concept, system implementations, dealings with the US Patent Office, and finishing touches  相似文献   
The airborne synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) system developed for the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) is described. It consists of two radars, at C-band and X-band. Each radar incorporates the following features: dual-channel receivers and dual-polarized antennas; a high quality, 7-look, real-time processor; a sensitivity time control for range-dependent gain control; a motion-compensation system for antenna steering in azimuth and elevation; and baseband I and Q signal phase rotation. The system also uses a high-power transmitter with a low-power back-up. The SAR maps to either side of the aircraft, at high or low resolution, at incidence angles which in high resolution span 0° to 80°. Radar operating parameters, data products, key specifications and the motion compensation scheme used are presented. Properties of the real-time imagery are discussed and examples of C-band SAR data in the three operating modes are given  相似文献   
A Symposium on the Giant Planets and Their Satellites was presented in conjunction with the Twenty-fourth Plenary Meeting of the Committee on Space Research. This paper summarizes the talks presented and places the remaining papers of this volume in context.  相似文献   
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