Variations in concentration of ions H+, He+, and O+ are studied at a height of about 700 km using the data of continuous observations onboard the DEMETER satellite at the decline and in the minimum of solar activity from 2004 to 2008. Latitudinal distributions, seasonal behavior, and irregular variations in ion concentrations and their dependence on solar and geomagnetic activity are considered. Within this altitude range, for the first time an analysis is performed of the dataset of many-year continuous observations in both hemispheres from the equatorial to subauroral latitudes. This made it possible to describe the seasonal and irregular variations of the concentrations of main ion species with better time and spatial resolution than in the available empirical models. The dependence of concentrations of three types of ions on solar and geomagnetic activity is studied at time scales from several days to several years, and it is shown that the anti-phase change in concentrations of O+ and light ions known from publications is partly a result of mutual dependence of solar and geomagnetic activity and is observed only at time scales beginning from several months. At time scales from several days to several weeks, variations in the concentration of O+ and light ions are governed mainly by solar and geomagnetic activity, respectively. 相似文献
Results of almost two years (January 1999–October 2000) of continuous observations of auroral kilometric radio emission with the instrument AKR-X onboard the high-apogee satellite of the Earth Interball-1 are presented. The observations were conducted at the growth stage (in 1999) and in the maximum (2000) of solar activity within the 100–1500 kHz frequency band. The results of AKR detection in the vicinity of the maximum of its spectrum at a frequency of 252 kHz are presented. Both similarity (for example, the character of global directivity) and important differences from the AKR emission observed during the solar activity minimum [5] are found. Together with very high sporadicity, strong seasonal changes in the intensity are typical for the emission. It is completely absent in the spring-summer period in the Northern Hemisphere and is strongly suppressed in this period in the Southern Hemisphere. Probable nature of these features of AKR is discussed. 相似文献
A method of measuring the particle energy in the range higher than 1 TeV based on detection of the maximum specific energy release in hadron cascades that develop in dense media is proposed and studied. This method makes it possible to improve the accuracy of energy measurements carried out with partial-absorption ionization calorimeters in the high-altitude studies of energy spectra of high-energy cosmic rays. The attainable accuracies of energy measurements are considered for light, intermediate, and heavy nuclei in iron and lead absorbers. The results of modeling are compared with the data of an experiment onboard the Kosmos-1713 satellite. 相似文献
A theoretical and experimental feasibility study of possible determination of the hydrogen and deuterium concentrations in the surface layers of planetary bodies is presented. The method under study is the recoil proton and deuteron spectrometry of forward scattering in the course of elastic interaction of alpha particles with the nuclei of hydrogen isotopes. The spectra of recoil protons and deuterons were recorded using a prototype model of a hydrogen spectrometer, and these spectra were used to determine the hydrogen concentrations in the samples of different compositions. 相似文献
We study a possibility of observing the eclipses of the Sun by the Moon from satellite orbits. The scientific tasks planned to be solved onboard satellites are considered. The requirements for the observation of eclipses and for the appropriate satellite trajectories are formulated. A technique of the analysis and synthesis of such trajectories is developed, and some results of preliminary ballistic studies are presented. These results confirm the efficiency of observing the eclipses onboard satellites. 相似文献
The electromagnetic radio-frequency emission of the inner region of the Earth's plasmasphere discovered recently by the GEOTAIL satellite [4] and referred to as the kilometric continuum was observed by the INTERBALL-1 satellite (1995–2000) in the 100–500 kHz band in the AKR-X experiment. During a period of low solar activity (1995–1997), this continuum was found leaving the inner plasmasphere at geocentric distances of 2–4RE as isolated pencil-like (1°–6°) beams located in the magnetic equator plane. During a time of high solar activity (1999–2000), the occurrence of the emission was extremely rare (it was observed only at a considerable fall of this activity). If detected, at the same geocentric distances (2–4RE) the continuum demonstrated a strongly variable and perturbed character, as well as a considerably larger extension of the beam over the geomagnetic latitude (10°–20° and more). In addition, quasi-periodic (QP) signals, similar to the observed QP emissions of Jupiter, were sometimes detected in this period. The probable nature of the observed features of the kilometric continuum is briefly discussed. 相似文献
A concept of a universal fitting-out module applicable for space flight test of a solar-powered electric propulsion (EP) as well as for the assembly and deployment of small spacecraft (S/C) from the international space station (ISS) is proposed. 相似文献
Significant progress has been achieved in India in demonstrating the utility of remote sensing data for various oceanographic applications during the last one decade. Among these, techniques have been developed for retrieval of ocean surface waves, winds, wave forecast model, internal waves, sea surface temperature and chlorophyll pigments. Encouraged from these results as well as for meeting the specific and increasing data requirements on an assured basis by oceanographers, India is making concerted efforts for developing and launching state-of-the-art indigenous satellites for ocean applications in the coming years.
The first in the series of ocean satellites planned for launch is Oceansat-1 (IRS-P4) by early 1999. Oceansat-1 carries on-board an Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) and a Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR). OCM will have 8 narrow spectral bands operating in visible and near- infrared bands (402–885 nm) with a spatial resolution of 360 m and swath of 1420 km. The MSMR with its all weather capability is configured to have measurements at 4 frequencies viz., 6.6, 10.65, 18 & 21 GHz in dual polarisation mode with a spatial resolution of 120, 80, 40 & 40 km, respectively with an overall swath of 1360 km. The Oceansat-1 with repetitivity of once in two days will provide global data for retrieval of various oceanographic and meteorological parameters such as chlorophyll (primary productivity), sea surface temperature and wind speed, besides a host of other parameters of relevance to meteorology.
A full fledged satellite for ocean applications known as Oceansat-2 (IRS-P7) is also planned for launch during 2002. This satellite with payload mix of microwave (Scatterometer, Altimeter & Passive Microwave Radiometer), Thermal (TIR) and Optical (OCM) sensors, will provide greater in-sight into the global understanding of ocean dynamics/resources. This mission is expected to provide a complete set of oceanographic measurements, which are useful for providing operational oceanographic services.
Efforts are also on towards development of missions having multi-frequency, multipolarisation and multi-look angle microwave payloads including Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and advanced millimeter wave sounders, besides development of imaging spectrometers by 2005.
A well-knit plan has been initiated in India for utilisation of planned Oceansat data. Important efforts initiated in this direction include SATellite Coastal and Oceanographic Research and Ocean Information Services, which are being carried out on an integrated basis aiming at providing services to the down stream users. The paper highlights these efforts in India towards providing an operational ocean information services in the coming years. 相似文献