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The distribution of chemical elements in the hot intracluster medium (ICM) retains valuable information about the enrichment and star formation histories of galaxy clusters, and on the feedback and dynamical processes driving the evolution of the cosmic baryons. In the present study we review the progresses made so far in the modelling of the ICM chemical enrichment in a cosmological context, focusing in particular on cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. We will review the key aspects of embedding chemical evolution models into hydrodynamical simulations, with special attention to the crucial assumptions on the initial stellar mass function, stellar lifetimes and metal yields, and to the numerical limitations of the modelling. At a second stage, we will overview the main simulation results obtained in the last decades and compare them to X-ray observations of the ICM enrichment patterns. In particular, we will discuss how state-of-the-art simulations are able to reproduce the observed radial distribution of metals in the ICM, from the core to the outskirts, the chemical diversity depending on cluster thermo-dynamical properties, the evolution of ICM metallicity and its dependency on the system mass from group to cluster scales. Finally, we will discuss the limitations still present in modern cosmological, chemical, hydrodynamical simulations and the perspectives for improving the theoretical modelling of the ICM enrichment in galaxy clusters in the future.  相似文献   
The influence of zonal and meridional components of the neutral wind under anthropogenic impacts of water molecules on the ionospheres electron concentration distributed along a magnetic field tube is considered. Computer simulation method based on a mathematical model of the F2 region along a field tube is used.Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 1, 2005, pp. 76–80.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Medvedev, Ishanov, Zenkin.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the degree of racemization of aspartic acid in permafrost samples from Northern Siberia, an area from which microorganisms of apparent ages up to a few million years have previously been isolated and cultured. We find that the extent of aspartic acid racemization in permafrost cores increases very slowly up to an age of approximately 25,000 years (around 5 m in depth). The apparent temperature of racemization over the age range of 0-25,000 years, determined using measured aspartic acid racemization rate constants, is -19 degrees C. This apparent racemization temperature is significantly lower than the measured environmental temperature (-11 to -13 degrees C) and suggests active recycling of D-aspartic acid in Siberian permafrost up to an age of around 25,000 years. This indicates that permafrost organisms are capable of repairing some molecular damage incurred while in a "dormant" state over geologic time.  相似文献   
The results of analyzing axisymmetric forced vibrations of an elastic circular sandwich plate connected with an elastic foundation under different surface loads are presented. The hypotheses of a broken normal are accepted to describe the kinematics of a package that is nonsymmetrical over the thickness. The analytical solutions of a problem for plates with a light filler are obtained and numerical analysis is carried out.  相似文献   
A mathematical model of the non-steady-state magnetosphere of the ocean of Jupiter’s moon Europa is described. This magnetosphere is induced by the magnetic field of Jupiter, and its interaction with the Europa ocean is considered. Rotation of the ocean and its icy crust with respect to the hard core is described by a system of integro-differential equations with singular kernels, the values of the Reynolds number and magnetic Reynolds number being large for the system. The solution to these equations obtained by the methods of operational calculus is analyzed quantitatively and compared with a model experiment.  相似文献   
Hardware-in-the-loop testing technology for automatic control, condition monitoring and diagnostics systems of gas turbine engines is described. The technology proposed makes it possible to simulate combinations and chains of unexpected and gradual failures of engines, transducers and actuators.  相似文献   
Symmetrical broadening in the emission spectral lines is the ultimate observational effect of magnetic reconnection in the solar corona. Reconnection can create plasmas of very different temperatures and, hence, very different electrical conductivities in the corona. The electrodynamical effect of such a mass supply is considered. Electromagnetic expulsion force, different from Parker's well-known magnetic buoyancy force, can effectively balance gravity in prominences and generate fast vortex flows in the vicinity of fine threads inside prominences. The possibility of observing this effect from SOHO is discussed.  相似文献   
A mathematical model for the annular gas-liquid mixture flow in the cylindrical channel is described. The influence of an upward turbulent gas flow on the downward liquid film is considered. The problem is numerically solved and the calculation results are compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   
Large-scale toroidal Pc5 pulsations are commonly treated as Alfven oscillations of a magnetic field line. According to observations, their longitudinal structure is described well by theory. At the same time, the longitudinal structure of azimuthal small-scale poloidal Pc5 pulsations is virtually unknown. These pulsations are associated with ballooning disturbances described by a system of coupled equations for Alfvenic and slow magnetosonic (SMS) modes. In this work, the Voigt model is used to describe the equilibrium finite-pressure plasma configuration in an inhomogeneous magnetosphere plasma in a curved magnetic field. Spectral characteristics and the spatial structure of natural ballooning modes are calculated for this model. The model calculations demonstrate the possibility of different longitudinal scales for transverse and longitudinal magnetic components of oscillations near the top of the field line.  相似文献   
The problem of optimal turn of a spacecraft from an arbitrary initial position to a final specified angular position in a minimum time is considered and solved. A case is investigated, when the constraint on spacecraft’s angular momentum during the turn is essential. Based on the quaternion method a solution to the posed problem has been found, and an optimal control program is constructed taking the constraints on controlling moment into account. The optimal control is found in the class of regular motions. A condition (calculation expression) is presented for determining the moment to begin braking with the use of measurements of current motion parameters, which considerably improves the accuracy of putting the spacecraft into a preset position. For a dynamically symmetrical spacecraft the solution to the problem of optimal control by the spacecraft spatial turn is presented in analytical form (expressions in elementary functions). An example of mathematical modeling of the spacecraft motion dynamics under optimal control over reorientation is given.  相似文献   
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