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The redox properties of irradiated liquid and frozen H2O, NH3 and H2O/NH3 mixtures at 298 K and 77 K, resp., towards some simple organic molecules have been checked by injecting carrierfree 11C atoms and analyzing their chemical state by means of radiochromatography. The reactions and the stability of organic products versus radiation dose (in this study by MeV protons) depend on temperature, phase state, mobility of radicals, their concentration and reactivity. Especially dangerous are the reactive OH and O2H radicals which oxidize organic material to inorganic CO2. Highest stability has been found at low temperatures (solid state, reduced mobility of radicals) and for systems containing H-donors (H2O/NH3 mixtures), which reduce the concentration of oxidizing radicals. The fact that many bodies in space consist of H2O-ice with NH3 and CH4 additives at temperatures between 10 and 150 K is promising in view of the survival of organic matter under high doses of radiation.  相似文献   
During January–August 1978, the global atmospheric angular momentum (M) exhibits distinct patterns of short term momentum interchange across latitudes. In the northern hemisphere winter-spring season, 30–50 day modulations of M are present in which momentum enhancements at mid-latitudes (20–30°) are closely matched by momentum depressions at high latitudes (50–60°). During the same interval there are no corresponding variations in M evident in the southern hemisphere. Conversely, during southern hemisphere fall-winter, similar anticorrelations in monthly scale momentum excursions are evident between mid and high latitudes. In the northern hemisphere, the winter-spring momentum signatures are detected throughout the atmosphere, from the lower troposphere to the stratosphere. During the southern hemisphere fall-winter, the modulation patterns are not evident at the higher altitudes. Structural details of the momentum signatures indicate that the coupling is sometimes effective on very short time scales, e.g. 1–2 days, or less. The evidence of distinct anti-correlation between large regions has interesting implications for studies of global atmospheric circulation, and also for studies of the excitation of variations in earth rotation in response to short term modulations of M.  相似文献   
In March 1985 ESA's GIOTTO spacecraft will fly by P/Halley's nucleus at a distance of a few hundred kilometres. The near nucleus dust environment the probe will traverse poses a hazard with respect to physical damage as well as to attitude disturbance with the possible loss of ground station contact. To predict S/C survivability and dust impact rates for the experiments, a model of the spatial distribution of the dust in the nucleus' vicinity is required. In the ‘dynamic’ model, the local spatial dust density is derived from exact expressions for the dust particle dynamic motion. The model has been implemented in a software system which allows for fast simulations of a cometary fly-by.  相似文献   
Two special measurements of the energy exchange between earth and space were made in connection with the FGGE. A global monitoring program using wide-field-of-view and scanner detectors from NASA's NIMBUS-7 satellite successfully returned measurements during the entire FGGE. This experiment system also used a black cavity detector to measure the total energy output of the sun to very high precision. A second set of high frequency time and space estimates of the radiation budget were determined from selected geostationary satellite data. Preliminary results from both radiation budget data sets and the solar “constant” measurements will be presented.  相似文献   
The model of beam-plasma discharge near the rocket following electron beam injection into the ionosphere is presented. The dependence of discharge plasma density on neutral atmosphere concentration and beam parameters is found. Radioemission and luminiscence intensities from discharge are estimated. The model is consistent with the data of ARAKS and “Zarnitsa-2” experiments.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results and discussion of VLF wave measurements carried out in the course of two rocket experiments on injection of a dense cesium ion beam into the ionosphere at the heights of 165–240 km. The injection was accompanied by enhancement of the broad-band noise by several orders of magnitude. The wave measurements in the frequency range of 1–11 kHz revealed two pronounced frequencies somewhat exceeding that of the lower-hybrid resonance oscillations in the background plasma and the cesium beam. The oscillations were modulated by frequencies close to the ion-cyclotron frequencies of the background plasma.  相似文献   
The SIGMA mission is designed to obtain images of the sky in the hard X-ray/low energy gamma-ray domain 30 keV - 2 MeV, with an angular accuracy a few arc min., and a sensitivity for point sources down to a level of a few UFU. The principal scientific objectives of the SIGMA mission are described, as well as the anticipated performance of the instrument.  相似文献   
We present measurements of LET spectra for near earth orbits with various inclinations and altitudes. A comparison with calculated LET spectra shows that the contribution from direct ionizing galactic cosmic rays is well described by the models. An additional contribution to the spectra originates from stopping protons and from nuclear interactions of particles with material. In the case of an interaction a large amount of energy is deposited in a small volume by target recoils or target fragments. These events will be called short range (SR) events. For a low inclination orbit radiation belt protons are the main source of these events while galactic protons become more important when increasing the inclination to near polar orbits. We show that the contribution of SR events for orbits with low altitude (324 km) and 57 degrees inclination is comparable to that for an orbit with 28 degrees inclination at a high altitude (510 km).  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of medical investigations performed in the Salyut-7 8-month mission in which a professional physician took part. The paper contains anthropometric measurements, results of investigating the vestibular function, cardiovascular function at rest and in response to multi-step tests (with emphasis on echocardiographic measurements), metabolic parameters and hormonal status. It also discusses medical aspects of the extravehicular activity. The medical investigations, although some new methods were applied, provided the continuity of methodical approaches and data accumulated in previous missions.  相似文献   
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