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Data of galactic cosmic rays, solar and geomagnetic activities and solar wind parameters on the one side and car accident events (CAE) in Poland on the other have been analyzed in order to reveal the statistical relationships among them for the period of 1990-2001. Cross correlation and cross spectrum of the galactic cosmic ray intensity, the solar wind (SW) velocity, Kp index of geomagnetic activity and CAE in Poland have been carried out. It is shown that in some epochs of the above-mentioned period there is found a reliable relationship between CAE and solar and geomagnetic activities parameters in the range of the different periodicities, especially, 7 days. The periodicity of 7 days revealed in the data of the CAE has the maximum on Friday without any exception for the minimum and maximum epochs of solar activity. However, the periodicity of 7 days is reliably revealed in other parameters characterizing galactic cosmic rays, SW, solar and geomagnetic activities, especially for the minimum epoch of solar activity. The periodicity of 3.5 days found in the series of CAE data more or less can be completely ascribed to the social effects, while the periodicity of 7 days can be ascribed to the social effect or/to the processes on the Sun, in the interplanetary space and in the Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere.  相似文献   
Formation and structure of potato minitubers grown aseptically for 30 days on a horizontal clinostat and in stationary control have been studied by light and electron microscopy. It was demonstrated that the number of plants that formed minitubers, their size and fresh weight, was higher when clino-rotated than in the stationary control. It was revealed that the amount of amyloplasts in parenchyma cell sections was doubled in minitubers formed under clino-rotation. Other factors (shape of minitubers and size of reserve parenchyma cells) did not differ from the stationary control. The changes in amyloplast ultrastructure suggest accelerated cell maturity of potato reserve parenchyma in extended clino-rotation.  相似文献   
The Mars mission differs from near-Earth manned space flights by radiation environment and duration. The importance of effective using the weight of the spacecraft increases greatly because all the necessary things for the mission must be included in its starting weight. For this reason the development of optimal systems of radiation safety ensuring (RSES) acquires especial importance. It is the result of sharp change of radiation environment in the interplanetary space as compared to the one in the near-Earth orbits and significant increase of the interplanetary flight duration. The demand of a harder limitation of unfavorable factors effects should lead to radiation safety (RS) standards hardening. The main principles of ensuring the RS of the Mars mission (optimizing, radiation risk, ALARA) and the conception of RSES, developed on the basis of the described approach and the experience obtained during orbital flights are presented in the report. The problems that can impede the ensuring of the crew members' RS are also given here.  相似文献   
Air defense systems protect land and maritime resources from air attack. Depending on the regional characteristics and type of conflicting forces, air defense threats vary considerably. In regional conflicts, where forces with similar capabilities are involved and no air-superiority can be achieved, the role of air defense systems becomes critical. In combat terrains containing mountains (in mainland or in small islands), the man-operated or computer-controlled (using passive sensors) anti-aircraft artillery can be highly effective. The simulator presented in this work aims to exploit the capabilities provided by current commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) communication and multimedia technologies for providing a training environment that improves the personnel capability for effective use of man-controlled anti-aircraft weapons.  相似文献   
The cell culture of a Chinese hamster was irradiated on a Serpuchov proton synchrotron at a dose of 0.5-4 Gy and a dose rate of 1 Gy/min and by gamma-irradiation at dose 1-5 Gy and dose rate 1.2-1.4 Gy/min. The effect of radiation on the cell culture was judged from chromosomal aberrations in G2-stage of cell cycle and micronuclear test. The relative biological efficience of the secondary radiation was approximately 3. Modifying effect of caffeine on the cells irradiated by secondary radiation of synchrotron was not observed. In the presence of caffeine the effect of gamma-irradiation practically is increased up to the level observed upon secondary irradiation. This suggests that secondary radiation inhibits the repair of the cytogenetic damage.  相似文献   
The dosimetric experiments Dose-M and Liulin as part of the more complex French-German-Bulgarian-Russian experiments for the investigation of the radiation environment for Mars-96 mission are described. The experiments will be realized with dosemeter-radiometer instruments, measuring absorbed dose in semiconductor detectors and the particle flux. Two detectors will be mounted on board the Mars-96 orbiter. Another detector will be on the guiderope of the Mars-96 Aerostate station. The scientific aims of Dose-M and Liulin experiments are: Analysis of the absorbed dose and the flux on the path and around Mars behind different shielding. Study of the shielding characteristics of the Martian atmosphere from galactic and solar cosmic rays including solar proton events. Together with the French gamma-spectrometer and the German neutron detectors the investigation of the radiation environment on the surface of Mars and in the atmosphere up to 4000 m altitude will be conducted.  相似文献   
We have studied radiation effects utilizing the new 250 MeV Synchrotron at Loma Linda University Medical Center. In this paper we present the data collected for the survival of Chinese hamster lung (V79) cells, that were irradiated with a beam of mixed energy protons up to 200 MeV. The RBE for protons, when compared to 60Co gamma rays, ranged from a low of 1.2 at the high energy portion of the field to 1.3+ at the low energy portion of the field. These results are consistent with the measured lineal energy (microdosimetric) spectra.  相似文献   
Amino acid condensation catalyzed by inorganic oxides is a widely recognized way for prebiotic peptide formation. Silica and alumina are widely distributed in the Earth-like planets' crust as minerals of different complexity, and thus are attractive model catalysts for the studies of abiotic peptide synthesis. Experiments performed in other laboratories have shown that this process can be efficient at > 80 degrees C, which is not easy to find on the planetary surface in combination with sufficient concentrations of amino acids and necessary catalysts. In the present work we tested catalytic activity of three forms of alumina (which proved to be an efficient catalyst for this process) in the intermolecular condensation of L-alanine. We expanded the temperature interval down to 55 degrees C and used the simplest permanent heating procedure, without employing fluctuating drying/wetting conditions. The most important finding is that even under the lowest temperature considered (i.e. 55 degrees C), short peptide formation can be detected already after 10-30 days of heating. This fact implies that the abiotic peptide formation might occur in a wide variety of planetary environments, without need for high temperatures, given the presence of amino acid building blocks and alumina-containing minerals.  相似文献   
Among the main innovation prospects within the so-called Information Society, and in the framework of future communications systems, we find the design of database-access integral services, e-commerce and communication systems, together with remote control of terminals and devices, being the result of global services derived from last generation integration of mobile telephony and internet. Some features standout from such future services: security (guaranteeing user's privacy while in operation) in human-machine interacting (thus offering the same degree of spontaneity found in human communication through speech). To deal with security problems, the use of biometric-based technology (specifically through face, fingerprint, and speech) is proposed, because those technologies have reached a high degree of maturity, such as allowing successful application on secure authentication  相似文献   
An experiment was undertaken to select the optimum spectral bands for the discrimination of land use/cover for proposed Indian Remote Sensing Satellite. A feature selection method was used for the discrimination analysis on the multiband data collected by Bendix 11-channel Modular Multiband Scanner over Tirupati test site of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, South India. Of the various combinations of bands analysed, the optimum combination of four bands was defined as that one which provided the greatest divergence distances to discriminate the specific land covers in the test sites. On the basis of the above studies the optimum bands so chosen are 0.49–0.54 μm, 0.62–0.66 μm, 0.66–0.70 μm and 0.77–0.86 μm.  相似文献   
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