In a number of flights, cosmonauts and astronauts have experienced aggravation of their health status and general condition in the initial hours and days in a weightless environment. One of the trigger mechanisms for the onset of these unfavourable conditions at the start of space flight is a redistribution of body fluids and a blood shift towards the head. To ensure controlled hypohydration as a countermeasure to the deleterious effects of 0-g and to investigate the feasibility to control adaptation, six cosmonauts were administered lasix once a day during the first 3 days of a mission. All data of the experiment (correction test, questionnaire, hematocrit) were recorded on a special form in the logbook and transmitted to the control centre for processing. Results showed that the diuretic weakened the sensation of discomfort and improved the cosmonauts' general condition. Objective indices of the correction test indicate an increased work ability of cosmonauts. After hypohydration, circulating plasma volumes in the group were reduced by 6.8 + 1.0% on average. 相似文献
The problem of optimum partitioning of a staged vehicle (SV) and determination of the minimal number of stages to provide for a maximum velocity in the vertical SV motion in a homogeneous gravity field is considered at a given value of payload mass. 相似文献
An investigation of the effects of drying and drying-rewetting cycles under vacuum conditions of 10(-2) torr at -30 degrees C on conidia of the atmospheric strain Penicillium chrysogenum from 48-77 km heights, collected by meteorological rockets found that survival and restoration of the initial physiological properties were possible through some very efficient protective cellular mechanisms. Such adaptive possibilities explain the widespread diffusion of microbial cells throughout the biosphere of our planet. 相似文献
The results of numerical simulation of the general circulation in the Titan’s atmosphere at heights from 0 to 250 km are presented, obtained using a new model based on numerical solution of complete equations of motion of viscous compressible gas at the temperature distribution given by an empirical model. The model uses no hydrostatic equation and, as compared with traditional models, has higher resolution in vertical and over horizon. The results presented differ from results of other models and agree with the vertical profile of the zonal component of wind velocity measured by the Huygens spacecraft. Interpretation of this profile is given, including its main peculiarity consisting in a nonmonotonic behavior at heights from 60 to 75 km. 相似文献
The goal of this paper is to summarize the experimental data on the atmosphere of Venus obtained after 1985, when the VIRA (Venus International Reference Atmosphere) or COSPAR model was published. Among the most important results that have appeared since then are the following: measurements of the vertical temperature profile by the VEGA spacecraft with high precision and high altitude resolution; measurements made with balloons of the VEGA spacecraft; radio occultation measurements of Magellan, Venera-15, and Venera-16; and temperature profiles derived from the data of infrared spectrometry obtained by Venera-15. The new result as compared to VIRA is the creation of a model of the atmosphere in the altitude range 55 to 100 km dependent on local time. This model is presented in our paper in tabulated form. 相似文献
Floating zone melting is used in crystal growth and purification of high melting materials. The use of a reduced gravity environment will remove the constraint imposed on the length of the zone by the hydrostatic pressure. The equilibrium of the floating zone may involve, (1) Hydrostatic forces, when the zone rotates as a whole. (2) Convective driving forces, when the zone is stationary but fluid property gradients appear. (3) Hydrodynamic forces, when some parts of the zone are set into motion with respect to others. The last effects are considered in this paper. The flow pattern of a floating zone held between two discs in relative motion is complicated, and thence the solution of the problem is difficult even assuming a constant property-newtonian liquid. Nevertheless, when a small parameter appears in the problem, the complete flow field can be split into zones where simple solutions are found. To illustrate this approach, the spin-up from rest of an initially cylindrical floating zone is considered with detail. Here the small parameter is the time elapsed from the impulsive starting of motion. Since the problem which has been considered, as well as some others which can be tackled by use of similar methods, concern the viscous layer close to either plate, they can be simulated experimentally in the ground laboratory with short floating zones. Procedures to produce these zones are indicated. 相似文献
We have investigated Physarum polycephalum, a unicellular organism with no special gravity receptors, on its ability to react to gravity. The first experiments were 0 g-simulation experiments on the fast-rotating clinostat conducted with plasmodial strands of this acellular slime mold. In these earth-bound experiments the observed parameters were periodicity of the contractions and dilatations of the strand's ectoplasm as well as the periodicity and velocity of the striking cytoplasmic (endoplasmic) shuttle streaming. During 0 g-simulation these parameters showed significant changes indicating the existence of a gravisensitivity of the slime mold.
The Space-Shuttle experiment (ESA-Biorack in D 1-Mission) should demonstrate the validity of the 0 g-simulation on the fast-rotating clinostat. The experiment was designed in a way enabling the registration of the same parameters as on the clinostat (using the light microscope in combination with a photo diode and a cinecamera). Only one of the two planned measurement sessions was fully successful and provided us with data confirming the results gained on the fast-rotating clinostat: The slime mold showed under real near weightlessness in the D 1-Space Shuttle Mission a transient frequency increase in its contraction rhythmicity and a (steady) increase in the streaming velocity of its endoplasm. 相似文献
An estimate of the feasibility of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray and neutrino detection using a lunar satellite-borne radio receiver is presented. The data obtained in the proposed experiment will make resolving the current contradictions in the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray spectra measured with the major ground-based instruments possible. Moreover, they will enable us to considerably extend the accessible energy range and to check predictions of various models of the origin of the highest-energy particles in the Universe. At the same time the lunar radio detector provides a means of searching for ultrahigh-energy neutrinos with a high sensitivity combined with a very large target effective mass. 相似文献