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We discuss the random walk of magnetic field lines in astrophysical plasmas. Based on the standard theory of field line diffusion we show that there are two asymptotic limits. In these limits field line wandering is universal because in both regimes the field line diffusion coefficient depends only on fundamental length scales and absolute magnetic field strengths. As examples we discuss the field line diffusion coefficient for different prominent turbulence models namely the slab model, the two-dimensional model, and the Goldreich–Sridhar model. We show that the field line diffusion coefficient for the latter model agrees with the results obtained for slab and two-dimensional turbulence in limiting cases. We also discuss the transport of energetic particles perpendicular with respect to the mean magnetic field. Based on the unified nonlinear transport theory we consider again asymptotic limits. It is shown that one can identify four different regimes in which the transport is again universal. In all four cases perpendicular transport only depends on fundamental length scales of turbulence, magnetic field values, and the parallel diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   
Gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) events are evidently accelerated by coronal/interplanetary shocks driven by coronal mass ejections. This talk addresses the different factors which determine the composition of the accelerated ions. The first factor is the set of available seed populations including the solar wind core and suprathermal tail, remnant impulsive events from preceding solar flares, and remnant gradual events. The second factor is the fractionation of the seed ions by the injection process, that is, what fraction of the ions are extracted by the shock to participate in diffusive shock acceleration. Injection is a controversial topic since it depends on the detailed electromagnetic structure of the shock transition and the transport of ions in these structured fields, both of which are not well understood or determined theoretically. The third factor is fractionation during the acceleration process, due to the dependence of ion transport in the turbulent electromagnetic fields adjacent to the shock on the mass/charge ratio. Of crucial importance in the last two factors is the magnetic obliquity of the shock. The form of the proton-excited hydromagnetic wave spectrum is also important. Finally, more subtle effects on ion composition arise from the superposition of ion contributions over the time history of the shock along the observer’s magnetic flux tube, and the sequence of flux tubes sampled by the observer.  相似文献   
A possible variant presented for solving the equation of motion of a rotating flow is more general with respect to the variants known in the literature. On the basis of the simultaneous solution of the equations of motion and energy, the temperature fields are determined under changes of the rotation nature.  相似文献   
When discussing problems related to medical service in space flight, particular attention should be given to the specific living conditions and changes associated with space flight. In disease and injury, surgery can be provided only after conservative therapy has failed. In this context gnotobiological chambers allowing surgery in aseptic conditions seem promising. A portable set of interchangeable surgical tools should be made of light-weight alloys that can be readily sterilized. Electroanalgesia in combination with auriculoacupuncture as well as peridureal anesthesia may be used as they allow normal operations in autonomous space flight conditions. Changes in the sympatho-adrenal and kallikrein-kinin systems, as well as water-electrolyte balance, should be taken into account in developing methods and means of medical service in critical situations. Special attention should be given to the prevention and treatment of brain edema in view of weightlessness-induced cephalad fluid shifts.  相似文献   
E A Ilyin 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):1149-1157
Many rat experiments onboard Cosmos biosatellites have furnished information concerning the effects of weightlessness, artificial gravity, and ionizing radiation combined with weightlessness on structural and biochemical parameters of the animal body. The necessity to expand the scope of physiological investigations has led to the project of flight primate studies. It is planned to carry out the first primate experiments onboard the Cosmos biosatellite in 1982. At present investigations of weightlessness effects on the cardiovascular and vestibular systems, higher nervous activity, skeletal muscles and biorhythms of two rhesus monkeys are being developed and tested. It is also planned to conduct a study of weightlessness effects on embryogenesis of rats and bioenergetics of living systems onboard the same biosatellite. Further experiments onboard Cosmos biosatellites are planned.  相似文献   
There is a general possibility of creation in space of large controlled mirror reflectors for solar and electromagnetic radiation with specific mass order of 1 g m?2 or less. Such reflectors may be used in space energetics for concentration of solar energy for its further conversion into microwave beam and transmission to the Earth. They can also be used to illuminate the Earth surface in a dark period with reflected sunlight, to control the weather, for research work and some other purposes. Such reflector is a good solar sail. The control of its orientation and position in space is performed using solar energy and light pressure without spending fuel delivered from the Earth. Its form is maintained by centrifugal forces and light pressure. The film strength permits concentrators with radii of several kilometres and nearly flat reflectors for lighting applications with radii of hundreds of metres. Large series of identical reflectors can be built in space using superthin film tape at assembly station. For a year more than a hundred reflectors with a diameter of 600 m can be assembled at such a station. The assembly station can be placed at the height of 1000 km. The reflectors transfer to synchronous or other orbit is performed using their sail-likeness. For realization of such reflectors one should solve a very difficult problem of superthin film mass production as well as assembly technology problems. Careful study and experimental checks of their lifetime should be also made.  相似文献   
Using the method of characteristics, the problem of breaking or non-breaking of waves is studied in a plane cylindrically or spherically symmetric flow of an ideal dissociating gas. It is investigated as to how the effects of dissociation and that of the wave front curvature influence the breaking or non-breaking of waves. In a symmetrical converging gas motion a remarkable difference between the behaviours of cylindrical and spherical waves is discovered.  相似文献   
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale eruptions of plasma and magnetic field that can produce adverse space weather at Earth and other locations in the Heliosphere. Due to the intrinsic multiscale nature of features in coronagraph images, wavelet and multiscale image processing techniques are well suited to enhancing the visibility of CMEs and suppressing noise. However, wavelets are better suited to identifying point-like features, such as noise or background stars, than to enhancing the visibility of the curved form of a typical CME front. Higher order multiscale techniques, such as ridgelets and curvelets, were therefore explored to characterise the morphology (width, curvature) and kinematics (position, velocity, acceleration) of CMEs. Curvelets in particular were found to be well suited to characterising CME properties in a self-consistent manner. Curvelets are thus likely to be of benefit to autonomous monitoring of CME properties for space weather applications.  相似文献   
The rapid rotation of the gas giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, leads to the formation of magnetodisc regions in their magnetospheric environments. In these regions, relatively cold plasma is confined towards the equatorial regions, and the magnetic field generated by the azimuthal (ring) current adds to the planetary dipole, forming radially distended field lines near the equatorial plane. The ensuing force balance in the equatorial magnetodisc is strongly influenced by centrifugal stress and by the thermal pressure of hot ion populations, whose thermal energy is large compared to the magnitude of their centrifugal potential energy. The sources of plasma for the Jovian and Kronian magnetospheres are the respective satellites Io (a volcanic moon) and Enceladus (an icy moon). The plasma produced by these sources is globally transported outwards through the respective magnetosphere, and ultimately lost from the system. One of the most studied mechanisms for this transport is flux tube interchange, a plasma instability which displaces mass but does not displace magnetic flux—an important observational constraint for any transport process. Pressure anisotropy is likely to play a role in the loss of plasma from these magnetospheres. This is especially the case for the Jovian system, which can harbour strong parallel pressures at the equatorial segments of rotating, expanding flux tubes, leading to these regions becoming unstable, blowing open and releasing their plasma. Plasma mass loss is also associated with magnetic reconnection events in the magnetotail regions. In this overview, we summarise some important observational and theoretical concepts associated with the production and transport of plasma in giant planet magnetodiscs. We begin by considering aspects of force balance in these systems, and their coupling with the ionospheres of their parent planets. We then describe the role of the interaction between neutral and ionized species, and how it determines the rate at which plasma mass and momentum are added to the magnetodisc. Following this, we describe the observational properties of plasma injections, and the consequent implications for the nature of global plasma transport and magnetodisc stability. The theory of the flux tube interchange instability is reviewed, and the influences of gravity and magnetic curvature on the instability are described. The interaction between simulated interchange plasma structures and Saturn’s moon Titan is discussed, and its relationship to observed periodic phenomena at Saturn is described. Finally, the observation, generation and evolution of plasma waves associated with mass loading in the magnetodisc regions is reviewed.  相似文献   
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