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现代社会由于信息技术的飞速发展,人类获得的视觉信息很大部分是从各种各样的电子显示器件上获得的,因此,显示技术也有了很大的进步,不仅液晶显示器件本身而且关于液晶驱动控制系统也取得了很大发展。本文介绍了一种基于FPGA的液晶显示控制器的设计,主要论述了使用FPGA设计的用于本系统的特殊SDRAM控制器,以及液晶控制器通过该SDRAM控制器进行显示缓冲器的管理,STN液晶彩色屏灰度显示的时间抖动算法和帧率控制原理及实现,显示数据的缓冲、转化方法,还给出了系统硬件原理图、软件系统的vHDL描述及仿真结果等。  相似文献   
利用2kW YAG激光机,拼焊了厚度0.93mm细晶Ti6Al4V(TC4)板材,焊缝强度高于母材。焊接熔池区未出现裂纹或大的气孔,焊缝热影响区宽度约为0.3~0.4mm。在温度880℃和应变速率10-3s-1下,模拟分析了TC4激光拼焊板超塑成形过程,获得了压力时间加载曲线。对比研究了TC4激光拼焊板和其母材的超塑成形极限,结果表明:TC4激光拼焊板与TC4母材超塑成形性能无明显差别。微观组织观测显示:随着超塑变形量增大,激光拼焊过程中产生的针状α′马氏体,先转变为板条状马氏体,再因动态再结晶而破碎,同时α+β组织分数逐渐增多。  相似文献   
针对行星着陆动力下降段视觉导航自然路标匮乏的问题,提出了一种相对视觉导航方法。该方法利用相机和雷达的测量信息构建相对导航坐标系并求解随机视觉特征点在该坐标系下的位置矢量,利用求解得到的特征点为导航参考,设计相对导航系统,估计着陆器在相对导航坐标系下的位置、速度及姿态信息。同时,构建可观性矩阵,解耦分析位置和姿态的可观性。通过可观性分析可知利用相对导航坐标系下的一个随机特征点即可实现着陆器全状态可观。最后通过仿真分析着陆器状态误差,验证了可观测度理论分析及导航性能。该相对导航方法无需行星地形数据库,且可以实现着陆器全状态的高精度估计,满足行星精确软着陆的需求。  相似文献   
离子推力器高效高可靠性屏栅电源设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了进一步提高离子推力器的可靠性和使用寿命,采用6个电源模块串联输出的方法设计了高效高可靠性的屏栅电源试验样机,每个模块采用全桥LLC谐振变换器,并对屏栅电源模块的性能、打火时开关管的瞬态电流应力分别进行了测试研究。结果表明:屏栅电源模块采用全桥LLC谐振变换器,可以实现零电压开通零电流关断(ZVSZCS),整个电源的转换效率提高到96.9%;单个电源模块输出电压为210V,电源模块内部没有大于250V 的交流电压峰值,简化了高压绝缘设计的难度;变换器初级较大谐振电感的限流作用使得推力器出现打火时,开关器件瞬态电流仅为40A。该设计可以有效提高屏栅电源的效率和可靠性,可以应用于小行星探测等深空探测航天器的电推进系统。  相似文献   
The presence of operational satellites or small-body space debris is a challenge for autonomous ground-based space object observation. Although most space objects exceeding 10?cm in diameter have been cataloged, the position of each space object (based on six orbital parameters) remains important and should be updated periodically, as the Earth’s orbital perturbations cause disturbances. Modern ground-based passive optical telescopes equipped with complementary metal-oxide semiconductors have become widely used in astrometry engineering, being combined with image processing techniques for target signal enhancement. However, the detection and tracking performance of this equipment when employed with image processing techniques primarily depends on the size and brightness of the space target, which appears on the monitor screen under variable background interference conditions. A small and dim target has a highly sensitive tracking error compared to a bright target. Moreover, most image processing techniques for target signal enhancement require large computational power and memory; therefore, automatic tracking of a space target is difficult. The present work investigates autonomous space target detection and tracking to achieve high-sensitivity detection and improved tracking ability for non-Gaussian and dynamic backgrounds with a simple system mechanism and computational efficiency. We develop an improved particle filter (PF) using the ensemble Kalman filter (KF) for track-before-detect (TBD) frameworks, by modifying and optimizing the computational formula for our non-linear measurement function. We call this extended version the “ensemble Kalman PF-TBD (EnKPF-TBD).” Three sequential astronomical image datasets taken by the Asia-Pacific Ground-Based Optical Space Objects Observation System (APOSOS) telescope under different conditions are used to evaluate three proposed TBD baseline frameworks. Given an optimal random sample size, the EnKPF-TBD exhibits superior performance to PF-TBD and threshold-based unscented KF with two-dimensional peak search (2dPS). The EnKPF-TBD scheme achieves satisfactory performance for all variable background interference conditions, especially for a small and dim space target, in terms of tracking accuracy and computational efficiency.  相似文献   
轴压加筋壁板承载能力计算方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前飞机设计中主要采用工程方法计算加筋壁板的承载能力。本文介绍并评述了分段处理法、John-son法和极限载荷法三种常用的工程方法,为了探讨哪种方法能更加满足工程需要,采用这三种方法对某型飞机中央翼加筋壁板及其试验件分别进行计算,表明其中极限载荷法的计算结果偏于安全,与试验结果吻合较好,并采用此法确定了中央翼加筋壁板的承载能力。最后采用极限载荷法进一步计算该型飞机机身11种构型加筋壁板轴压试验件,破坏载荷计算值与试验结果相当吻合,从而证实了极限载荷法是一种计算轴压加筋壁板承载能力更准确、实用的工程方法。  相似文献   
Silkworm could be an alternative to provide edible animal protein in Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) for long-term manned space missions. Silkworms can consume non-edible plant residue and convert plant nutrients to high quality edible animal protein for astronauts. The preliminary investigation of silkworm culture was carried out in earth environment. The silkworms were fed with artificial silkworm diet and the leaves of stem lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. angustana Irish) separately and the nutritional structure of silkworm was investigated and compared, The culture experiments showed that: (1) Stem lettuce leaves could be used as food of silkworm. The protein content of silkworm fed with lettuce leaves can reach 70% of dry mass. (2) The protein content of silkworm powder produced by the fifth instar silkworm larvae was 70%, which was similar to the protein content of silkworm pupae. The powder of the fifth instar silkworm larvae can be utilized by astronaut. (3) The biotransformation rate of silkworm larvae between the third instar and the fifth instar could reach above 70%. The biotransformation cycle of silkworm was determined as 24 days. (4) Using the stem lettuce leaves to raise silkworm, the coarse fiber content of silkworm excrements reached about 33%. The requirements of space silkworm culture equipment, feeding approaches and feeding conditions were also preliminarily designed and calculated. It is estimated that 2.2 m3 of culture space could satisfy daily animal protein demand for seven astronauts.  相似文献   
采用香港科技大学的空心圆柱扭剪仪对砂土进行了剪应力幅值和应力主轴耦合循环变化的非比例加载排水试验.试验控制条件为:在剪应力幅值周期性变化的同时应力主轴相对试样的沉积方向在0°~180°之间循环旋转.着重分析了这一复杂非比例循环加载条件下砂土的变形特性,包括3个正应变分量的发展、剪应力剪应变关系以及体应变随循环周数的变化关系.其中体应变的主要规律为:随循环周数的增加,砂土的体缩应变不断累积,但累积速率呈递减趋势.试验同时发现剪应力幅值的变化幅度对砂土的变形特性有显著影响.  相似文献   
在分析环件加工过程的运动和受力的基础上,定义了环件的端面平整度和外圆的圆度误差作为环件质量的表征参数。通过仿真,分析了环件轧制过程中芯辊进给速度、驱动辊转速和上锥辊进给速度与环件质量之间的关系。仿真结果为环件轧制工艺参数定义提供了参考。  相似文献   
为了研究壁面射流在受限空间内对不同粒径颗粒群分布的影响及其作用机理,搭建了横向矩形通道内的射流气固两相流动实验台.通过调整均匀流动段内的隔栅网数量和化置,在无射流条件下使不同粒径颗粒在高度方向上均匀充满整个横向通道.在主流雷诺数7.9×104,射流雷诺数1.8×104的条件下,采用PIV系统对流动通道中的气流场和颗粒分布进行测量.由瞬态涡结构图片发现,带主流受限空间内的射流涡结构与自由射流涡结构具有明显差异,存在不对称的连续涡结构发生、脱落与破裂过程.通过观察射流对不同尺度颗粒的影响,详细分析了射流对颗粒分布发生影响的两大机理,并由此预见了壁面射流控制手段在上程上的应用性.  相似文献   
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