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Reflected signals of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) from the sea or land surface can be utilized to deduce and monitor physical and geophysical parameters of the reflecting area. Unlike most other remote sensing techniques, GNSS-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) operates as a passive radar that takes advantage from the increasing number of navigation satellites that broadcast their L-band signals. Thereby, most of the GNSS-R receiver architectures are based on dedicated hardware solutions. Software-defined radio (SDR) technology has advanced in the recent years and enabled signal processing in real-time, which makes it an ideal candidate for the realization of a flexible GNSS-R system. Additionally, modern commodity graphic cards, which offer massive parallel computing performances, allow to handle the whole signal processing chain without interfering with the PC’s CPU. Thus, this paper describes a GNSS-R system which has been developed on the principles of software-defined radio supported by General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs), and presents results from initial field tests which confirm the anticipated capability of the system.  相似文献   
Observational data to effectively evaluate weather effects, which accumulate into current climate status, are available for affluent nations but often are inadequate elsewhere. Data acquired by satellite sensors in the visible-near infrared portion of the reflected solar energy spectrum have been accumulated daily since 1965 and for the earth's emitted radiance in the 11000 nm window since 1972. With the advent of the TIROS-N satellite in 1978, the solar reflected energy has been sensed in two separate channels and beginning with NOAA-6, the second vehicle of the TIROS-N family, these two channels became complementary rather than overlapping. This feature makes vegetative monitoring possible and now is being exploited to provide daily experimental products. These global vegetative index (GVI) arrays have been used to observe and map the effects of droughts, floods, adverse winds and thermal stresses on the global arable lands. These data and the related sea surface temperatures, both derived from satellite data, provide realistic measures of the global climate and can assist climatic forecasting.  相似文献   
This summarizes the authors' research into the state-of-the-practice of software quality assurance (SQA) in software organizations throughout the Department of Defense (DoD). Information was obtained through personal visits to a limited number of software facilities and by utilizing a SQA questionnaire that was mailed to 27 DoD software organizations. Twenty questionnaires were returned from Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force organizations involved in the Life Cycle Software Support (LCSS) process. The survey developed information regarding such topics as: staffing; personnel qualifications; quality standards used; SQA responsibilities; error data collection; adequacy of existing documentation; staff composition; distribution of SQA effort; and workforce mix. In addition, a list of SQA ``Lessons Learned' was developed from comments made by DoD quality managers. The results of this study indicate a wide variance in the application of SQA within the DoD.  相似文献   
The discoveries and knowledge gained from space exploration and technology development are valuable scientific education tools which are not being adequately used in the classroom. Moreover, the increasing application of space technology to everyday life and industry requires a work force educated to be able to work productively in this field and to take advantage of all it has to offer. This article provides a survey of what is presently being done in the field of space education in Europe and the USA. Although encouraging, it is not nearly enough to meet the needs of 21st century society, principally because current efforts lack government or industry support. The author argues that this state of affairs must change, and proposed an international symposium as a first step towards this goal.  相似文献   
A Monte Carlo simulation program has been used to compute the signal contribution of surface elements outside the field of view of a satellite borne sensor in both the visible and infrared spectra for realistic atmospheric models. For azimuthally symmetric reflection the effect of an arbitrary surface albedo pattern can be represented by two spread functions, namely, 1) the ground-satellite spread function, and 2) the ground-ground spread function. Examples of computed spread functions are shown together with their Fourier correspondents, the modulation transfer functions. It has been shown that the central portions of the line spread functions behave as the inverse distance while the point spread functions always possess a region behaving as the inverse square of the radial distance. The median distance is shown to relate to the weighted molecular and aerosol scale height, and for large distances the spread functions become independent of the aerosol loading.  相似文献   
An optical bench has been designed and built that must hold the alignment of five optical elements to deflections of 1–2 arc s during orbital operation. In addition, it must suffer no alignment changes during the launch and prestabilization phase of the mission. Severe weight constraints, in conjunction with the thermal and structural requirements, led to the choice of graphite fiber reinforced epoxy egg crate core and face sheets for the bench construction. Active temperature control was necessary to meet thermal deflection objectives, and novel kinematic mountings were required to prevent spacecraft bending from deflecting the bench. The structural and thermal analyses both show that the mission objectives can be met with margin by the present design. No adverse effects from launch are expected, and the maximum thermal bending is expected to be less than 2 arc s.  相似文献   
Research into the heliospheric structure and its relation to the solar boundary is at an impasse. After successful predictions by Parker about the zeroth-order behavior of the heliospheric magnetic field and the solar wind, the heliospheric community struggles to make substantive progress toward a predictive model describing the connections between the Sun and its space environment, between the closed corona and the open corona extending to the planets. This is caused by our lack of understanding of the basic processes heating the corona and transporting open magnetic field. We detail the models used to describe this connectivity, from potential field source surface models to full MHD techniques. We discuss the current limitations of both approaches. Finally, we address a recent attempt to advance our understanding beyond these limitations. At this point in time the proposed theory remains controversial in the community, but it addresses important shortcomings of current approaches outlined above.  相似文献   
Humans solve spatial and abstract problems more easily if these can be visualized and/or physically manipulated. We analyze the domain of geometric problem solving from a cognitive perspective and identify several levels of domain abstraction that interact in the problem solving process. We discuss the roles of physical manifestations of spatial configurations, their manipulation, and their perception for understanding problem solving processes. We propose an extension of the classical problem solving repertoire of constructive geometry to approach certain problems more directly than under the compass-and-straightedge paradigm. Specifically, we introduce strings and pins as helpful metaphors for a generalization of the constructive geometry approach. We present classical problems from spatial problem solving to illustrate the ‘strings and pins’ paradigm. Three case studies are discussed: strings-and-pins solutions to (i) the ellipse construction problem; (ii) the shortest path problem; and (iii) the angle trisection problem. Comparisons to formal solutions are drawn. Differences and similarities between the compass-and-straightedge paradigm and the strings-and-pins paradigm are analyzed. Features and limitations of constructive and depictive geometry as well as implications for computational approaches are discussed. The strings-and-pins domain is shown to be more general and less restrictive than the compass-and-straightedge domain.  相似文献   
The state-of-the-art electrostatic accelerometers (EA) used for the retrieval of non-gravitational forces acting on a satellite constitute a core component of every dedicated gravity field mission. However, due to their difficult-to-control thermal drift in the low observation frequencies, they are also one of the most limiting factors of the achievable performance of gravity recovery. Recently, a hybrid accelerometer consisting of a regular EA and a novel cold atom interferometer (CAI) that features a time-invariant observation stability and constantly recalibrates the EA has been developed in order to remedy this major drawback. In this paper we aim to assess the value of the hybrid accelerometer for gravity field retrieval in the context of GRACE-type and Bender-type missions by means of numerical closed-loop simulations where possible noise specifications of the novel instrument are considered and different components of the Earth’s gravity field signal are added subsequently. It is shown that the quality of the gravity field solutions is mainly dependent on the CAI’s measurement accuracy. While a low CAI performance (10?8 to 10?9?m/s2/Hz1/2) does not lead to any gains compared to a stand-alone EA, a sufficiently high one (10?11?m/s2/Hz1/2) may improve the retrieval performance by over one order of magnitude. We also show that improvements which are limited to low-frequency observations may even propagate into high spherical harmonic degrees. Further, the accelerometer performance seems to play a less prominent role if the overall observation geometry is improved as it is the case for a Bender-type mission. The impact of the accelerometer measurements diminishes further when temporal variations of the gravity field are introduced, pointing out the need for proper de-aliasing techniques. An additional study reveals that the hybrid accelerometer is – contrary to a stand-alone EA – widely unaffected by scale factor instabilities.  相似文献   
Over the last years, Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) drew interdisciplinary attention. Regarding space technologies a variety of potential applications were proposed and investigated. However, no complex data on the behaviour and degradation process of carbon nanotubes under space environment exist. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the performance of these new materials in space environment and to revaluate the application potential of CNTs in space technologies.Hence, CiREX (Carbon Nanotubes – Resistance Experiment) was developed as a part of a student project. It is a small and compact experiment, which is designed for CubeSat class space satellites. These are a class of nanosatellites with a standardized size and shape. The CiREX design, electrical measurements and the satellites interfaces will be discussed in detail. CiREX is the first in-situ space material experiment for CNTs.To evaluate the data obtained from CiREX, ground validation tests are mandatory. As part of an extensive test series the behaviour of CNTs under solar ultra violet light (UV) and vacuum ultraviolet light (VUV) was examined. Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT), multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) and MWNT/resin composite (ME) were exposed to different light sources. After the exposure, the defect density was investigated with Raman spectroscopy. There is a clear indication that UV and VUV light can increase the defect density of untreated CNTs and influence the electrical behaviour.  相似文献   
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