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The Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) instrument onboard the Rosetta spacecraft has measured molecular oxygen (O2) in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G) in surprisingly high abundances. These measurements mark the first unequivocal detection of O2 in a cometary environment. The large relative abundance of O2 in 67P/C-G despite its high reactivity and low interstellar abundance poses a puzzle for its origin in comet 67P/C-G, and potentially other comets. Since its detection, there have been a number of hypotheses put forward to explain the production and origin of O2 in the comet. These hypotheses cover a wide range of possibilities from various in situ production mechanisms to protosolar nebula and primordial origins. Here, we review the O2 formation mechanisms from the literature, and provide a comprehensive summary of the current state of knowledge of the sources and origin of cometary O2.  相似文献   
The large 3° × 60° fields-of-view of the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) instruments are oriented on the stabilized Coriolis satellite to image most of the sky each Sun-synchronous orbit. Besides observing coronal mass ejections, the SMEI mission objective, SMEI also has detected a plethora of Earth-orbiting satellites (resident space objects or RSOs) brighter than ∼8th magnitude at a rate of about 1 per minute. Occasionally, SMEI sees an RSO swarm: a sudden onset of a large number of RSOs, many more than the nominal rate, upto dozens detected in a 4-s frame. These swarms usually last for a few minutes. A sample of six such RSO ensembles is analyzed in this paper in which the distance and the direction of the velocity vector for individual objects are estimated. We present the observational evidence indicating that the swarms must be near-field objects traveling in orbits near that of Coriolis, and that the relatively speeds between the objects and Coriolis are low. Further, analyses indicate that the RSOs are quite close (<20 m) and are generally moving radially away from the satellite. The predicted encounter geometries for Coriolis passing through or near a small debris cloud is, generally, quite inconsistent with the observations. The most likely explanation consistent with the observations is that SMEI is seeing debris being ejected from the Coriolis spacecraft itself. An analysis of distance and brightness for a subset of the RSOs indicates that the median diameter of the debris particles is ∼80 μm.  相似文献   
The operational Terrestrial Reference Frames (TRFs) realized through the evaluation of broadcast ephemerides for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou-2 and BeiDou-3 have been compared to IGS14, the TRF realized by the International GNSS Service (IGS). The TRFs realized by the GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou-2 and BeiDou-3 broadcast ephemerides are the orbital realizations of WGS 84 (G1762′), PZ90.11, GTRF19v01, and BDCS respectively. These TRFs are compared using up to 56 days of data (21 July-14 Sept 2019) at a 5 or 15-min rate. The operational TRFs are compared to IGS14 in a 7-parameter similarity (Helmert) transformation. Numerical results show that the operational GNSS TRFs differ from IGS14 at a level no greater than 4 cm for Galileo, 6 cm for GPS and BeiDou-3, 13 cm for GLONASS, and 48 cm for a limited set of BeiDou-2 Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) vehicles.  相似文献   
Space weather phenomena can effect many areas of commercial airline operations including avionics, communications and GPS navigation systems. Of particular importance at present is the recently introduced EU legislation requiring the monitoring of aircrew radiation exposure, including any variations at aircraft altitudes due to solar activity. With the introduction of new ultra-long-haul “over-the-pole” routes, “more-electric” aircraft in the future, and the increasing use of satellites in the operation, the need for a better understanding of the space weather impacts on future airline operations becomes all the more compelling. This paper will present the various space weather effects, some provisional results of an ongoing 3-year study to monitor cosmic radiation in aircraft, and conclude by summarising some of the identified key operational issues, which must be addressed, with the help of the science community, if the airlines want to benefit from the availability of space weather services.  相似文献   
The main purpose of the LISA Pathfinder mission is to provide in-orbit validation of the critical technologies necessary for LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), aiming at detecting gravitational waves generated by very massive objects such as black holes. The spacecraft consists of a Science Module (SCM) and a Propulsion Module (PRM). The former performs the science experiment, and the later provides the propulsive capability to raise the spacecraft from the injection orbit to the operational orbit at around L1 and is then separated from the former. The Spacecraft Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) is actually composed of three distinct systems to fulfill the needs of the whole mission: – Composite AOCS, used to reach L1, aims at raising the Perigee through a succession of about 10 boosts performed with high thrust chemical propulsion; – Micro-propulsion AOCS takes over once the separation of the SCM from PRM has occurred and is based on micro-propulsion systems (micro-Newton electrical thrusters); – Drag-Free Attitude Control System (DFACS) is then used to perform science experiments. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the AOCS architecture, requirements, selected sensors and actuators, system design & evolution, and achieved performances. It focuses in particular on the Composite AOCS and the Micro-propulsion AOCS and will analyze the challenges of using micro-Newton electric propulsion.  相似文献   
For the experimental determination of the dynamic wind tunnel data, a new combined motion test capability was developed at the German–Dutch Wind Tunnels DNW for their 3 m Low Speed Wind Tunnel NWB in Braunschweig, Germany, using a unique six degree-of-freedom test rig called ‘Model Positioning Mechanism’ (MPM) as an improved successor to the older systems. With that cutting-edge device, several transport aircraft configurations including a blended wing body configuration were tested in different modes of oscillatory motions roll, pitch and yaw as well as delta-wing geometries like X-31 equipped with remote controlled rudders and flaps to be able to simulate realistic flight maneuvers, e.g., a Dutch Roll. This paper describes the motivation behind these tests and the test setup and in addition gives a short introduction into time accurate maneuver-testing capabilities incorporating models with remote controlled control surfaces. Furthermore, the adaptation of numerical methods for the prediction of dynamic derivatives is described and some examples with the DLR-F12 configuration will be given. The calculations are based on RANS-solution using the finite volume parallel solution algorithm with an unstructured discretization concept (DLR TAU-code).  相似文献   
The evidently low solar activity observed between solar cycles 23 and 24 during the years 2008–2010 led to a substantial increase in the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) intensity in comparison with preceding solar minima. As the GCRs consist of highly-ionizing charged particles having the potential to cause biological damage, they are a subject of concern for manned missions to space. With the enhanced particle fluxes observed between 2008 and 2010, it is reasonable to assume that the radiation exposure from GCR must have also increased to unusually high levels. In this paper, the GCR exposure outside and inside the Earth’s magnetosphere is numerically calculated for time periods starting from 1970 to the end of 2011 in order to investigate the increase in dose levels during the years 2008–2010 in comparison with the last three solar minima. The dose rates were calculated in a water sphere, used as a surrogate for the human body, either unshielded or surrounded by aluminium shielding of 0.3, 10 or 40 g/cm2.  相似文献   
Plans for U.S. return to the International Space Station via STS-114 are described with emphasis on safety of flight hardware and safety of the space station and the space shuttle.  相似文献   
To survive in deep subsurface environments, lithotrophic microbial communities require a sustainable energy source such as hydrogen. Though H2 can be produced when water reacts with fresh mineral surfaces and oxidizes ferrous iron, this reaction is unreliable since it depends upon the exposure of fresh rock surfaces via the episodic opening of cracks and fissures. A more reliable and potentially more voluminous H2 source exists in nominally anhydrous minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Our experimental results indicate that H2 molecules can be derived from small amounts of H2O dissolved in minerals in the form of hydroxyl, OH- or O3Si-OH, whenever such minerals crystallized in an H2O-laden environment. Two types of experiments were conducted. Single crystal fracture experiments indicated that hydroxyl pairs undergo an in situ redox conversion to H2 molecules plus peroxy links, O3Si/OO\SiO3. While the peroxy links become part of the mineral structure, the H2 molecules diffused out of the freshly fractured mineral surfaces. If such a mechanism occurred in natural settings, the entire rock column would become a volume source of H2. Crushing experiments to facilitate the outdiffusion of H2 were conducted with common crustal igneous rocks such as granite, andesite, and labradorite. At least 70 nmol of H2/g diffused out of coarsely crushed andesite, equivalent at standard pressure and temperature to 5,000 cm3 of H2/m3 of rock. In the water-saturated, biologically relevant upper portion of the rock column, the diffusion of H2 out of the minerals will be buffered by H2 saturation of the intergranular water film.  相似文献   
发展了一种跨音速多升力面的气动设计方法和设计程序,它基于已成功应用于亚、跨音速机翼设计和亚音速双翼面设计的"余量修正迭代"概念.当升力面上出现超音速区和激波时自动引用迎风格式对控制方程进行修正.开发了一系列接口程序,包括目标压力设计程序.由此气动设计程羊、TAU程序以及相应的接口程序建立了跨音速多升力面气动反设计软件系统.用两个鸭翼-机翼构型验证了设计方法和设计程序,结果表明在高跨音速下设计迭代有很好的收敛性.  相似文献   
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