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为研究纤维褶皱对碳纤维复合材料层合板压缩性能的影响,参考ASTM D6641—2014完成了含纤维褶皱碳纤维层合板压缩性能试验;同时采用基于Hashin失效准则及性能逐渐退化的渐进损伤方法进行了有限元分析。结果表明:褶皱程度为30%的凹陷试验件压缩极限载荷相比完好试验件降低了58.48%;同等褶皱程度下凹陷试验件比凸起试验件抗压强度更低;褶皱程度为30%的凹陷试验件刚度相比完好试验件降低了35.80%;有限元分析结果与试验吻合良好,试验件的损伤最初为基体损伤,经过扩展导致试验件在褶皱处断裂。  相似文献   
以氧化铟锡(ITO)玻璃为基底,采用直流反应磁控溅射法在室温环境下制备了高透过率调制的NiOx薄膜,利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子电镜(SEM)、紫外可见分光光度计(UV 3600)对薄膜进行分析和表征,研究溅射过程中氩氧比、气压、功率对薄膜结构、形貌及电致变色性能的影响。结果表明:制备的NiOx薄膜表面有明显的结晶颗粒及孔隙,并沿(200)晶面择优生长;随着气压、功率、氧分压的增大,透过率调制先增大后减小,在时间为45 min、溅射气压4.9 Pa、氩氧比113∶7、功率215 W时最高可达58.3%,着褪色响应时间分别为9和19s,相应的着褪色效率分别为77.56和40.39 cm2/C;以最优工艺的NiOx薄膜组装了结构为Glass/ITO/NiOx/Li-electrolyte/WO3/ITO/Glass的电致变色器件,器件在550 nm处的光调制幅度为46.5%,着褪色时间分别为27和45 s,相应的着褪色速率为1.5和0.9%/s,在循环...  相似文献   
偏置抛物面卫星天线反射器由碳纤维预浸料铺制而成,在固化过程中通常会出现热变形、固化收缩变形及机械变形等,且过大的变形会导致反射器反射信号产生偏差。为了有效预测天线反射器在热压罐固化过程中的变形,本文采用线性黏弹性本构模型表征纤维增强复合材料在固化过程中的应力-应变关系。采用顺序热-力耦合分析法,对天线反射器内部温度场、固化度场及位移场的分布进行建模,并对铺层结构及降温速率对天线反射器变形的影响开展研究。结果表明:相较于纯0°铺层结构,正交和准各向同性铺层天线反射器z向变形量减小了51%以上,且降低降温速率有助于提高天线反射器的固化型面变形。  相似文献   
针对浅水区、污染区、极地等复杂海洋环境,传统海洋调查手段劳动强度高、安全风险大、作业效率低。无人水面艇具备无人、高效等特点,非常适合在上述复杂海洋环境中作业,并于近年来在海洋调查领域中得到了快速发展与广泛应用。从海洋调查领域中无人水面艇的优势、国内外典型的无人水面艇和应用案例入手,深入分析了我国无人水面艇海洋调查的现状,并对未来的技术发展方向进行了展望。实践表明,应用无人水面艇进行海底地形地貌调查的技术已基本成熟,水深数据质量和自主导航精度均可满足规范要求。在未来,须将无人水面艇的应用进一步扩展至物理海洋、海洋生物、海洋化学等专业领域,并加快研制基于可再生能源的长航程无人水面艇,以开展全球性海洋调查。  相似文献   
The 2016 Mw 6.0 Italy earthquake is successfully recorded by the near-field 10?Hz GPS and 200?Hz Strong Motion (SM) stations, providing valuable data for this study. A comprehensive study of this earthquake is carried out based on GPS data, which contains coseismic deformations analysis, noise analysis, seismic wave picking, and magnitude determination. The noise of most GPS-derived displacement waveforms can be described as a combination of white noise, flicker noise, and random walk noise after the earthquake occurrence, and the spectral indices vary significantly for most stations, implying that the seismic signals have affected the noise characteristic of GPS-derived displacement waveforms. S-transform is employed to assess the GPS capability to detect the seismic arrival time. The SM station AMT and the GPS station AMAT are in good agreement in seismic wave picking, and the difference is only 1.2?s in the north component, suggesting that the outcome of seismic wave picking using GPS data is reliable. Then, a classic empirical formula is employed to determine the moment magnitude. A robust moment magnitude (Mw 5.90) can be estimated by the nine GPS stations with about 23.9?s. If four GPS stations near the epicenter is chosen to determine the magnitude, it only take 13.0?s to retrieve a reliable preliminary (Mw 5.82) magnitude, which is 5.4?s ahead of nine stations. In addition, Cross Wavelet Transform (XWT) is adopted to measuring the correlation and phase relationship between GPS and SM records. The result of XWT analysis indicates 10?Hz GPS is capable of capturing reliable and accurate coseismic dynamic deformations, as evidenced by the XWT-based semblance being close to 1 between GPS and SM records. The above results confirm the capability of 10?Hz GPS to capture coseismic dynamic deformations, detect seismic arrival time, and determine earthquake magnitude. Moreover, rapid magnitude determination based on 10?Hz GPS data can be regarded as an important supplement to Earthquake Early Warning (EEW).  相似文献   
半球深腔的加工质量是决定硅基MEMS半球陀螺精度的关键因素之一,及时检测半球深腔的形貌参数并将其反馈至加工过程,是确保高性能MEMS半球陀螺研制成功的重要措施。由于硅半球深腔的深度较大,台阶仪和光学显微成像系统无法对半球深腔的形貌特征进行有效测量。因此,需要将硅深腔结构剖开后采用扫描电镜(SEM)进行检测。这种检测方式时间周期长,且属于破坏性的样本检测,效率和测试精度都较低。提出以硅半球深腔为模具,利用PDMS铸模将硅半球深腔的结构尺寸和表面形貌转移到PDMS凸起的半球模型上,通过检测PDMS半球模型的尺寸结构和表面形貌,即可反推出硅半球深腔的尺寸特征。经实验验证,脱模后的PDMS模型可以准确地反映出半球深腔的尺寸信息,测量结果的不确定度小于5‰,有效解决了硅半球深腔无损检测的难题。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a real-time kinematic (RTK) model that uses one common reference satellite for the Galileo system with four frequency observations. In the proposed model, the double-differenced (DD) pseudorange and carrier phase biases among the different frequencies are estimated as unknown parameters to recover the integer features of the DD ambiguities among the different frequencies for ambiguity resolution and precise positioning. Analysis results show that the E5a, E5b, and E5 frequencies have virtually the same performance in terms of the positioning accuracy, observation residuals, and ratio values of ambiguity resolution. However, the E1 frequency performs worse than the E5a, E5b, and E5 frequencies. The RTK results for the combination of multiple frequencies are much better than those for a single-frequency observation, the coordinates’ standard deviation is improved about 20–30%, and the ambiguity fix time is improved about 10%.  相似文献   
采用秸秆生产丁醇时,为了达到高效率发酵,需要使发酵液中菌体分布均匀,所加物料需要及时搅拌。工业化生产丁醇的发酵罐尺寸较大,搅拌过程对驱动电机的输出转矩要求较高,因此高效率、小体积、低速大转矩的秸秆发酵搅拌电机对工业化发酵生产丁醇意义重大。设计了一种定转子永磁游标电机用于发酵液搅拌,并对电机的槽极数、电磁性能进行了具体的研究。制造样机并采用滞环控制实现了对液态发酵对象的快速响应,且实现了低能耗、高效率的发酵过程。  相似文献   
The dried, fleshy stems of Cistanche deserticola (Orobanchaceae) are popular tonics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat the inability of kidney in expelling extra fluid in the body, causing fluid retention, and reform reproductive system. However, the wild plants of C. deserticola have become endangered due to habitat downsizing and over-harvesting for its medicinal usages. The present research was carried out for the following purposes: (1) promoting the space-breeding research; (2) providing molecular evidence for agricultural selective breeding; and (3) protecting this endangered herbal medicine and conserving its genetic resources.  相似文献   
针对航母中程对潜防御区声呐舰配置问题,在分析航渡过程中航母受敌导弹攻击威胁的基础上,从有效应 对敌潜艇导弹攻击,保障航母安全的要求出发,对中程对潜防御区声呐舰的配置问题进行了研究,提出了中程对潜 防御区声呐舰的配置原则和方法,对航母编队反潜作战的兵力配置具有重要的参考指导作用。  相似文献   
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