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针对气动发动机的工作过程,利用能量方程、气体状态方程、连续性方程及运动过程方程建立气动发动机的非线性微分方程组.选取合适的基准量,对所建立的微分方程组进行无因次化,得到无因次化的数学模型.利用MATLAB/Simulink仿真工具,对无因次数学模型进行研究,得到各无因次量对气动发动机输出扭矩的影响.从仿真结果可以看出,气动发动机的无因次转速、进气门面积比例因子、排气门面积比例因子以及进气持续角度对气动发动机的无因次输出扭矩影响较大.当发动机转速升高扭矩急剧下降时,可以通过调整进气门面积比例因子、排气门面积比例因子以及进气持续角度使输出扭矩恒定.  相似文献   
为解决多传感器组网系统的系统误差估计问题,基于多传感器多目标上报信息,研究并提出了一种多传感器多目标系统误差融合估计算法.算法构建了两级融合结构,即第一级对多传感器组合状态估计信息进行反馈融合以改善局部组合状态估计精度,从而间接改善系统误差的估计精度,而第二级对多目标系统误差估计信息进行融合以进一步提高系统误差的估计精度.蒙特卡洛仿真显示算法能有效融合利用多传感器多目标信息,实现多传感器系统误差的实时精确估计.  相似文献   
在原始截面离散数据点的基础上,给出了面向工程实际的中弧线几何造型方法和基于离散数据点的内形曲线参数化方法;深入分析了UG(Unigraphic)系统参数化造型的实质;给出了可行的参数化方案;结合面向对象的思想和创成式的建模方式,实现了变壁厚叶身参数化设计.该模块基于UG/OpenAPI接口,采用即时记录数据点和标记回溯点的方式,在交互中可以实时动态修改,达到"所见即所得"的效果,并在实际应用中得到有效验证.   相似文献   
建立了离子推力器束流分布的高斯模型,以200mm氙离子推力器为例,在不同工作环境下对推力器束流分布进行了数值模拟,并通过试验测量了推力器引出切面不同位置(轴向z=50mm,z=100mm)下的径向束电流密度和束离子密度分布。通过对数值模拟结果与试验测量结果的比较,误差为17%,认为数值模拟结果与试验测量结果吻合较好。表明离子推力器引出束流呈轴对称分布,在推力器出口附近,束离子密度很大,越往下游,密度越小且束流出现发散。  相似文献   
The role of AVDR in linear cascade testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linear cascade testing plays an important role in the research and development of turbomachinery and is widely used over the world.The ideal cascade model of a turbomachinery blade row is two-dimensional.In actual linear cascade testing, the flow through the test section converges due to the development of the boundary layer and secondary flow along the sidewall surfaces of the test section.Axial velocity density ratio(AVDR) is adopted to account for the deviation of the tested cascade flow from the ideal 2D model.Among numerous published cascade works, the influence of AVDR on cascade performance is seen to be complicated with many affecting factors, such as those related to cascade/blade geometry and flow conditions.Also, controlling AVDR is limited by the facility capability.Furthermore, real blade-to-blade flow in turbomachines is usually associated with AVDR greater than unity due to limited span of blades between the hub and shroud such that cascade testing without reducing AVDR could be favored sometimes.All these facets add complexity and diversification to the matter.The current paper reviews previous studies and results on AVDR.Consolidated understanding on the role of AVDR and recommendations on how to deal with it in linear cascade testing are provided.   相似文献   
航空发动机和燃气轮机在海洋环境下服役时,热端部件承受高温、高压、高转速机械载荷和高盐雾、高湿度等腐蚀环境耦合作用,常发生热腐蚀-疲劳失效,影响结构完整性、安全性和可靠性。本文针对航空发动机和燃气轮机热端部件热腐蚀-疲劳失效问题,总结和分析了涡轮盘、涡轮叶片高温合金及涂层热腐蚀机理,涡轮盘、涡轮叶片高温合金热腐蚀-疲劳失效机理以及热腐蚀-疲劳寿命预测模型和寿命评估方法,并对航空发动机和燃气轮机热端部件热腐蚀-疲劳试验研究和寿命评估方法的发展趋势进行了展望,以期促进燃气-海洋环境耦合作用下热端部件结构完整性评定方法的发展。  相似文献   
The non-linear behavior of continuous fiber reinforced C/SiC ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) under tensile loading is modeled by three-dimensional representative volume element (RVE) models of the composite. The theoretical background of the multi-scale approach solved by the finite element method (FEM) is recalled first- ly. Then the geometric characters of three kinds of damage mechanisms, i.e. micro matrix cracks, fiber/matrix interface debonding and fiber fracture, are studied. Three kinds of RVE are proposed to model the microstructure of C/SiC with above damage mechanisms respectively. The matrix cracking is modeled by critical matrix strain en- ergy (CMSE) principle while a maximum shear stress criterion is used for modeling fiber/matrix interface debond- ing. The behavior of fiber fracture is modeled by the famous Weibull statistic theory. A numerical example of con- tinuous fiber reinforced C/SiC composite under tensile loading is performed. The results show that the stress/ strain curve predicted by the developed model agrees with experimental data.  相似文献   
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) instrument is configured with a suite of particle detectors to measure TeV cosmic-ray elemental spectra from protons to iron nuclei over a wide energy range. The goal is to extend direct measurements of cosmic-ray composition to the highest energies practical, and thereby have enough overlap with ground based indirect measurements to answer questions on cosmic-ray origin, acceleration and propagation. The balloon-borne CREAM was flown successfully for about 161 days in six flights over Antarctica to measure elemental spectra of Z = 1–26 nuclei over the energy range 1010 to >1014 eV. Transforming the balloon instrument into ISS-CREAM involves identification and replacement of components that would be at risk in the International Space Station (ISS) environment, in addition to assessing safety and mission assurance concerns. The transformation process includes rigorous testing of components to reduce risks and increase survivability on the launch vehicle and operations on the ISS without negatively impacting the heritage of the successful CREAM design. The project status, including results from the ongoing analysis of existing data and, particularly, plans to increase the exposure factor by another order of magnitude utilizing the International Space Station are presented.  相似文献   
传感器是导航系统中的重要部件,传感器故障容错性的分散化滤波,对提高系统的可靠性具有重要意义.以SINS/GPS/CNS组成的组合导航系统为研究对象,采用联邦滤波和方差交叉滤波相结合的方法,实现了对传感器故障具有容错性的分散化滤波,对导航系统的精度和容错性进行分析.仿真结果表明,将分散化滤波方法用于多个传感器组成的组合导航系统,不但具有精度高的特点,而且由于具有信息的冗余,整个系统具有较好的容错能力,可以提供更加完善、精确地反映运载体运动的导航信息.  相似文献   
考虑铣削过程中的自激振动和强迫振动,基于延迟微分方程的稳定性判定准则和强迫振动共振区的半带宽理论,提出一种铣削系统稳定性动态优化新方法.该方法通过选择切削参数和修改系统结构参数,在保证加工表面精度的前提下,获得大的稳定性材料去除率.其目标函数是材料去除率,约束条件是铣削过程稳定且非共振,动态优化变量是铣削系统的切削参数和结构参数.优化程序被阐明,实例分析结果显示,系统在稳定非共振条件下,加工时的材料去除率相比于优化前提高了18.86%.另外,为获得最大的稳定材料去除率和较好的表面精度,在铣削系统优化过程中,应同时考虑颤振稳定性和共振的影响.  相似文献   
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