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嵌入式技术在煤矿监控系统中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点讨论嵌入式系统在煤矿监控系统中的应用,并介绍了监测实时数据的两种传输方式和曲线绘制,以及基于Web方式的信息发布与浏览方法.设计采用了先进的嵌入式技术和Internet技术,摒弃了以往煤矿监控系统所采用基于PC机的方案,并通过网络发布煤矿监测数据,在一定程度上实现了煤矿安全自动监控的功能,对于加强煤矿安全监管、有效防范矿难事故具有十分重要的作用,对开发其他的监控系统具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
内部冲击和外部气膜的组合特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用数值模拟的方法研究了一种外部稀疏气膜和内部冲击复合的导向器叶片冷却结构.研究的重点是气膜孔和冲击孔的相对位置以及气膜孔直径对叶盆和叶背冷却效率的影响规律, 并对叶盆区域和叶背区域的综合冷却效率和热均匀性做了讨论.计算表明:在计算所选取的参数范围内, 气膜孔直径的增大提高了叶盆区域的综合冷却效率, 而对叶背区域的影响规律则较为复杂;综合考虑叶盆叶背的冷却效率和热均匀性, 气膜孔的位置在单元腔的前部时冷却效果最好.   相似文献   
简要分析了武装直升机对地攻击路径规划问题,基于遗传算法构建了武装直升机对地攻击路径规划适配函数,详细论述了适配函数中各主要威胁因素,并对路径可行性进行了分析,提出了路径可行性调整方案,针对路径撞山情况下地形威胁不合理问题,提出了解决方案.  相似文献   
发动机研制中需对喉衬材料抗热震性能进行考核,发展了一种用小型固体发动机模拟全尺寸发动机热载荷对喉衬材料抗热震性能进行考核的缩比试验方法.通过保证推进剂、燃烧室压强、点火升压速率和喉衬型面等参数与全尺寸发动机接近,来保证热载荷的相似,同时适当兼顾喉衬应力的状态.采用该方法较好地再现了某型发动机出现的喉衬组件断裂飞出的故障...  相似文献   
介绍可替代汽油、煤油清洗金属零组件的水剂清洗剂在大批量生产中的应用。  相似文献   
For a species to develop in nature basically two things are needed: an enabling technology and a “niche”. In spacecraft design the story is the same. Both a suitable technology and a niche application need to be there before a new generation of spacecraft can be developed. In the last century two technologies have emerged which had and still have a huge impact on the development of technical systems: Micro-Electronics (ME) and Micro-Systems Technology (MST). Many different terrestrial systems have changed dramatically since the introduction of ME and MST and many new systems have emerged. In the same period many nano-satellites have been built and launched and shown that they can perform in space. Still it is not clear what the specific role of these small satellites will be. Where will they go? What will they do? In this paper the authors will try to answer these questions and will refer to the OLFAR space born radio telescope as one of the niche applications for a nano-satellite swarm.  相似文献   
A model-free compound controller design method is proposed to achieve the wide frequency bandwidth requirement of flight simulators. The method based on quantitative feedback theory, acquires system uncertainty under different working conditions through closed-loop identification with power spectrum estimation. Then in controller designing, it makes a tradeoff between the strict requirements for magnitude-frequency characteristics and those for phase-frequency characteristics of flight simulators, by converting the indices of magnitude-frequency characteristics of flight simulators into quantitative feedback theory-based tracking specification bounds and using feedforward controller to attain the required phase-frequency characteristics. Simulation and experimental results indicate that, when used to design inner frame controller of flight simulator, the proposed method can fulfill the requirements for wide frequency bandwidth indices. Compared with other controller design methods, it has the property of model-free and transparency.  相似文献   
This study considers the clutter suppression and feature extraction of multiple moving targets for airborne high range resolution (HRR) phased array radar. To avoid the range migration problems that occur in the HRR radar data, we divide each HRR profile into nonoverlapping low range resolution segments. No information is lost due to the division and hence no loss of resolution occurs. We show how to use a vector auto-regressive filtering technique to suppress the clutter. Then a relaxation-based parameter estimation algorithm is presented for multiple moving target feature extraction. Numerical results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm  相似文献   
TY-3微重力火箭总长 6 0 0 0 mm,起飞质量 1 1 0 0 kg,有效载荷 5 0 kg,最大飞行高度 2 2 0 km,能提供 1 0 - 4 g约 36 0 s时间的微重力试验条件 ,该火箭已于 2 0 0 0年 1 0月飞行试验成功 ,而且一种更先进的微重力火箭系统正在设计中。  相似文献   
Robust autofocus algorithm for ISAR imaging of moving targets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A robust autofocus approach, referred to as AUTOCLEAN (AUTOfocus via CLEAN), is proposed for the motion compensation in ISAR (inverse synthetic aperture radar) imaging of moving targets. It is a parametric algorithm based on a very flexible data model which takes into account arbitrary range migration and arbitrary phase errors across the synthetic aperture that may be induced by unwanted radial motion of the target as well as propagation or system instability. AUTOCLEAN can be classified as a multiple scatterer algorithm (MSA), but it differs considerably from other existing MSAs in several aspects: (1) Dominant scatterers are selected automatically in the 2D image domain; (2) scatterers may not be well isolated or very dominant; (3) phase and RCS information from each selected scatterer are combined in an optimal way; (4) the troublesome phase unwrapping step is avoided. AUTOCLEAN is computationally efficient and involves only a sequence of FFTs. Another good feature associated with AUTOCLEAN is that its performance can be progressively improved by assuming a larger number of dominant scatterers for the target. Numerical and experimental results have shown that AUTOCLEAN is a very robust autofocus tool for ISAR imaging  相似文献   
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