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The design of the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) experiment is presented, which was optimized to address several of the primary measurement requirements of NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): high spatial resolution hydrogen mapping of the Moon’s upper-most surface, identification of putative deposits of appreciable near-surface water ice in the Moon’s polar cold traps, and characterization of the human-relevant space radiation environment in lunar orbit. A comprehensive program of LEND instrument physical calibrations is discussed and the baseline scenario of LEND observations from the primary LRO lunar orbit is presented. LEND data products will be useful for determining the next stages of the emerging global lunar exploration program, and they will facilitate the study of the physics of hydrogen implantation and diffusion in the regolith, test the presence of water ice deposits in lunar cold polar traps, and investigate the role of neutrons within the radiation environment of the shallow lunar surface.  相似文献   
The technique of lunar laser ranging (LLR) has for many decades contributed to cutting-edge tests of the fundamental nature of gravity. These include the best tests to date of the strong equivalence principle, the time-rate-of-change of the gravitational constant, gravitomagnetism, the inverse square law, and preferred frame effects. The phenomenologies of each are briefly discussed, followed by an extended discussion of gravitomagnetism. Finally, the new APOLLO project is summarized, which achieves range precision as low as one millimeter.  相似文献   
The surface morphology of icy moons is affected by several processes implicating exchanges between their subsurfaces and atmospheres (if any). The possible exchange of material between the subsurface and the surface is mainly determined by the mechanical properties of the lithosphere, which isolates the deep, warm and ductile ice material from the cold surface conditions. Exchanges through this layer occur only if it is sufficiently thin and/or if it is fractured owing to tectonic stresses, melt intrusion or impact cratering. If such conditions are met, cryomagma can be released, erupting fresh volatile-rich materials onto the surface. For a very few icy moons (Titan, Triton, Enceladus), the emission of gas associated with cryovolcanic activity is sufficiently large to generate an atmosphere, either long-lived or transient. For those moons, atmosphere-driven processes such as cryovolcanic plume deposition, phase transitions of condensable materials and wind interactions continuously re-shape their surfaces, and are able to transport cryovolcanically generated materials on a global scale. In this chapter, we discuss the physics of these different exchange processes and how they affect the evolution of the satellites’ surfaces.  相似文献   
The magnetometer on the STEREO mission is one of the sensors in the IMPACT instrument suite. A single, triaxial, wide-range, low-power and noise fluxgate magnetometer of traditional design—and reduced volume configuration—has been implemented in each spacecraft. The sensors are mounted on the IMPACT telescoping booms at a distance of ~3 m from the spacecraft body to reduce magnetic contamination. The electronics have been designed as an integral part of the IMPACT Data Processing Unit, sharing a common power converter and data/command interfaces. The instruments cover the range ±65,536 nT in two intervals controlled by the IDPU (±512 nT; ±65,536 nT). This very wide range allows operation of the instruments during all phases of the mission, including Earth flybys as well as during spacecraft test and integration in the geomagnetic field. The primary STEREO/IMPACT science objectives addressed by the magnetometer are the study of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), its response to solar activity, and its relationship to solar wind structure. The instruments were powered on and the booms deployed on November 1, 2006, seven days after the spacecraft were launched, and are operating nominally. A magnetic cleanliness program was implemented to minimize variable spacecraft fields and to ensure that the static spacecraft-generated magnetic field does not interfere with the measurements.  相似文献   
The status of computational tests for establishing matrix positive semidefiniteness and positive definiteness is reviewed. Two pervasive real-time tests that have been used for many years in varied applications to ensure that computed covariances encountered in Kalman filter applications are positive definite and discussed. Structural representations of covariance matrices are reviewed as a prelude to constructing a counterexample and demonstrating that it refutes these real-time tests. It is maintained that the latter are bogus approaches despite the fact that they are pervasive. It is suggested that such bogus tests arose as an attempt to fill the need for a quick check (over the entire mission time) of the massive number of matrices computationally encountered in real-time applications  相似文献   
The Heavy Ion Counter on the Galileo spacecraft will monitor energetic heavy nuclei of the elements from C to Ni, with energies from 6 to 200 MeV nucl-1. The instrument will provide measurements of trapped heavy ions in the Jovian magnetosphere, including those high-energy heavy ions with the potential for affecting the operation of the spacecraft electronic circuitry. We describe the instrument, which is a modified version of the Voyager CRS instrument.  相似文献   
General principles are outlined for the design of space infrared telescopes intended to cool by radiation to the lowest temperatures attainable without the use of on-board cryogens, and assuming on-orbit cooling after a warm launch. Maximum protection from solar and earth heating, maximum radiating area and efficiency and minimum absorbing area and absorptivity are the obvious basic criteria. The optimised design is a short, fat telescope surrounded by a series of radiation shields, each cooled by its own radiator. Maximising the longitudinal conductivity of the radiation shields and of the telescope tube itself is important both to the on-orbit cooling time and the final achieveable temperature. Realistic designs take between 80 and 200 days to cool to within a few degrees of equilibrium temperatures, depending on the materials used. Great advantages accrue from the use of an orbit distant from earth. Both simple models and detailed simulations suggest that temperatures of 30 to 40 K are attainable in high earth orbits. Placing a radiatively cooled telescope in a halo orbit around the Lagrangian point L2 is a particularly attractive option and significantly lower temperatures can be achieved there than in Earth orbit. Optimised radiative cooling is an important element of the small Japanese mission SMIRT. We suggest that a combination of an ESA Medium-sized Mission with a NASA Explorer to send a 2m+ telescope to an L2 halo orbit would provide a cost-effective and powerful long-duration facility for the early 21st century.  相似文献   
Variations in the magnetic pressure and flux blocking by starspots during the magnetic cycle of the cool semidetached component of an Algol binary may cause cyclic changes in the quadrupole moment and moment of inertia of the star which can cause alternate period changes. Since several different processes and timescales are involved, the orbital period changes may not correlate strongly with the indicators of magnetic activity. The structural changes in the semidetached component can also modulate the mass transfer rate. Sub-Keplerian velocities, supersonic turbulence, and high temperature regions in circumstellar material around the accreting star may all be a consequence of magnetic fields embedded in the flow. Models for the evolution of Algols which include the effects of angular momentum loss (AML) through a magnetized wind may have underestimated the AML rate by basing it on results from main sequence stars. Evolved stars appear to have higher AML rates, and there may be additional AML in a wind from the accretion disk.  相似文献   
Stewart  R. T.  Slee  O. B.  Budding  E.  Coates  D. W.  Thompson  K.  Bunton  John D. 《Space Science Reviews》1989,50(1-2):367-367
Space Science Reviews -  相似文献   
For pt. I see ibid., vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 1194-1206 (2001).This paper presents the derivation of a polarimetric coherent adaptive scheme to detect a radar target against a non-Gaussian background. This completes the results presented in Part I for the Gaussian background. A Texture Free-Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (TF-GLRT) detector is derived that exploits the polarimetric characteristics of the received radar echoes to improve the detection performance. The proposed polarimetric detector is shown to have Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) when operating against compound-Gaussian clutter with unknown parameters. Its performance is fully characterized by both theoretical analysis and simulation. Moreover, the application to recorded radar data demonstrates the performance improvement achievable in practice  相似文献   
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