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The results of a previous discrete-time model of the series resonant dc-dc converter are reviewed and from these a small signal dynamic model is derived. This model is valid for low frequencies and is based on the modulation of the diode conduction angle for control. The basic converter is modeled separately from its output filter to facilitate the use of these results for design purposes. Experimental results are presented.  相似文献   
Beers  T.C.  Rossi  S.  Norris  J.E.  Ryan  S.G.  Molaro  P.  Rebolo  R. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,84(1-2):139-144
Ongoing spectroscopy and photometry of stars selected in the HK objective-prism/interference-filter survey of Beers and colleagues has resulted in the identification of many hundreds of additional stars in the halo (and possibly the thick disk) of the Galaxy with abundances [Fe/H] -2.0. A new calibration of the technique for estimation of metal abundance based on a CaII K index as a function of broadband B - V color is applied to obtain metallicities for stars observed with the SSO 2.3m and INT 2.5m telescopes. This new data is combined with other samples of extremely metal-deficient stars (Ryan and Norris, 1991a; Beers et al., 1992; Carney et al., 1994) to form a large database of objects of low metallicity. The combined sample is examined and compared with expectations derived from a Simple Model of Galactic chemical evolution. There appears to be a statistically-significant deficit of stars more metal-weak than [Fe/H] = -3.0. An abundance of [Fe/H] -4.0 can be taken as the low-metallicity limit for presently-observable stars in the Galaxy.  相似文献   
Ergun  R.E.  Carlson  C.W.  Mozer  F.S.  Delory  G.T.  Temerin  M.  McFadden  J.P.  Pankow  D.  Abiad  R.  Harvey  P.  Wilkes  R.  Primbsch  H.  Elphic  R.  Strangeway  R.  Pfaff  R.  Cattell  C.A. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,98(1-2):67-91
We describe the electric field sensors and electric and magnetic field signal processing on the FAST (Fast Auroral SnapshoT) satellite. The FAST satellite was designed to make high time resolution observations of particles and electromagnetic fields in the auroral zone to study small-scale plasma interactions in the auroral acceleration region. The DC and AC electric fields are measured with three-axis dipole antennas with 56 m, 8 m, and 5 m baselines. A three-axis flux-gate magnetometer measures the DC magnetic field and a three-axis search coil measures the AC magnetic field. A central signal processing system receives all signals from the electric and magnetic field sensors. Spectral coverage is from DC to 4 MHz. There are several types of processed data. Survey data are continuous over the auroral zone and have full-orbit coverage for fluxgate magnetometer data. Burst data include a few minutes of a selected region of the auroral zone at the highest time resolution. A subset of the burst data, high speed burst memory data, are waveform data at 2×106 sample s–1. Electric field and magnetic field data are primarily waveforms and power spectral density as a function of frequency and time. There are also various types of focused data processing, including cross-spectral analysis, fine-frequency plasma wave tracking, high-frequency polarity measurement, and wave-particle correlations.  相似文献   
The discovery of terrestrial O+ and other heavy ions in magnetospheric hot plasmas, combined with the association of energetic ionospheric outflows with geomagnetic activity, led to the conclusion that increasing geomagnetic activity is responsible for filling the magnetosphere with ionospheric plasma. Recently it has been discovered that a major source of ionospheric heavy ion plasma outflow is responsive to the earliest impact of coronal mass ejecta upon the dayside ionosphere. Thus a large increase in ionospheric outflows begins promptly during the initial phase of geomagnetic storms, and is already present during the main phase development of such storms. We hypothesize that enhancement of the internal source of plasma actually supports the transition from substorm enhancements of aurora to storm-time ring current development in the inner magnetosphere. Other planets known to have ring current-like plasmas also have substantial internal sources of plasma, notably Jupiter and Saturn. One planet having a small magnetosphere, but very little internal source of plasma, is Mercury. Observations suggest that Mercury has substorms, but are ambiguous with regard to the possibility of magnetic storms of the planet. The Messenger mission to Mercury should provide an interesting test of our hypothesis. Mercury should support at most a modest ring current if its internal plasma source is as small as is currently believed. If substantiated, this hypothesis would support a general conclusion that the magnetospheric inflationary response is a characteristic of magnetospheres with substantial internal plasma sources. We quantitatively define this hypothesis and pose it as a problem in comparative magnetospheres.  相似文献   
The surfaces of the Solar System’s icy satellites show an extraordinary variety of morphological features, which bear witness to exchange processes between the surface and subsurface. In this paper we review the characteristics of surface features on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Using data from spacecraft missions, we discuss the detailed morphology, size, and topography of cryovolcanic, tectonic, aeolian, fluvial, and impact features of both large moons and smaller satellites.  相似文献   
Profiles of the visible Fe X (6374 Å) coronal emission line as a function of height above the limb were obtained out to 1.16 solar radii in a coronal hole using the NSO/Sacramento Peak Observatory Coronagraph, Universal Spectrograph and a CCD camera. These are the first coronal line profiles obtained as a function of height in a coronal hole from the ground. Analysis of the line widths suggests a large component of nonthermal broadening which increases with height ranging from 40 to 60 km/s, depending upon the assumed temperature or thermal component of the profile.  相似文献   
Numerical simulations of energy depositions in the middle and upper solar chromosphere result in ejection of chromospheric material into the corona and heating of the chromospheric gas. These simulations may be capable of describing some of the features seen by the soft X-ray telescope on board theYohkoh satellite.  相似文献   
As Ulysses moved inward and southward from mid-1992 to early 1994 we noticed the occasional occurrence of inter-events, lasting about 10 days and falling between the recurrent events, observed at proton energies of 0.48–97 MeV, associated with Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR). These inter-events were present for several sequences of two or more solar rotations at intensity levels around 1% of those of the neighbouring main events. When we compared the Ulysses events with those measured on IMP-8 at 1 AU we saw that the inter-events appeared at Ulysses after the extended emission (>10 days) of large fluxes of solar protons of the same energy that lasted at least one solar rotation at 1 AU. The inter-events fell completely within the rarefaction regions (dv/dt<0) of the recurrent solar wind streams. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) lines in the rarefactions map back to the narrow range of longitudes at the Sun which mark the eastern edge of the source region of the high speed stream. Thus the inter-events are propagating at mid-latitudes to Ulysses along field lines free from stream-stream interactions. They are seen in the 0.39–1.28 MeV/nucleon He, which exhibit a faster decay, but almost never in the 38–53 keV electrons. We show that the inter-events are unlikely to be accelerated by reverse shocks associated with the CIRs and that they are more likely to be accelerated by sequences of solar events and transported along the IMF in the rarefactions of the solar wind streams.  相似文献   
A remarkable streaming beam-like particle event of 60 keV-5 MeV ions and of 38–315 keV electrons has been reported previously. This event has been associated with the passage of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) over the Ulysses spacecraft on June 9–13, 1993. At this time, the spacecraft was located at 4.6 AU from the sun and at an heliolatitude of 32° south. It was proposed (Armstrong et al., 1994) that the particle injection source could have been of coronal origin. In this study, we analyse the solar activity during this period. We identify a region of solar radio noise storms in the corona and in particular, a flare on June 7 that presents all the required characteristics to produce the hot plasma beam observed in the interplanetary medium.  相似文献   
Plasma and magnetic field signatures from 29 November 1990 indicate that the Ulysses spacecraft passed through a series of interplanetary structures that were most likely formed by magnetic reconnection on open field lines ahead of a coronal mass ejection (CME). This reconnection changed the magnetic topology of the upstream region by converting normal open interplanetary magnetic field into a pair of regions: one magnetically disconnected from the Sun and the other, a tongue, connected back to the Sun at both ends. This process provides a new method for producing both heat flux dropouts and counterstreaming suprathermal electron signatures in interplanetary space. In this paper we expand upon the 29 November case study and argue that reconnection ahead of CMEs should be less common at high heliolatitudes.  相似文献   
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