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基于蚁群算法和Powell法的Lambert转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了两次脉冲时刻均不固定的Lambert轨道转移的优化问题,目标是找到施加两次脉冲的最优时刻,使燃料和转移时间的加权和最小.鉴于传统的优化算法难以获得该优化问题的全局最优解,提出了一种蚁群算法和Powell法相结合的优化算法,给出了算法的设计步骤.该算法结合了蚁群算法的全局搜索能力和Powell法的局部寻优能力,在保证全局搜索能力的同时,提高了算法的局部寻优能力和精度,减少了寻优时间.通过两个算例验证了这种结合的有效性和准确性.  相似文献   
复合材料蜂窝夹芯板低速冲击损伤扩展特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进行了碳纤维增强复合材料蜂窝夹芯板低速冲击试验及冲击后面内单向压缩试验,并采用解析解方法对含低速冲击损伤的复合材料蜂窝夹芯板在面内单向压载作用下的损伤扩展过程进行了预测与分析,分析结果与试验结果吻合较好.研究进一步扩展了解析解模型,使之能够预测和分析在面内双向拉压载荷作用下含低速冲击损伤的复合材料蜂窝夹芯结构的损伤扩展特性.分析结果表明,施加面内横向拉伸载荷会延迟复合材料蜂窝夹芯结构在面内纵向压载作用下低速冲击损伤扩展过程,从而提升结构在纵向的残余压缩强度.  相似文献   
单颗磨粒切厚均匀化实现脆性材料延性域磨削技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脆性材料磨削加工中容易出现表面亚表面损伤等质量问题,而且加工效率较低,这已经成为脆性材料产品大规模商品化生产的瓶颈。本文提出了一种新的工艺构想,即采用磨粒有序排布的砂轮及其精细的修整工艺实现单颗磨粒切厚均匀化,使得每颗磨粒都处于脆性材料的延性加工状态,从而实现脆性材料的延性域磨削。基于此构想,制作了磨粒有序排布的单层钎焊超硬磨料砂轮,并进行了一系列的修整和磨削试验,最后实现了氧化锆陶瓷的延性域磨削。实验证明该工艺方法可行,有效且可操作。  相似文献   
以40Cr调质钢为磨削强化试验对象,进行了磨削强化温度的测量和冷却速度的确定,并对强化效果进行了分析研究。试验结果表明:预估温度与测量温度接近,可以获得所要求的磨削强化温度和冷却速度;获得了理想的强化效果,强化层平均显微硬度为HV670,厚度接近1.3mm,组织为细小的针状马氏体。  相似文献   
基于球空间极近距离障碍物的超声检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以机器人工作空间的障碍物检测为研究对象,提出了一种不同于传统的超声测距的新的检测方法——研究球空间极近距离障碍物的超声波测距理论和利用相关算法进行信号处理实现抗多径干扰,提高了超声波测量的精度。利用特殊分布的超声传感器阵列进行超声测距和球面三点定位的原理,不仅可以检测出障碍物的空间距离,还可以检测出障碍物的空间方位。  相似文献   
Gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) is included in the payload of Chinese first lunar mission Chang’E-1 that will be launched in 2007. Specific objectives of the GRS are to map abundance of O, Si, Fe, Ti, U, Th, K, and perhaps, Mg, Al, and Ca to depths of about 20 cm. There are remarkable advantages for GRS application to remote sensing elemental materials over the entire lunar surface: large effective area and good ability for background rejection. We will describe the design of GRS and present its performance in this paper. Moreover, the GRS calibration will also be introduced.  相似文献   
基于图像处理技术的铝合金腐蚀等级评定方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以LY12CZ铝合金试件加速腐蚀试验为基础,得到不同腐蚀时间下铝合金腐蚀形貌.采用基于二值特征提取的图像处理技术,确定LY12CZ铝合金的灰度闲值为0.25~0.3.并以此确定相应的孔蚀率,最终确定相应的腐蚀等级,以腐蚀等级作为铝合金腐蚀损伤的评价指标,为铝舍金腐蚀损伤演化规律表征提出新的思路.  相似文献   
The flow-field of a propane-air diffusion flame combustor with interior and exterior conjugate heat transfers was numerically studied.Results obtained from four combustion models,combined with the re-normalization group(RNG) k-ε turbulence model,discrete ordinates radiation model and enhanced wall treatment are presented and discussed.The results are compared with a comprehensive database obtained from a series of experimental measurements.The flow patterns and the recirculation zone length in the combustion chamber are accurately predicted,and the mean axial velocities are in fairly good agreement with the experimental data,particularly at downstream sections for all four combustion models.The mean temperature profiles are captured fairly well by the eddy dissipation(EDS),probability density function(PDF),and laminar flamelet combustion models.However,the EDS-finite-rate combustion model fails to provide an acceptable temperature field.In general,the flamelet model illustrates little superiority over the PDF model,and to some extent the PDF model shows better performance than the EDS model.   相似文献   
对CFM56发动机不同系列和同系列不同型号的性能和结构的改进改型发展进行了分析,总结了CFM56发动机推力增大的技术途径。  相似文献   
Under the demand of strategic air traffic flow management and the concept of trajectory based operations (TBO),the network-wide 4D flight trajectories planning (N4DFTP) problem has been investigated with the purpose of safely and efficiently allocating 4D trajectories (4DTs) (3D position and time) for all the flights in the whole airway network.Considering that the introduction of large-scale 4DTs inevitably increases the problem complexity,an efficient model for strategic level conflict management is developed in this paper.Specifically,a bi-objective N4DFTP problem that aims to minimize both potential conflicts and the trajectory cost is formulated.In consideration of the large-scale,high-complexity,and multi-objective characteristics of the N4DFTP problem,a multi-objective multi-memetic algorithm (MOMMA) that incorporates an evolutionary global search framework together with three problem-specific local search operators is implemented.It is capable of rapidly and effectively allocating 4DTs via rerouting,target time controlling,and flight level changing.Additionally,to balance the ability of exploitation and exploration of the algorithm,a special hybridization scheme is adopted for the integration of local and global search.Empirical studies using real air traffic data in China with different network complexities show that the pro posed MOMMA is effective to solve the N4DFTP problem.The solutions achieved are competitive for elaborate decision support under a TBO environment.  相似文献   
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