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The binary system Capella (G6 III + F9 III) has been observed on 1979 March 15 and on 1980 March 15–17 with the Objective Grating Spectrometer (OGS) onboard theEinstein Observatory. The spectrum measured with the 1000 l/mm grating covers the range 5–30 Å with a resolution < 1 Å. The spectra show evidence for a bimodal temperature distribution of emission measure in an optically thin plasma with one component 5 million degrees and the other one 10 million degrees. Spectral features can be identified with line emissions from O VIII, Fe XVII, Fe XVIII, Fe XXIV, and Ne X ions. Good spectral fits have been obtained assuming standard cosmic abundances. The data are interpreted in terms of emission from hot static coronal loops rather similar to the magnetic arch structures found on the Sun. It is shown that the conditions required by this model exist on Capella. Mean values of loop parameters are derived for both temperature components.  相似文献   
The primary scientific objective of the ROSAT mission is to perform the first all sky survey with an imaging X-ray telescope leading to an improvement in sensitivity by several orders of magnitude compared with previous surveys. Consequently a large number of new sources (> 105) will be discovered and located with an accuracy of 1 arcmin. After completion of the survey which will take about half a year the instrument will be used for detailed observations of selected targets.The X-ray telescope consists of a fourfold nested Wolter type I mirror system with 80 cm aperture and 240 cm focal length, and three focal plane detectors. In the baseline version these will be imaging proportional counters (0.1 – 2 keV) providing a field of view of 20 × 20.  相似文献   
We report photometric observations of the optical counterpart of the X-ray source 2S0921-630. The data, obtained at the South African Astronomical Observatory during 3 weeks in 1980 and 1981, are consistent with a 17.9 day periodic modulation of the flux in the B band. Correlated variability of the (B-V) and (U-B) colour indices with the B mag. is demonstrated and quantified. The observed B mag. and colours at maximum and minimum light are used to compute some of the system parameters. A model of 2S0921-630 is proposed in terms of a binary system in which the variable inclination of a luminous accretion disc produces the long-term modulation of the optical flux.  相似文献   
The theory of shock acceleration of energetic particles is briefly discussed and reviewed with an emphasis on clarifying the apparent distinction between the V × B and Fermi mechanisms. Attention is restricted to those situations in which the energetic particles do not themselves influence the given shock structure. In particular, application of the theory to the acceleration of energetic particles in corotating interaction regions (CIR) in the solar wind is presented. Here particles are accelerated at the forward and reverse shocks which bound the CIR by being compressed between the shock fronts and magnetic irregularities upstream from the shocks, or by being compressed between upstream irregularities and those downstream from the shocks. Particles also suffer adiabatic deceleration in the expanding solar wind, an effect not included in previous shock models for acceleration in CIRs. The model is able to account for the observed exponential spectra at Earth, the observed behavior of the spectra with radial distance, the observed radial gradients in the intensity, and the observed differences in the intensity and spectra at the forward and reverse shocks.Calculations and resulting energy spectra are also presented for shock acceleration of energetic particles in large solar flare events. Based on the simplifying assumption that the shock evolves as a spherically symmetric Sedov blast wave, the calculation yields the time-integrated spectrum of particles initially injected at the shock which eventually escape ahead of the shock into interplanetary space. The spectra are similar to those observed at Earth. Finally further applications are suggested.An invited paper presented at STIP Workshop on Shock Waves in the Solar Corona and Interplanetary Space, 15–19 June, 1980, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   
The results of research of the morphology and physics of polar magnetic disturbances and their connection with three-dimensional magnetospheric currents are reviewed. Magnetic disturbance current systems are examined, also their relation to solar wind parameters and magnetic activity level and their seasonal dependence. On the basis of numerical model calculations it is shown that magnetospheric field-aligned currents observed by the TRIAD and ISIS-2 satellites are the main generation mechanism of high-latitude magnetic disturbances. Plasma pressure gradients are examined as a source of energy for driving field-aligned currents in the closed magnetosphere.  相似文献   
It is shown that the common series resonant power converter is subject to a low frequency oscillation that can lead to the loss of cyclic stability. This oscillation is caused by a low frequency resonant circuit formed by the normal L and C components in series with the magnetizing inductance of the output transformer. Three methods for eliminating this oscillation are presented and analyzed. One of these methods requires a change in the circuit topology during the resonance cycle. This requires a new set of steady state equations which are derived and presented in a normalized form. Experimental results are included which demonstrate the nature of the low frequency oscillation before cyclic stability is lost.  相似文献   
On July 5.–6. 1983, during the EXOSAT performance verification (PV) and calibration phase, a raster scan of Cygnus X-2 was performed. In contrast to the previously observed smooth intensity variations on timescales of hours, the source revealed a behaviour unknown until now: active periods with high energy flares recurring on time scales of 300–500 s were interrupted by quiet periods of several hours. At all intensity levels the source spectra clearly require a two component continuum (blackbody + thermal bremsstrahlung). In addition, a weak iron emission line with equivalent widths between 39 an 70 eV was detected. The source has a much harder spectrum during the flares than during quiet periods, indicating drastic temperature changes within the emission region, while the absolute iron line flux does not vary. From the spectral characteristics it becomes clear that self-comptonization of the thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum plays an important role. The time variability and spectral behaviour in this peculiar state allow Cyg X-2 to be classified as a Low Mass X-ray Binary System (LMXB) very similar to the prototype of this class, Sco X-1.  相似文献   
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