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With the rapid growth of the number of Earth observation satellite (EOS) supporting critical applications, it is required to improve the security techniques to protect the sensitive data and images during the transmission between the satellites and the ground stations. This paper introduces a new satellite image encryption algorithm based on the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) generator, SHA 512 hash function, hyperchaotic systems, and Josephus problem. LFSR generates a matrix that is used to construct the 512-bits value of the hash function. These bits are used to set the initial values and parameters of the proposed encryption algorithm. Firstly, the six dimensions (6-D) hyperchaotic system is divided into three parts, where every two equations are considered as one part. Secondly, the 1-D hyperchaotic logistic-tent system is considered as the controller to select one part. The selected part is used to generate a matrix that is XORed with the original image. Thirdly, the scrambling operation by Josephus sequences is applied to the output of the previous step by scrambling the rows and the columns according to the selected part to produce the pre-encrypted image. Finally, if the number of iterations is less than the required number which is considered as a parameter of the secret key, the previous operations will be repeated in the pre-encrypted image; otherwise, the pre-encrypted image is considered as the final cipher image. Experimental and analyses results show that the proposed algorithm has good performance in terms of high level of security, large enough key-space, tolerance to Single Event Upsets (SEU) as well as low time complexity.  相似文献   
Lake water height is a key variable in water cycle and climate change studies, which is achievable using satellite altimetry constellation. A method based on data processing of altimetry from several satellites has been developed to interpolate mean lake surface (MLS) over a set of 22 big lakes distributed on the Earth. It has been applied on nadir radar altimeters in Low Resolution Mode (LRM: Jason-3, Saral/AltiKa, CryoSat-2) in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) mode (Sentinel-3A), and in SAR interferometric (SARin) mode (CryoSat-2), and on laser altimetry (ICESat). Validation of the method has been performed using a set of kinematic GPS height profiles from 18 field campaigns over the lake Issykkul, by comparison of altimetry’s height at crossover points for the other lakes and using the laser altimetry on ICESat-2 mission. The precision reached ranges from 3 to 7 cm RMS (Root Mean Square) depending on the lakes. Currently, lake water level inferred from satellite altimetry is provided with respect to an ellipsoid. Ellipsoidal heights are converted into orthométric heights using geoid models interpolated along the satellite tracks. These global geoid models were inferred from geodetic satellite missions coupled with absolute and regional anomaly gravity data sets spread over the Earth. However, the spatial resolution of the current geoid models does not allow capturing short wavelength undulations that may reach decimeters in mountaineering regions or for rift lakes (Baikal, Issykkul, Malawi, Tanganika). We interpolate in this work the geoid height anomalies with three recent geoid models, the EGM2008, XGM2016 and EIGEN-6C4d, and compare them with the Mean Surface of 22 lakes calculated using satellite altimetry. Assuming that MLS mimics the local undulations of the geoid, our study shows that over a large set of lakes (in East Africa, Andean mountain and Central Asia), short wavelength undulations of the geoid in poorly sampled areas can be derived using satellite altimetry. The models used in this study present very similar geographical patterns when compared to MLS. The precision of the models largely depends on the location of the lakes and is about 18 cm, in average over the Earth. MLS can serve as a validation dataset for any future geoid model. It will also be useful for validation of the future mission SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) which will measure and map water heights over the lakes with a high horizontal resolution of 250 by 250 m.  相似文献   

Shadows have long been a challenging topic for computer vision. This challenge is made even harder when we assume that the camera is moving, as many existing shadow detection techniques require the creation and maintenance of a background model. This article explores the problem of shadow modelling from a moving viewpoint (assumed to be a robotic platform) through comparing shadow-variant and shadow-invariant image features — primarily color, texture and edge-based features. These features are then embedded in a segmentation pipeline that provides predictions on shadow status, using minimal temporal context. We also release a public dataset of shadow-related image sequences, to help other researchers further develop shadow detection methods and to enable benchmarking of techniques.  相似文献   
Longitudinal distributions of post-midnight equatorial ionospheric irregularity occurrences observed by ROCSAT-1 (1st satellite of the Republic of China) during moderate to high solar activity years in two solstices are studied with respect to the vertical drift velocity and density variations. The post-midnight irregularity distributions are found to be similar to the well-documented pre-midnight ones, but are different from some published distributions taken during solar minimum years. Even though the post-midnight ionosphere is sinking in general, longitudes of frequent positive vertical drift and high density seems to coincide with the longitudes of high irregularity occurrences. Large scatters found in the vertical drift velocity and density around the dip equator in different ROCSAT-1 orbits indicate the existence of large and frequent variations in the vertical drift velocity and density that seem to be able to provide sufficient perturbations for the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) instability to cause the irregularity occurrences. The need of seeding agents such as gravity waves from atmospheric convective clouds to initiate the Rayleigh-Taylor instability may not be necessary.  相似文献   
The quasi-biennial variations in the flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) have been studied based on the data of stratospheric sensing and measurements by neutron monitors, as well as in various manifestations of solar activity and interplanetary medium parameters. It has been shown that quasi-biennial GCR variations are caused by variations with the same period in the mean magnetic field of the Sun that coincide with them over time and have been identified in the anti-phase, which respond to the sign of this field. The variations in the quasi-biennial cosmic ray are caused by quasi-biennial variations in the mean magnetic field of the Sun via the quasi-biennial variations in the interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   
The dynamics of a satellite-gyrostat moving in the central Newtonian force field along a circular orbit is studied. In the particular case when the vector of gyrostatic moment is parallel to one of the satellite’s principal central axes of inertia, all the equilibrium states are determined. For each equilibrium orientation, sufficient conditions of stability are obtained as a result of the analysis of the generalized energy integral, and necessary conditions of stability are determined as a result of analysis of the linearized equations of motion. The evolution of regions of validity for the conditions of stability of equilibrium positions are studied in detail depending on the parameters of the problem. All the bifurcation values of the parameters at which qualitative changes of the regions of stability take place are determined.__________Translated from Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2005, pp. 283–294.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Sarychev, Mirer, Degtyarev.  相似文献   
Physical properties of the Venus ionosphere obtained by experiments on the US Pioneer Venus and the Soviet Venera missions are presented in the form of models suitable for inclusion in the Venus International Reference Atmosphere. The models comprise electron density (from 120 km), electron and ion temperatures, and relative ion abundance in the altitude range from 150 km to 1000 km for solar zenith angles from 0° to 180°. In addition, information on ion transport velocities, ionopause altitudes, and magnetic field characteristics of the Venus ionosphere, are presented in tabular or graphical form. Also discussed is the solar control of the physical properties of the Venus ionosphere.  相似文献   
The plasma diagnostic experiments on the AUREOL-3 satellite have revealed flows of low energy 0+ ions deep inside the night plasmasphere during a large substorm. Flux gradients of the 0+ ions were accompanied by enhancements of ELF electric field noise. The appearance of suprathermal ions at L ? 2.5 – 3 is interpreted within the framework of electrostatic ion-cyclotron acceleration of ionospheric ions in the diffuse auroral zone /12/ followed by a radial displacement of these ions inside the plasmasphere driven by azimuthal electric fields during substorm activity. Electrostatic oscillations observed inside the plasmasphere are apparently associated with gradient instability at the sharp boundaries of suprathermal ion flows.  相似文献   
The interaction between the input filter and the regulator often causes serious degradation of performance. The reduction in loop gain due to input filter interaction can result in system instability. An exact stability analysis of the buck regulator system is presented. The input filter parameter values are varied and system instability is predicted for the case without feedforward. The eigenvalues of the system can be brought back into the unit circle and the system thus stabilized with the addition of the feedforward loop. Measurements made for the cases with and without feedforward confirm the analytical prediction.  相似文献   
Project Trinidad     
The first intercontinental satellite communication link, which involved the NASA Echo I balloon, a transmitting station on the Island of Trinidad, and a receiving station at Floyd, NY, is discussed. Rome Air Development Center (RADC) experimental stations were set up using a great deal of ingenuity and makeshift equipment and on a very small budget. Much of the equipment was salvaged from unrelated systems, while some was hand-built for this project. The implementation of the system, the testing of the system using moon bounce, the first orbital launch of the Echo I balloon, and the early difficulties encountered in the project are reviewed  相似文献   
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