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发动机燃气喷流红外辐射场的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在高温流动中热辐射与流场是耦合的,但在发动机燃气喷流流场的温度范围内可以在流场计算中忽略热辐射的影响,于是流场与辐射场的模型方程可解耦.为此提出了模拟飞行器绕流流场红外辐射的解耦模型以及相应的算法.该算法首先采用总变差减小TVD(Total Variation Diminishing)格式对流场进行模拟,再引入有限体积概念,应用所取得的流场参数,在同一组网格上计算流场中的红外辐射特征.以轴对称喷管内N2,O2,CO2,H2O,CO,HCl,H2等7组分高度欠膨胀冻结流与均匀绕流干扰流场为算例进行了验证性的模拟计算,并与已有试验和计算数据进行了对比,表明该算法是可靠的,可在较大幅度地降低计算量的情况下给出满足工程需要的结果.  相似文献   
针对近地轨道运输任务,考虑不同飞行阶段的推阻特性差异和不同发动机模态的比冲变化,提出了适用于水平起降两级入轨(TSTO,Two Stage To Orbit)天地往返运输系统的质量估算方法.以8 t有效载荷为任务需求,对比研究了涡轮基组合循环动力-可重复使用火箭(TBCC-RR,Turbine Based Combined Cycle-Reusable Rocket)、火箭基组合循环动力-可重复使用火箭(RBCC-RR,Rocket Based Combined Cycle-Reusable Rocket)和可重复使用火箭-可重复使用火箭(RR-RR,Reusable Rocket-Reusable Rocket)方案,分析了级间分离点、一级飞行器推阻比和一级飞行器结构质量分数等参数对设计结果的影响.研究结果表明,级间分离点设计对TSTO总体方案影响很大,若使用RBCC型飞行器作为第1级,建议在超燃冲压模态后即进行两级分离;TBCC-RR方案比RBCC-RR方案起飞总质量更小,但RBCC-RR方案一级飞行器结构质量更小;减小TSTO系统起飞总质量的最有效途径是减小飞行器的结构质量分数,其次是提高飞行器的推阻比.   相似文献   
再入飞行器表面磁流体发电装置数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了钝锥型再入飞行器上的表面磁流体发电装置方案,采用低磁雷诺数近似下的磁流体力学模型对其进行了流动与静电场耦合的数值模拟,由此建立了表面磁流体发电装置中的物理图像.数值模拟结果表明,在典型再入条件(飞行高度46 km,速度7 km/s)下,所提出表面磁流体发电装置方案能够实现兆瓦级(电功率1.28MW)能量输出,电能提取导致再入飞行器阻力增大13.7%,对飞行器壁面总热流值的影响并不显著,但发电区域及其下游壁面的热流密度分布发生明显变化,该区域内热流密度峰值发生于电极的前、后缘.  相似文献   
根据多模态滑模概念,提出了一种快速非奇异终端滑模控制方法(FNTSM,Fast Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode),实现了非奇异终端滑模控制的全局快速收敛.多模态滑模通过设计分段切换函数,实现多个滑动模态.FNTSM的切换函数由线性滑模的切换函数和非奇异终端滑模的切换函数连接而成.当系统状态远离平衡点时,系统运行于线性滑动模态;当系统状态靠近平衡点时,系统运行于非奇异终端滑动模态.设计了切换型控制律,保证了系统的到达时间和滑动时间都是有限的.数值仿真表明:FNTSM控制与非奇异终端滑模控制、线性滑模控制相比具有快速性优点.   相似文献   
以喷管上壁折转角、下壁长度、舵面长度及其折转角为设计变量,结合遗传算法和特征线法对高超声速飞行器尾喷管进行了优化设计,并对设计变量进行了参数研究.结果表明,所采用的优化设计方法计算效率高且比较准确,特别适合于高超声速飞行器尾喷管的优化设计;所采用的4个设计参数均能有效地影响尾喷管的气动性能,其中喷管上壁折转角和舵面折转角分别对喷管的升力和推力的影响相对明显,对其进行均衡选择方能得到最优的结果.   相似文献   
A concept for providing an accurate low-cost inertial reference was presented in a previous paper. Low-cost platform gyros, poor in terms of their drift rates, furnish the space-fixed reference frame. A single high-accuracy gyro, mounted on the platform, monitors the performance of the platform gyros. Consequently, drift rates are estimated, predicted, and applied as signals to correct the platform for gyro uncertainties. This paper features new estimation and predictive techniques.  相似文献   
A recently developed procedure [1] for assessing the accuracy of hyperbolic multilateration systems makes it easy to determine basic limitations on accuracy. This paper illustrates how such bounds can be derived. The results include bounds for a variety of geometries that are representative of practical ground-based and satellite-based hyperbolic systems. The results are applicable whenever the ranging errors can be treated as uncorrelated zeromean random variables. In some cases the bounds quantify general knowledge (e. g., the directional dependence of errors). In other cases the bounds represent entirely new limitations (e. g., optimum accuracies for sector-restricted and cone-restricted transmitter/receiver configurations).  相似文献   
The coupling between the ionised plasma and the neutral thermospheric particles plays an important role for the dynamics of the upper atmosphere. Significant progress in understanding the related processes has been achieved thanks to the availability of continuous accurate measurements of thermospheric parameters like mass density and wind by high resolution accelerometers on board the satellites CHAMP and GRACE. Here we present some examples of ionosphere-thermosphere coupling where CHAMP observations contributed considerably to their interpretation. We start with the derived properties of the thermosphere at altitudes around 400 km. A new aspect is the significant control of the geomagnetic field geometry on thermospheric features. Phenomena discussed in some depths are the equatorial mass density anomaly, the cusp-related mass density enhancement and the thermospheric response to magnetospheric substorms. Here we consider both the effect on the density and on the wind. A?long predicted process is the wind-driven ionospheric F region dynamo. The high-resolution magnetic field measurements of CHAMP enabled for the first time a systematic study of that phenomenon considering longitudinal, local time, seasonal and solar flux dependences. Some open issues that require further investigations are mentioned at the end.  相似文献   
Here we compare the traditional analog measure of geomagnetic activity, Ak, with the more recent digital indices of IHV and Ah based on hourly mean data, and their derivatives at the auroral station Sodankylä. By this selection of indices we study the effects of (i) analog vs. digital technique, and (ii) full local-time vs. local night-time coverage on quantifying local geomagnetic activity. We find that all other indices are stronger than Ak during the low-activity cycles 15–16 suggesting an excess of very low scalings in Ak at this time. The full-day indices consistently depict stronger correlation with the interplanetary magnetic field strength, while the night-time indices have higher correlation with solar wind speed. The Ak index correlates better with the digital indices of full-day coverage than with any night-time index. However, Ak depicts somewhat higher activity levels than the digital full-day indices in the declining phase of the solar cycle, indicating that, due to their different sampling rates, the latter indices are less sensitive to high-frequency variations driven by the Alfvén waves in high-speed streams. On the other hand, the night-time indices have an even stronger response to solar wind speed than Ak. The results strongly indicate that at auroral latitudes, geomagnetic indices with different local time coverage reflect different current systems, which, by an appropriate choice of indices, allows studying the century-scale dynamics of these currents separately.  相似文献   
A design technique for a near optimal, Earth–Moon transfer trajectory using continuous variable low thrust is proposed. For the Earth–Moon transfer trajectory, analytical and numerical methods are combined to formulate the trajectory optimization problem. The basic concept of the proposed technique is to utilize analytically optimized solutions when the spacecraft is flying near a central body where the transfer trajectories are nearly circular shaped, and to use a numerical optimization method to match the spacecraft’s states to establish a final near optimal trajectory. The plasma thruster is considered as the main propulsion system which is currently being developed for crewed/cargo missions for interplanetary flight. The gravitational effects of the 3rd body and geopotential effects are included during the trajectory optimization process. With the proposed design technique, Earth–Moon transfer trajectory is successfully designed with the plasma thruster having a thrust direction sequence of “fixed-varied-fixed” and a thrust acceleration sequence of “constant-variable-constant”. As this strategy has the characteristics of a lesser computational load, little sensitivity to initial conditions, and obtaining solutions quickly, this method can be utilized in the initial scoping studies for mission design and analysis. Additionally, derived near optimal trajectory solution can be used as for initial trajectory solution for further detailed optimization problem. The demonstrated results will give various insights into future lunar cargo trajectories using plasma thrusters with continuous variable low thrust, establishing approximate costs as well as trajectory characteristics.  相似文献   
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