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The Urey organic and oxidant detector consists of a suite of instruments designed to search for several classes of organic molecules in the martian regolith and ascertain whether these compounds were produced by biotic or abiotic processes using chirality measurements. These experiments will also determine the chemical stability of organic molecules within the host regolith based on the presence and chemical reactivity of surface and atmospheric oxidants. Urey has been selected for the Pasteur payload on the European Space Agency's (ESA's) upcoming 2013 ExoMars rover mission. The diverse and effective capabilities of Urey make it an integral part of the payload and will help to achieve a large portion of the mission's primary scientific objective: "to search for signs of past and present life on Mars." This instrument is named in honor of Harold Urey for his seminal contributions to the fields of cosmochemistry and the origin of life.  相似文献   
We launched a cryptoendolithic habitat, made of a gneissic impactite inoculated with Chroococcidiopsis sp., into Earth orbit. After orbiting the Earth for 16 days, the rock entered the Earth's atmosphere and was recovered in Kazakhstan. The heat of entry ablated and heated the rock to a temperature well above the upper temperature limit for life to below the depth at which light levels are insufficient for photosynthetic organisms ( approximately 5 mm), thus killing all of its photosynthetic inhabitants. This experiment shows that atmospheric transit acts as a strong biogeographical dispersal filter to the interplanetary transfer of photosynthesis. Following atmospheric entry we found that a transparent, glassy fusion crust had formed on the outside of the rock. Re-inoculated Chroococcidiopsis grew preferentially under the fusion crust in the relatively unaltered gneiss beneath. Organisms under the fusion grew approximately twice as fast as the organisms on the control rock. Thus, the biologically destructive effects of atmospheric transit can generate entirely novel and improved endolithic habitats for organisms on the destination planetary body that survive the dispersal filter. The experiment advances our understanding of how island biogeography works on the interplanetary scale.  相似文献   
本文研究了使用这样一种GPS测量值——双差分GPS射频多普勒确定低轨地球卫星的轨道。该测量值很容易获得,而且不受时钟误差的影响,还可对用户卫星连续定轨。分析表明:使用18颗GPS卫星的星座和13个地面站,在两小时跟踪后,可使1300km高度用户星(TOPEX)的定轨精度达5cm。考察了使用少于13个地面站的影响,不同求解方法的影响以及引入虚假推力参数以减小重力模型误差(主要误差源之一)的影响。  相似文献   
The results of cross-correlation analysis between electrons fluxes (with energies of > 0.6MeV, > 2.0 MeV and > 4.0MeV), geomagnetic indices and solar wind parameters are shown in the paper. It is determined that the electron fluxes are controlled not only by the geomagnetic indices, but also by the solar wind parameters, and the solar wind velocity demonstrates the best relation with the electron fluxes. Numerical value of the relation efficiency of external parameters with the highly energetic electrons fluxes shows a periodicity. It is presented here the preliminary results of daily averaged electrons fluxes forecast for a day ahead on the basis of the model of neuron networks.  相似文献   
日本军阀于1931年在我东北借故发动九一八事件,侵占我东北三省,乃其阴谋侵略我国的第一步,当时使我全国同胞震惊,大家同仇敌忾一心抗日.不少热血青年争相从军报国,在学青年不少也弃笔从戒,改考各军事学校救亡图存.其中有的则受国父的航空救国的感召,投考航空学校的更形踊跃.须知当时的航校除在杭州有一中央航空学校之外,仅在广州尚有一个广东航校,在柳州也有一个广西航校而已,且各校每期招生人数有限,加上报考人数多,能考上被录取的比率,平均只有百分之一、二而已,其难度有似满清时代考状元一样.乃因当年所定空勤体检标准特别高,是考生们的难关.当时在杭州国立艺专就读的有位南国青年名叫黄荣发,每次假日身临风景明媚的西子湖畔,每值碰上穿着军装神气活现的航校学生,总觉得不是味道,与自己有些差异.他原是一个活泼好动的青年,什么学校不进,偏偏进去与自己个性完全不相称的艺专,而且还是千里迢迢远从广东台山家乡而来,未免有点委屈了自己的感觉.1935年夏,他已按耐不住,要非去改考航校不可,正是皇心不负苦心人,他被录取了,黄是个性情好动的人,在南京小营军校入伍的期间,每遇校中有任何游艺集会的场合,总少不了有他的表演.小提琴固是他拿手节目之一,尚有和尚学女舞一项,每次表演的花样  相似文献   
对激光合成颗粒增强金属间化合物基复合材料进行了研究,包括Ni3Al/WC、NiAl/TiC、Ti3Al/TiC和MoSi2/SiC,用扫描电镜、能谱仪和X射线衍射仪对材料成分和组织特征进行了分析,提出并讨论了影响激光合成金属间化合物基复合材料的关键问题.激光合成具有多种强韧化方法协同、提高金属间化合物强度和塑性的特点,有利于金属间化合物性能的综合改善.  相似文献   
管道相连泄爆容器中粉尘爆炸的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用管道相连容器进行了工业规模的粉尘爆炸实验,目的是研究粮食粉尘在管道相连的加工和输送工业设备中发生粉尘爆炸时火焰和爆炸压力的传播过程及粉尘的Kst值对爆炸的影响。实验装置为一个气力输送系统,由两个不同体积的容器通过管道连接构成。采用粮食工业上具有代表性的两类粉尘进行了粉尘爆炸测试,爆炸从一个容器中通过管道传播到另一个容器中并引发了随后的二次爆炸,测试了不同位置的火焰和压力信号。实验结果表明:即使在起爆容器采取了泄爆措施,管道中没有粉尘喷入的情况下,粉尘爆炸火焰也可沿管道传播达30m并引发二次爆炸;随着粉尘爆炸指数的增大,初始爆炸的猛烈程度增强,火焰传播速度加快,二次爆炸的猛烈程度也随之增强。  相似文献   
利用日本宫崎大学11×9多风扇主动控制来流风洞和高精度动态天平测力设备,测量了类平板断面在正弦风波来流条件三分量气动力荷载,比较了不同来流平均风速、波动幅值、脉动频率和积分尺度等参数条件下类平板断面荷载效应。报导并证实了大气边界层物理风洞固定壁面边界反射效应所产生的倍频放大效应;在获得并验证正弦风波加载离散频率荷载效应可线性迭加的有效频段区间内,初步比较了来流积分尺度和风速湍流度效应对于气动荷载效应的影响,阐明典型节段模型风洞试验结果与传统随机抖振气动力理论的差异。  相似文献   
Some of the author's experiences of aircraft design are described in the present report, and it is hoped that they would be of some interest to the aircraft designers.  相似文献   
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