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The IKS infrared spectro-photometer will fly on board the VEGA platforms. It is designed to characterize the size, temperature and emissivity of the Comet Halley nucleus, to identify the major gaseous components of the inner coma and to detect the emission of the cometary grains. This paper presents the “calibration” experiments required to reduce the raw data: (i) absolute wavelength calibration of the filter wheels; (ii) modeling of the internal signal, as a function of the temperature of the different sub-systems; (iii) absolute and spectral responsivities of each of the spectrometric and photometric channels, as a function of the wavelength and position of the source in the field of view. Finally, we shall indicate the expected S/N ratios.  相似文献   
Structural features of germanium-silicon solid solution crystals have been investigated and silicon distribution in the crystals has been studied. All the crystals obtained under microgravity had, in spite of good external shape and facetting, a poorer internal structure than those obtained on Earth. The distribution of silicon have been shown to be non-uniform. High dislocation densities were observed.  相似文献   
Two homologous solar bursts were recorded on May 29, 1980 at 1028 UT and at 1147 UT from the Hale region 16864. The measurements were done at 8 mm wavelength at the Metsähovi Radio Research Station using a 14 meter radio telescope. The time series of the bursts were similar even in the small details. The rise time of both bursts was about 10 seconds and the peak flux density was 3.3 sfu at 1028 UT and 1.2 sfu at 1147 UT. Both bursts were composed of several elementary spikes which were typically 3 seconds apart from each other. The maximum of the gyro-synchrotron type spectrum was close to 15 GHz. The time profile of the bursts, elementary spikes and the frequency spectrum indicated that the origin of these homologous microwave bursts was in a magnetic structure with several loops and that the same complex loop structure was producing energy during both bursts.  相似文献   
The results of a cross-spectral analysis between monthly mean temperatures at 100 mb, 50 mb and 30 mb over the equator and the corresponding monthly mean BUV total ozone at different latitude zones are presented for the period 1970–1977. Significant squared coherences between total ozone and 50 mb equatorial temperatures at 26 months are only found between 5 degrees on each side of the equator, between 45 deg N and 55 deg N and at 45 deg S. At latitudes were the QBO in stratospheric temperature diminishes so does the QBO in total ozone (i.e. close to 35 deg N and 15 deg S). Over subtropical latitudes there is a tendency towards a more biennial oscillation in total ozone (not correlated with the equatorial QBO in stratospheric temperatures) and at 65 deg N and 65 deg S total ozone oscillates at periods greater than the equatorial QBO.  相似文献   
A sequence of six well defined interplanetary structures (magnetic clouds) was identified in the solar wind and magnetic field measurements of Helios-1 from 29 June-01 July, 1980. (location 0.64–0.67 AU, C. Long. ~165°, C. Lat. ~5.8°). These structures were characterized by a large northward directed solar wind flow; by well defined directional discontinuities of mainly the ‘tangential-type’ at their beginnings and ends; by some increase in proton and by very pronounced increases in alpha particle number densities - each accompanied by sudden temperature decreases (or in one case by an increase); by some times an increase in magnetic field strength and by values of Nα/Np typical of the inner solar atmosphere. These structures are suggested to have been ejections from a succession (27–29 June, 1980) of Type II producing flares in Hale Region 16923 which coronagraph and X-ray (GOES) data indicate constituted a family of transient producing events. Only two interplanetary shocks were identified in the relevant Helios-1 records. It is suggested on the basis of observations of the directionality of certain of the flare related Type II bursts that some of these shocks could have been missed by the spacecraft. This implies that, in the absence of directional information, correlation of an observed interplanetary shock wave with a solar Type II burst may not always lead to a unique result.  相似文献   
Flux variations of 1 – 5 MeV protons are studied in energetic storm particle events with respect to the preshock solar wind plasma parameters and to the thickness of the collisionless interplanetary shock wave. It is found that the peak intensity in ESP events depends on pre-shock plasma density and on the thickness of the transition region. These relations predict, in agreement with recent observations, the increase of ESP events at larger heliocentric distances.  相似文献   
An extensive program to study nearby normal galaxies was carried out by various observers using the imaging instruments on the Einstein Observatory; more than 50 such galaxies were detected with 0.5 – 3.0 keV luminosities ranging from 2 × 1038 ergs s?1 to 3 × 1041ergs s?1. The X-ray luminosity of normal galaxies is ~2 × 10?4 of the optical luminosity and shows no strong correlation with morphological type. For the nearest galaxies, (the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, M31 and M33,) studies, performed with the Observatory, were comparable to the Uhuru survey of the Galaxy. Approximately 30 new SNR were recognized in the Magellanic Clouds as a result. Over 90 sources were detected in M31 of which at least 20 are identified with globular cluster. The numbers of luminous (>1037 ergs s?1) sources detected in the nearest galaxies per unit mass are similar to that found in our own galaxy. Individual X-ray sources in the arms of nearby spirals can be very luminous; seven with luminosities in excess of 1039ergs s?1 have been discovered. The nuclei of some, but not all, normal galaxies are luminous X-ray sources; X-ray activity is not presently predictable from the radio or optical properties of the nucleus.  相似文献   
During the Middle Atmosphere Program, 1982–1985, balloons will play a central role in gathering stratospheric, chemical, and dynamical data. This paper discusses some of the unique aspects of balloons as tools for probing the middle atmosphere, and suggests some directions for future projects and enhanced capabilities that would improve their utility in future investigations.  相似文献   
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