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Prominent enhancements in Doppler scintillation lasting a fraction of a day (solar source several degrees wide) and overlying the neutral line represent the signature of the heliospheric current sheet and the apparent interplanetary manifestation of coronal streamers near the Sun. This first detection of coronal streamers in radio scintillation measurements provides the link betweenin situ measurements of the spatial wavenumber spectrum of electron density fluctuations beyond 0.3 AU and earlier measurements deduced from radio scintillation and scattering observations inside 0.3 AU. Significant differences between the density spectra of fast streams and slow solar wind associated with the heliospheric current sheet near the Sun reinforce the emerging picture that high- and low-speed flows are organized by the large-scale solar magnetic field, and that while the contrast between solar wind properties of the two flows is highest near the Sun, it undergoes substantial erosion in the ecliptic plane as the solar wind expands.  相似文献   
Non-adiabatic radiation belt dynamics is largely controlled by interactions between geomagnetically trapped particles and various modes of plasma turbulence. Long period electric field fluctuations act as a major source mechanism for the inner zone through the process of inward radial diffusion of particles injected into the convection dominated outer zone. Higher frequency turbulence provides a major loss mechanism by pitch-angle scattering into the atmospheric loss cone. The wave particle interactions may take the form of self induced instabilities or parasitic scattering. Examples of each will be given in this review.  相似文献   
The great sensitivities of the Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton have allowed us to begin to explore the X-ray emission from galaxies at moderate to high redshift. By using the stacking method, we show that we can detect the ensemble emission from normal elliptical, spiral and irregular galaxies out to redshifts approaching unity. The average X-ray luminosity of these galaxy types can then be compared with the results of models of the evolution in the numbers of low-mass and high-mass X-ray binaries and can possibly be used to constrain models of star formation.  相似文献   
NASA has conducted numerous studies to define the concepts of a workable Solar Optical Telescope (SOT). We describe SOT as it is envisioned by the U.S. solar community. The final configuration is not entirely defined, as it is being proposed on the basis of performance specifications and the instrument configurations for the first flight are just now being evaluated.Proceedings of the Conference Solar Physics from Space, held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), 11–14 November 1980.  相似文献   
General Dynamics has now flown all four versions of the Atlas commercial launch vehicle, which cover a payload weight capability to geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) in the range of 5000–8000 lb. The key analyses to set design and environmental test parameters for the vehicle modifications and the ground and flight test data that validated them were prepared in paper IAF-91-170 for the first version, Atlas I.

This paper presents similar data for the next two versions, Atlas II and IIA. The Atlas II has propellant tanks lengthened by 12 ft and is boosted by MA-5A rocket engines uprated to 474,000 lb liftoff thrust. GTO payload capability is 6225 lb with the 11-ft fairing. The Atlas IIA is an Atlas II with uprated RL10A-4 engines on the lengthened Centaur II upper stage. The two 20,800 lb thrust, 449 s specific impulse engines with an optional extendible nozzle increase payload capability to GTO to 6635 lb. The paper describes design parameters and validated test results for many other improvements that have generally provided greater capability at less cost, weight and complexity and better reliability. Those described include: moving the MA-5A start system to the ground, replacing the vernier engines with a simple 50 lb thrust on-off hydrazine roll control system, addition of a POGO suppressor, replacement of Centaur jettisonable insulation panels with fixed foam, a new inertial navigation unit (INU) that combines in one package a ring-laser gyro based strapdown guidance system with two MIL-STD-1750A processors, redundant MIL-STD-1553 data bus interfaces, robust Ada-based software and a new Al-Li payload adapter. Payload environment is shown to be essentially unchanged from previous Atlas vehicles. Validation of load, stability, control and pressurization requirements for the larger vehicle is discussed.

All flights to date (five Atlas II, one Atlas IIA) have been successful in launching satellites for EUTELSAT, the U.S. Air Force and INTELSAT. Significant design parameters validated by these flights are presented. Particularly noteworthy has been the performance of the INU, which has provided average GTO insertion errors of only 10 miles apogee, 0.2 miles perigee and 0.004 degrees inclination. It is concluded that Atlas II/IIA have successfully demonstrated probably the largest number of current state-of-the-art components of any expendable launch vehicle flying today.  相似文献   

Gradient generation for parametric control models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a numerical method for approximating the solution of complex optimal control problems by a constrained function minimization problem in a finite dimensional space. This end is achieved by approximating only the control functions by a finite set of parameters. The computation of gradients with respect to the parameters modeling the control is explored in depth. A hybrid technique combining the rapid gradient generation capability of the method of gradients with the rapid convergence characteristics of finite-dimensional, variable-metric function minimization algorithms is presented. An algorithm for mapping the impulsive response gradient trajectory generated by the method of gradients into a gradient vector of the performance index with respect to the parameters modeling the control function is presented. The class of local parameterizations is shown to have a distinct computational advantage, from a gradient generation point of view, over the class of continuous polynomial approximations. Detailed results are presented for piecewise linear parametric control models. An algebraic transformation is presented for improving inaccurate gradients generated by a widespread computer implementation of the method of gradients.  相似文献   
Among the principal objectives of the Phase 1 NASA/Mir program were for the United States to gain experience working with an international partner, to gain working experience in long-duration space flight, and to gain working experience in planning for and executing research on a long-duration space platform. The Phase 1 program was to provide the US early experience prior to the construction and operation of the International Space Station (Phase 2 and 3). While it can be argued that Mir and ISS are different platforms and that programmatically Phase 1 and ISS are organized differently, it is also clear that many aspects of operating a long-duration research program are platform independent. This can be demonstrated by a review of lessons learned from Skylab, a US space station program of the mid-1970s, many of which were again “learned” on Mir and are being “learned” on ISS. Among these are optimum crew training strategies, on-orbit crew operations, ground support, medical operations and crew psychological support, and safety certification processes.  相似文献   
The Mercury Dual Imaging System on the MESSENGER Spacecraft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) on the MESSENGER spacecraft will provide critical measurements tracing Mercury’s origin and evolution. MDIS consists of a monochrome narrow-angle camera (NAC) and a multispectral wide-angle camera (WAC). The NAC is a 1.5° field-of-view (FOV) off-axis reflector, coaligned with the WAC, a four-element refractor with a 10.5° FOV and 12-color filter wheel. The focal plane electronics of each camera are identical and use a 1,024×1,024 Atmel (Thomson) TH7888A charge-coupled device detector. Only one camera operates at a time, allowing them to share a common set of control electronics. The NAC and the WAC are mounted on a pivoting platform that provides a 90° field-of-regard, extending 40° sunward and 50° anti-sunward from the spacecraft +Z-axis—the boresight direction of most of MESSENGER’s instruments. Onboard data compression provides capabilities for pixel binning, remapping of 12-bit data into 8 bits, and lossless or lossy compression. MDIS will acquire four main data sets at Mercury during three flybys and the two-Mercury-solar-day nominal mission: a monochrome global image mosaic at near-zero emission angles and moderate incidence angles, a stereo-complement map at off-nadir geometry and near-identical lighting, multicolor images at low incidence angles, and targeted high-resolution images of key surface features. These data will be used to construct a global image base map, a digital terrain model, global maps of color properties, and mosaics of high-resolution image strips. Analysis of these data will provide information on Mercury’s impact history, tectonic processes, the composition and emplacement history of volcanic materials, and the thickness distribution and compositional variations of crustal materials. This paper summarizes MDIS’s science objectives and technical design, including the common payload design of the MDIS data processing units, as well as detailed results from ground and early flight calibrations and plans for Mercury image products to be generated from MDIS data.  相似文献   
This paper presents an update of what we have learned in the last year about the ULX phenomenon. New results are presented on radio emission from Holmberg II and a review is given on the recent X-ray data on timing and spectra. The new X-ray spectroscopic and optical imaging survey of nearby ULX with XMM allows us, for the first time, to place the average properties of these objects on a statistical basis. Direct examination of the sites of ULXs in nearby galaxies shows that 1/3 of them are not in or near star forming regions, indicating that a substantial fraction of ULX are not directly associated with young star formation. There are two ULX which have been identified with B stars as the optical counterparts on the basis of optical spectroscopy. Radio imaging of the Holmberg II ULX shows that it lies in a luminous extended radio source and that the radio emission is not beamed. A statistical study of ULX spectra in nearby galaxies shows that the ratio of ‘high state’ to ‘low state’ ULXs is 1:1 and that the high state objects, in general, are best fit with low temperature black bodies with a steep power law index. The objects with high state spectra are systematically more luminous than the objects with low state spectra consistent with the hypothesis that both are drawn from a population which shows state changes similar to those of black holes in the Milky Way. If this is true then the masses implied for the objects with the low state spectra are greater than 50M.  相似文献   
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