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改进PASTd算法在大型自适应阵中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
矩阵特征分解算法中紧缩近似投影子空间跟踪(PASTd)算法在自适应阵波束形成中得到了广泛应用.在对其仿真中发现仅在信噪比较低时该算法才能得到较好的结果.针对这一缺陷,正交近似投影子空间跟踪(OPAST)算法被引伸到PASTd中.改进算法可在不知道信号维数的情况下估算信号的特征向量与特征值,并保证特征向量的正交性,因此具有更好的收敛性能,而算法复杂度基本不变.改进算法与多重信号分类(MUSIC)算法相结合应用于大型自适应阵,可对主瓣及其附近区域的干扰进行抑制,并大大降低MUSIC算法的计算量,对其干扰零点的形成有很强实用价值. 相似文献
文章介绍了法国宇航环境工程试验中心(INTESPACE)为满足阿里安娜-V的需要所准备进行的一系列改造.这些工作主要有:增建一个适合大型容器用的空气锁,保持厅内连续的10万级洁净度,建立一个紧凑试验区域,建造一面强效吸波墙,扩展振动设备能力以及改造原热真空设备.这些工作计划于2001年初全部完成.改造工作的完成将保证INTESPACE在独立的欧洲试验中心中继续处于领先地位. 相似文献
一种新颖组合变换器拓扑研究与应用 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
基于电源模块并联和串联的思想,提出了一种新颖双管正激组合变换器拓扑,克服了双管正激变换器副边二极管电压应力过高,输出电压和电流脉动大,只能应用于输出中低压场合的缺点,具有副边二极管电压应力低,可靠性高,原边开关管电流应力低,输出电压和电流脉动小,磁芯元件体积小等优点,本文对该新颖组合变换器进行分析,仿真和实验,表明适合应用于输入中,高电压,输出高压,大电流场合,并成功应用于某型飞机6KVA逆变器前级变换器,各项技术指标均符合设计要求。 相似文献
通过对电阻应变式称重传感器在各种加载卸载情况下的滞后特性的分析 ,建立了其相应的数学模型 ,并初步探讨了一种可以通过程序在仪表中对传感器的重要指标—滞后进行补偿从而提高整个传感器的精度的方法。最后 ,对以上方法进行了验证性试验 ,证明了补偿方法的可行性。 相似文献
Solid CH(3)CN and solid H(2)O + CH(3)CN were ion irradiated near 10 K to initiate chemical reactions thought to occur in extraterrestrial ices. The infrared spectra of these samples after irradiation revealed the synthesis of new molecules. After the irradiated ices were warmed to remove volatiles, the resulting residual material was extracted and analyzed. Both unhydrolyzed and acid-hydrolyzed residues were examined by both liquid and gas chromatographic-mass spectral methods and found to contain a rich mixture of products. The unhydrolyzed samples showed HCN, NH(3), acetaldehyde (formed by reaction with background and atmospheric H(2)O), alkyamines, and numerous other compounds, but no amino acids. However, reaction products in hydrolyzed residues contained a suite of amino acids that included some found in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Equal amounts of D- and L-enantiomers were found for each chiral amino acid detected. Extensive use was made of (13)C-labeled CH(3)CN to confirm amino acid identifications and discriminate against possible terrestrial contaminants. The results reported here show that ices exposed to cosmic rays can yield products that, after hydrolysis, form a set of primary amino acids equal in richness to those made by other methods, such as photochemistry. 相似文献
S.W. Kahler B.R. Ragot 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2009
A current serious limitation on the studies of solar energetic particle (SEP) events is that their properties in the inner heliosphere are studied only through in situ spacecraft observations. Our understanding of spatial distributions and temporal variations of SEP events has come through statistical studies of many such events over several solar cycles. In contrast, flare SEPs in the solar corona can be imaged through their radiative and collisional interactions with solar fields and particles. We suggest that the heliospheric SEPs may also interact with heliospheric particles and fields to produce signatures which can be remotely observed and imaged. A challenge with any such candidate signature is to separate it from that of flare SEPs. The optimum case for imaging high-energy (E > 100 MeV) heliospheric protons may be the emission of π0-decay γ-rays following proton collisions with solar wind (SW) ions. In the case of E > 1 MeV electrons, gyrosynchrotron radio emission may be the most readily detectible remote signal. In both cases we may already have observed one or two such events. Another radiative signature from nonthermal particles may be resonant transition radiation, which has likely already been observed from solar flare electrons. We discuss energetic neutrons as another possible remote signature, but we rule out γ-ray line and 0.511 MeV positron annihilation emission as observable signatures of heliospheric energetic ions. We are already acquiring global signatures of large inner-heliospheric SW density features and of heliosheath interactions between the SW and interstellar neutral ions. By finding an appropriate observable signature of remote heliospheric SEPs, we could supplement the in situ observations with global maps of energetic SEP events to provide a comprehensive view of SEP events. 相似文献
The identification of extant and, in some cases, extinct bacterial life is most convincingly and efficiently performed with modern high-resolution microscopy. Epifluorescence microscopy of microbial autofluorescence or in conjunction with fluorescent dyes is among the most useful of these techniques. We explored fluorescent labeling and imaging of bacteria in rock and soil in the context of in situ life detection for planetary exploration. The goals were two-fold: to target non-Earth-centric biosignatures with the greatest possible sensitivity and to develop labeling procedures amenable to robotic implementation with technologies that are currently space qualified. A wide panel of commercially available dyes that target specific biosignature molecules was screened, and those with desirable properties (i.e., minimal binding to minerals, strong autofluorescence contrast, no need for wash steps) were identified. We also explored the potential of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) as bacterial and space probes. A specific instrument for space implementation is suggested and discussed. 相似文献
Europa planetary protection for Juno Jupiter Orbiter 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Douglas E. Bernard Robert D. Abelson Jennie R. Johannesen Try Lam William J. McAlpine Laura E. Newlin 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
NASA’s Juno mission launched in 2011 and will explore Jupiter and its near environment starting in 2016. Planetary protection requirements for avoiding the contamination of Europa have been taken into account in the Juno mission design. In particular Juno’s polar orbit, which enables scientific investigations of parts of Jupiter’s environment never before visited, also greatly assist avoiding close flybys of Europa and the other Galilean satellites. 相似文献
NASA is concerned with protecting astronauts from the effects of galactic cosmic radiation and has expended substantial effort in the development of computer models to predict the shielding obtained from various materials. However, these models were only developed for shields up to about 120 g/cm2 in mass thickness and have predicted that shields of this mass thickness are insufficient to provide adequate protection for extended deep space flights. Consequently, effort is underway to extend the range of these models to thicker shields and experimental data is required to help confirm the resulting code. In this paper empirically obtained effective dose measurements from aircraft flights in the atmosphere are used to obtain the radiation shielding function of the Earth's atmosphere, a very thick, i.e. high mass, shield. Obtaining this result required solving an inverse problem and the method for solving it is presented. The results are shown to be in agreement with current code in the ranges where they overlap. These results are then checked and used to predict the radiation dosage under thick shields such as planetary regolith and the atmosphere of Venus. 相似文献
These studies were designed and coordinated to evaluate specific aspects of man's immunologic and hematologic systems which might be altered by or respond to the space flight environment. The biochemical functions investigated included cytogenetic damage to blood cells, immune resistance to disease, regulation of plasma and red cell volumes, metabolic processes of the red blood cell, and physical chemical aspects of red blood cell functions. Only minor changes were observed in the functional capacity of erythrocytes as determined by measuring the concentrations of selected intracellular enzymes and metabolites. Tests of red cell osmotic regulation indicated some elevation in the activity of the metabolic dependent Na-K pump, with no significant alterations in the cellular Na and K concentrations or osmotic fragility. A transient shift in red cell specific-gravity profile was observed on recovery, possibly related to changes in cellular water content. Measurements of hemoconcentration (hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, red cell count) indicated significant fluctuations postflight, reflecting observed changes in red cell mass and plasma volume. There was no apparent reticulocytosis during the 18 days following the first manned Skylab mission in spite of a significant loss in red cell mass. However, the reticulocyte count and index did increase significantly 5 to 7 days after completion of the second, longer duration, flight. There were no significant changes in either the while blood cell count or differential. However, the capacity of lymphocytes to respond to an in vitro mitogenic challenge was repressed postflight, and appeared to be related to mission duration. The cause of this repression is unknown at this time. Only minor differences were observed in plasma protein patterns. In the second mission there were changes in the proteins involved in the coagulation process which suggested a hypercoagulative condition. 相似文献