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An overview is provided of Australian space activities and their legacy, including the Woomera launch centre, tracking stations, space science, technology and applications. The military basis for many of the larger activities is discussed and the importance of using space-based remote sensing to deal with mounting global problems is emphasized.  相似文献   
At a time when scientific and commercial interest in the Moon is being reinvigorated it is becoming fashionable for ordinary individuals to ‘buy’ plots on the lunar surface, with the ‘vendors’ arguing that an absence of specific prohibition of individual private activity in space makes such action legal. It is therefore time for the legal community to address this situation by investigating just how legal such activity is—and bringing their findings to the attention of governments. This can be done through an examination of the relationship between national law and international space law, of the provisions of international space law—especially Article 2 of the Outer Space Treaty—and by answering any claims to private ownership of immovable property. Aside from the fact that individuals appear to be being duped, the pursuit of property claims on the Moon could impede future activities aimed at benefiting society.  相似文献   
为了提高所选定飞行器模型的机动性,采用了一种标准遗传算法设计前缘翼根延伸(LEX).同时使用一种由三维低阶板方法结合DATCOM方法半经验公式的改进方法预测复杂外形飞行器(机身 机翼 尾翼)的空气动力载荷和最大升力系数.结果表明,在前缘翼根存在的情况下,升力系数在马赫数为0.4~0.8时提升了20.5%~15.3%,在马赫数为1.2时提升了6.8%,在马赫数为0.2~0.95之间升力系数最大值提升了9.5%~15%.在1~5 km的高度亚音速飞行时,其回转率得到了6.6%~8.0%的提升.  相似文献   
针对混合型步进电机低速运行状态下脉动转矩较大的特点,应用鲁棒自适应控制策略来设计其低速伺服控制器,以实现高精度的跟踪控制性能.首先,根据混合型步进电机转矩形成的机理,揭示了其固有的脉动转矩对低速运动控制产生不利影响的动力学特征,并将它归结为两种结构不确定性,便于控制器的设计;其次,采取标准的自适应控制及其鲁棒化设计思想,借助于μ-修整策略来实现相应的控制律,确保脉动转矩的最大化补偿及伺服系统低速跟踪控制满足高性能的要求;最后对所建立的低速跟踪控制系统的性能进行了试验评估,并与作者前期的工作进行了比较,试验结果验证了其有效性与可行性.  相似文献   
The possibility of an ocean within the icy shell of Jupiter's moon Europa has established that world as a primary candidate in the search for extraterrestrial life within our Solar System. This paper evaluates the potential to detect evidence for microbial life by comparing laboratory studies of terrestrial microorganisms with measurements from the Galileo Near Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (NIMS). If the interior of Europa at one time harbored life, some evidence may remain in the surface materials. Examination of laboratory spectra of terrestrial extremophiles measured at cryogenic temperatures reveals distorted, asymmetric nearinfrared absorption features due to water of hydration. The band centers, widths, and shapes of these features closely match those observed in the Europa spectra. These features are strongest in reddish-brown, disrupted terrains such as linea and chaos regions. Narrow spectral features due to amide bonds in the microbe proteins provide a means of constraining the abundances of such materials using the NIMS data. The NIMS data of disrupted terrains exhibit distorted, asymmetric near-infrared absorption features consistent with the presence of water ice, sulfuric acid octahydrate, hydrated salts, and possibly as much as 0.2 mg cm(-3) of carbonaceous material that could be of biological origin. However, inherent noise in the observations and limitations of spectral sampling must be taken into account when discussing these findings.  相似文献   
The goal of this paper is to summarize the experimental data on the atmosphere of Venus obtained after 1985, when the VIRA (Venus International Reference Atmosphere) or COSPAR model was published. Among the most important results that have appeared since then are the following: measurements of the vertical temperature profile by the VEGA spacecraft with high precision and high altitude resolution; measurements made with balloons of the VEGA spacecraft; radio occultation measurements of Magellan, Venera-15, and Venera-16; and temperature profiles derived from the data of infrared spectrometry obtained by Venera-15. The new result as compared to VIRA is the creation of a model of the atmosphere in the altitude range 55 to 100 km dependent on local time. This model is presented in our paper in tabulated form.  相似文献   
Calcium ions may play a key role in linking graviperception by the root cap to the asymmetric growth which occurs in the elongation zone of gravistimulated roots. Application of calcium-chelating agents to the root cap inhibits gravitropic curvature without affecting growth. Asymmetric application of calcium to one side of the root cap induces curvature toward the calcium source, and gravistimulation induces polar movement of applied 45Ca2+ across the root cap toward the lower side. The action of calcium may be linked to auxin movement in roots since 1) auxin transport inhibitors interfere both with gravitropic curvature and gravi-induced polar calcium movement and 2) asymmetric application of calcium enhances auxin movement across the elongation zone of gravistimulated roots. Indirect evidence indicates that the calcium-modulated regulator protein, calmodulin, may be involved in either the transport or action of calcium in the gravitropic response mechanism of roots.  相似文献   
With the advent of a permanent manned space station the longstanding problems of radiation protection in manned spaceflight have acquired an immediacy. This paper endeavors to emphasize the gaps of our knowledge which must be closed for effective radiation protection. The information that is required includes the accurate determination of the exposure inside the space station to the various components of tile ionizing radiation, the evaluation of the biological importance of the different radiation qualities and the depth dose distribution of the less penetrating component. There is also the possibility of an interaction with weightlessness. It is necessary to establish adequate radiation protection standards and a system of dosimetric surveillance. There is a need for studies of possible methods of hardening selective shielding of the space station. Spaceflight experiments, which might contribute to the solution of some of these problems are discussed.  相似文献   
As the USA, Europe and other nations embark on a new voyage of exploration to the Moon, Mars and beyond, they should lay the foundations and establish precedents that invite a host of participants and followers. We argue that international cooperation, driven by foreign-policy and cost-sharing considerations, has taken a prominent role but must be pragmatically and flexibly balanced with economic and strategic self-interest. Since exploration visions are likely to differ, the steps each country will pursue, the funding provided, and schedules followed will also differ. To support an enduring exploration vision, it will be important to remain flexible to changing priorities and amenable to the inclusion of new, non-traditional participants. Open-systems principles and metaprinciples should be employed at all levels—hardware, software, programmatic, political and cultural. Equally important, national leadership and decision makers should be mindful of the potential pitfalls that might undermine the venture. While the new vision inspires us all, it will take creativity, resourcefulness, hard work and cooperation to succeed.  相似文献   
An estimate of the feasibility of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray and neutrino detection using a lunar satellite-borne radio receiver is presented. The data obtained in the proposed experiment will make resolving the current contradictions in the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray spectra measured with the major ground-based instruments possible. Moreover, they will enable us to considerably extend the accessible energy range and to check predictions of various models of the origin of the highest-energy particles in the Universe. At the same time the lunar radio detector provides a means of searching for ultrahigh-energy neutrinos with a high sensitivity combined with a very large target effective mass.  相似文献   
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