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In this paper, one of the most possible methods for calculations of ejector devices equipped with the cylindrical mixing chambers is considered; the method is based on averaging the flow parameters at the chamber inlet. We present the calculation results and their comparison with the earlier published data, as well as the quantitative assessment of this method and feasibilities of its use for different technical devices embodying the concept of ejection.  相似文献   
Recent space observations of waves, both electromagnetic and electrostatic, are reviewed and the role which they can play in the dynamics of magnetospheric particles is stressed. Wave particle interactions (WPI) in the exo- and intra-plasmaspheric media depend on the exact process of particle injection under the influence of magnetospheric electric fields, and on the spatial distribution of the cold plasma particles; these two aspects of the problem are studied to some extent. The concepts of optimum cold plasma density, critical energy, limiting flux, marginal stability, steady-state equilibrium are critically discussed. The non-linear aspects — both experimental and theoretical — of WPI's are reviewed and a special section is devoted to active experiments in space. An attempt is made to outline which kind of experiments could be made at high-latitudes, in conjunction with IMS spacecrafts, in order to arrive at a better understanding of magnetospheric processes involving waves and particles.Paper presented at the Esro Symposium on European Sounding Rocket and Scientific Balloon Activity at High Latitudes with Emphasis on the International Magnetospheric Study (Örenäs Slott, Sweden, 1974).  相似文献   
A recursive track-before-detect algorithm, producing potentially large signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gains under realizable conditions, is described. The basic relation has the form of a linear, constant-coefficient difference equation with a unity magnitude damping factor. Known as recursive moving-target-indication (RMTI), this procedure adapts easily to digital processing and achieves SNR gains comparable to those from other robust track-before-detect algorithms. Examples are given to demonstrate the performance of the moving target indicator (MTI) procedure  相似文献   
An airborne system has been developed for charting shallow coastal and inland waters. The primary components of this system are an aerial survey camera, a profiling laser radar, an analytical stereo plotter, and a multisensor track recovery system (TRS). The TRS comprises a gimbaled inertial navigation system and a number of auxiliary sensors which acquire redundant position and attitude information. The sensor data are combined postmission using a U-D factorized Kalman filter and modified Bryson-Frazier smoother to compute accurate estimates of the orientation parameters of the survey camera at the times of film exposure. These parameters are used to position each overlapping pair of photographs on the analytical plotter to form a stereo image and corresonding analytical stereomodel from which water depth measurements are made. Flight trial results demonstrate that the TRS can achieve radial position and attitude accuracies which exceed 1 m and 2 arcmin root mean square (rms), respectively, and that this level of performance is sufficient to enable water depth measurements to be made to an accuracy of better than 0.65 m (rms).  相似文献   
During the last decade a large number of radars (~12) have been developed, which have produced substantial quantities of tidally-corrected mean winds data. The distribution of the radars is not global, but many areas are well covered: the Americas with Poker Flat (65°N), Saskatoon (52°N), Durham (43°N), Atlanta (34°N), Puerto Rico (18°N); Europe with Kiruna (68°), Garchy (47°N) and Monpazier (44°N); and Oceania with Christchurch (44°S), Adelaide (35°S), Townsville (20°S), and Kyoto (35°N). Zonal and meridional wind height-time cross-sections from 6080 km (MF/Meteor Radar) to ~110 km have been prepared for the last 5–6 years. They are compared with cross-sections from CIRA-72 for zonal winds, and Groves (1969) for meridional winds.It is shown that while CIRA-72 is still a useful model for many purposes, significant differences exist between it and the new radar data. The latter demonstrate important seasonal, latitudinal, longitudinal and hemispheric variations. The new meridional cross-sections are of great value. The common features with Groves (1969) are the equatorward cells in summer near 85 km; however their strength (~10 ms?1) and size are less. Systematic and somewhat different variations emerge at higher (?52°N) and middle (35–44°) latitudes.  相似文献   
Motivated by the need in many aerospace applications for a meaningful reference atmosphere characteristic of the whole of the tropics in both the northern and southern hemispheres of the globe, a proposal is made here for such an atmosphere upto an altitude of 80 km. The proposal is based on balloonsonde, rocketsonde and grenade and falling sphere data, respectively, in the range of about 0–20, 20–50 and 50–80 km height. The final proposal consists of six linear segments in the temperature distribution, with temperature values in degrees Centigrade of 27, ?9, ?74, ?5, ?5, ?74 and ?74 at altitudes of 0, 9, 16, 46, 52, 75 and 80 km respectively. The sea level pressure is taken as 1010 mb, and abridged tables of quantities of interest in meteorological and aerospace applications are provided.  相似文献   
Synthetic environments offer Space Flight projects an opportunity to perform rapid, comprehensive, and rigorous modeling of the critical elements of a mission in order to compute quantitative measures of design performance, associated risk, and actual mission utility value. Significantly, these studies can be performed early in the mission cycle. These synthetic terrains are generated on parallel, high-performance computers and served to remote simulations at near-interactive speeds. The terrain creation uses a realistic sequence of physical phenomena such as cratering and dusting with parametric control of features such as surface roughness and rock density. Terrain resolution may be arbitrary but typically ranges from 0.01 to 10 meters. The terrain server has been used for two rover simulations, one using the actual Sojourner autonomy flight code, and the other a more general algorithm. Monte Carlo studies of rover designs interacting with synthetic environments were executed in parallel to quickly compute performance statistics and risk estimates.  相似文献   
In this work we present preliminary results of nuclear composition measurements on board space station MIR obtained with SILEYE-2 particle telescope. SILEYE-2 was placed on MIR in 1997 and has been working since then. It consists of an array of 6 active silicon strip detectors which allow nuclear and energetic identification of cosmic rays in the energy range between approximately 30 and 200 MeV/n. The device is attached to an helmet and connected to an eye mask which shields the cosmonaut eyes from light and allow studies of the Light Flashes (LF) phenomenon. In addition to the study of the causes of LF, the device is used to perform real time long term radiation environment monitoring inside the MIR, performing measurements in solar quiet and active days.  相似文献   
We present the technical characteristics of a low-cost radio telescope for solar/non solar observations at decimetric (1200–1700 MHz) and centimetric (2700 and 5000 MHz) wavelengths known as Brazilian Decimetric Array (BDA). The technical specifications of the antenna, tracking system, log-periodic feed, preamplifier and the frequency-synthesised receiver with a Single Side Band (SSB) video output of 2.5 MHz are given.  相似文献   
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