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A laboratory experiment helps to understand the light scattering property of regolith like samples with known compositions and other physical parameters. The laboratory data so obtained can be compared with the existing in situ data on celestial objects like asteroids. Further, it may be analyzed with the help of various theoretical models to understand the light scattering processes from regolith more clearly. In this work we have performed laboratory based photometry of the light scattered from the surfaces of powdered alumina (Al2O3) at various tilt angles of the sample and at large phase angles, with the particles having diameter 0.3 μm. The wavelength of observation was 632.8 nm. These data have been fitted by a surface scattering model originally suggested by Hapke. Instead of using empirical Henyey–Greenstein phase function to fix the values of albedo and phase function to be used within Hapke formula, we have used Mie theory for the same. This approach helped us to determine the single particle properties such as particle diameter and complex refractive index from surface scattering phase curve alone. Mie theory depends only on the size parameter X(=2π(radius/wavelength)) and complex refractive index (nk) of the material. Since the absorption coefficient (k) for alumina is known to be very low but not exactly zero, the best fit to the experimental data was obtained by least square technique with k as a free parameter, as the other parameters are known. Finally, we compare our results with other published results and discuss the scope of application of the method we adopted.  相似文献   
Using nine years (1995–2003) of solar wind plasma and magnetic field data, solar sunspot number, and geomagnetic activity data, we investigated the geomagnetic activity associated with magnetic clouds (MCs), magnetic cloud-like structures (MCLs), and interplanetary shock waves. Eighty-two MCs and one hundred and twenty-two MCLs were identified by using solar wind and magnetic field data from the WIND mission, and two hundred and sixty-one interplanetary shocks were identified over the period of 1995–2003 in the vicinity of Earth. It is found that MCs are typically more geoeffective than MCLs or interplanetary shocks. The occurrence frequency of MCs is not well correlated with sunspot number. By contrast, both occurrence frequency of MCLs and sudden storm commencements (SSCs) are well correlated with sunspot number.  相似文献   
The Moon landings of the Apollo programme irrevocably changed the way we see ourselves. Most significantly, this was the first time that humans had set foot on a celestial body other than Earth. The program has left a number of sites on the Moon as well as on Earth. While the management of the sites and artefacts on Earth is fairly straightforward as they are subject to national heritage legislation, it is not so simple with the sites and artefacts on the lunar surface. Moreover, the sites on the Moon differ in one unique aspect from all other heritage sites on Earth: the absence of a lunar atmosphere of any note means that all foot- and track prints of the astronauts are preserved providing a total record of the pioneering phases of human exploration of the Moon. The nascent developments of space tourism, including proposals for lunar heritage tourism, however, threaten the preservation of these traces on the Moon. This paper discusses the terrestrial and in particular the extraterrestrial heritage of the Apollo programme. Set out are the management ethics that need to apply on the lunar surface if this unique heritage is to have a future.  相似文献   
The grazing incidence X-ray mirrors with diameters between 20 and 240 mm were produced by two different replica techniques. Five mirrors were flown in space experiments. It has been confirmed that the galvanoplastic replica mirrors are well suited for applications in space telescopes and laboratory microscopes.  相似文献   
The propagation of Jovian electrons in interplanetary space was modelled by solving the relevant transport equation numerically through the use of stochastic differential equations. This approach allows us to calculate, for the first time, the propagation time of Jovian electrons from the Jovian magnetosphere to Earth. Using observed quiet-time increases of electron intensities at Earth, we also derive values for this quantity. Comparing the modelled and observed propagation times we can gauge the magnitude of the transport parameters sufficiently to place a limit on the 6 MeV Jovian electron flux reaching Earth. We also investigate how the modelled propagation time, and corresponding Jovian electron flux, varies with the well-known ∼13 month periodicity in the magnetic connectivity of Earth and Jupiter. The results show that the Jovian electron intensity varies by a factor of ∼10 during this cycle of magnetic connectivity.  相似文献   
Recently, the high rate global navigation satellite system-precise point positioning (GNSS-PPP) technique has been used to detect the dynamic behavior of structures. This study aimed to increase the accuracy of the extraction oscillation properties of structural movements based on the high-rate (10?Hz) GNSS-PPP monitoring technique. A developmental model based on the combination of wavelet package transformation (WPT) de-noising and neural network prediction (NN) was proposed to improve the dynamic behavior of structures for GNSS-PPP method. A complicated numerical simulation involving highly noisy data and 13 experimental cases with different loads were utilized to confirm the efficiency of the proposed model design and the monitoring technique in detecting the dynamic behavior of structures. The results revealed that, when combined with the proposed model, GNSS-PPP method can be used to accurately detect the dynamic behavior of engineering structures as an alternative to relative GNSS method.  相似文献   
We analyzed high-angular rate streaks first recorded by OSIRIS-REx’s MapCam during a 2017 search for Earth Trojan asteroids. We interpret them as water-ice particles that translated across the imager’s field of view, originating from the spacecraft itself. Their translation velocities approximated 0.1–1?m/s based on reasonable conclusions about their range. Pursuing several lines of investigation to seek a coherent hypothesis, we conclude that the episodic releases of the water ice particles are associated with spacecraft attitudes that resulted in solar illumination of previously shadowed regions. This correlation suggests that the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft itself possesses micro-climatic zones consisting of hot regions and cold traps that may temporarily potentially pass volatiles back and forth before losing most of them.  相似文献   
Basic concepts and algorithms laid as foundations of the scheme of landing on the Martian moon Phobos (developed for the Phobos-Grunt project) are presented. The conditions ensuring the landing are discussed. Algorithms of onboard navigation and control are described. The equations of spacecraft motion with respect to Phobos are considered, as well as their use for correction of the spacecraft motion. The algorithm of estimation of the spacecraft’s state vector using measurements with a laser altimeter and Doppler meter of velocity and distance is presented. A system for modeling the landing with a firmware complex including a prototype of the onboard computer is described.  相似文献   
五自由度磁悬磨头电控系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究的高速磨床电磁悬浮磨头电控系统尽量采用最新技术,在保证系统 性能的前提下降低了系统造价。在该系统中采用TMS320F240 DSP芯片作为控制核心,同时控制磁悬浮轴承的悬浮和变频电机调速,采用运行效率很高的汇编语言编写控制软件,其中磁悬浮轴承是PID控制算法,电机调速为SPWM方式。磁悬浮轴承PWM功率放大器中采用能简化驱动的新型半桥电路,电机调速主电路中采用智能功率模块(IPM)。动态刚度测试和高速运转实验表明,该电控系统满足高速磨床电磁悬浮磨头的控制要求。  相似文献   
The Suess-Urey (S-U) mission has been proposed as a NASA Discovery mission to return samples of matter from the Sun to the Earth for isotopic and chemical analyses in terrestrial laboratories to provide a major improvement in our knowledge of the average chemical and isotopic composition of the solar system. The S-U spacecraft and sample return capsule will be placed in a halo orbit around the L1 Sun-Earth libration point for two years to collect solar wind ions which implant into large passive collectors made of ultra-pure materials. Constant Spacecraft-Sun-Earth geometries enable simple spin stabilized attitude control, simple passive thermal control, and a fixed medium gain antenna. Low data requirements and the safety of a Sun-pointed spinner, result in extremely low mission operations costs.  相似文献   
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