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The application of importance sampling to the efficient simulation of low-probability events is discussed. Several examples are given to illustrate how the technique works for processes involving single and multiple statistical inputs. A procedure is also given for handling the case of multiple inputs where each is from a different statistical process.  相似文献   
Nonlinear filtering methods application in INS alignment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The problem of course alignment of inertial navigation systems is considered. Error equations of nonlinear character have been obtained at a considerable level of a priori course uncertainty. The algorithm for solving the problem of optimal estimation of the state vector described by nonlinear equations from linear measurements has been developed for the analysis of a potential alignment accuracy with the piecewise-Gaussian approximation of a posteriori density used. The results of the study of efficiency of various suboptimal alignment algorithms obtained by the use of the software developed are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
An urgent problem of organizing the on-line monitoring of large territories using the information unmanned aerial systems (UAS) is considered. We determine the UAS placement and their necessary number by solving a two-criteria problem on rational covering of the territory by these systems. A man-machine algorithm and an example of the problem solution are presented.  相似文献   
The great fear of a nuclear castastrophe is the prime lesson learned from the Three Mile Island accident. This fear is real and creates a major risk to our society. Although the probability of a major release of radioactivity occurring at a given plant in a given year is low, the rapidly increasin number of plants around the world increases the probability that such a catastrophe will occur someplace in the next few years. When a major release does occur, people will demand an end to the use of energy from nuclear power. We are at grave risk in not having an alternative, in not providing a choice in time. The alternatives are clearly defined. But we need to see that the resources are made available to develop them.  相似文献   
The present experimental knowledge of electron precipitation in the auroral zone is summarized, using observations primarily from riometer, balloon, rocket and satellite studies. This includes the association of electron precipitation events with aurora, magnetic disturbances as well as temporal and spatial aspects of the particle bombardment.  相似文献   
A planner that improves the control decisions made by a blackboard-based problem solver is described. This planner interleaves planning and execution. It sketches out major plan steps but incrementally details actions for only the next step since earlier actions influence how (and whether) to pursue a plan. The planner also reasons about time constraints, revising plans to meet problem-solving deadlines and deciding when it has done enough work on a problem. Implementation of these mechanisms is outlined, and experiments are discussed showing how they reduce overall computation and improve problem solving  相似文献   
Atmospheric tides   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
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